< John 13 >

1 Now, before the feast of the passover, Jesus, knowing that his hour had come, that he should remove out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own that were in the world, unto the end, loved them.
Iidda Kormaridda horteed Ciise wuxuu garanayay inay timid saacaddiisii uu dunidan ka tegi lahaa ilaa Aabbaha, oo siduu u jeclaa kuwiisii dunida joogay, ayuu u jeclaa tan iyo dhammaadka.
2 And, supper, being in progress, the adversary, having already thrust into the heart of Judas son of Simon Iscariot, that he should deliver him up, —
Ibliiska ayaa markii hore qalbiga Yuudas Iskariyod ina Simoon geliyey inuu Ciise gacangeliyo.
3 [Jesus] knowing that, all things, the Father had given unto him, into his hands, and that, from God, he had come, and, unto God, he was going,
Oo wakhtiga cashada Ciise oo garanaya in Aabbuhu wax walba gacanta u geliyey iyo inuu Ilaah ka yimid oo Ilaah ku noqonayo,
4 rouseth himself out of the supper, and layeth aside his garments, and taking a linen cloth, girded himself.
ayuu cashadii ka kacay oo dharkii iska dhigay, tuwaalna wuu qaatay oo guntaday.
5 Next, he poureth water into the wash-basin, and began to be washing the feet of the disciples, and to be wiping them with the linen cloth wherewith he was girded.
Markaasuu biyo weel ku shubay oo bilaabay inuu xertiisa cagaha u maydho oo ku tirtiro tuwaalkii uu guntanaa.
6 So he cometh unto Simon Peter. He saith unto him—Lord, dost, thou, wash my feet?
Wuxuu haddaba u yimid Simoon Butros. Kaasaa ku yidhi, Sayidow, ma adaa cagaha ii maydhaya?
7 Jesus answered, and said unto him—What, I, am doing, thou, knowest not, as yet; howbeit, thou shalt got to know, hereafter.
Markaasaa Ciise u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waxaan samaynaya, garan maysid imminka, laakiinse dabadeed waad garan doontaa.
8 Peter saith unto him—In nowise shalt thou, ever, wash my feet. Jesus answered him—If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me. (aiōn g165)
Butros ayaa ku yidhi, Weligaa cagaha ii maydhi maysid. Ciise wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Haddaanan kuu maydhin, qayb iguma lihid. (aiōn g165)
9 Simon Peter saith unto him—Lord! not my feet only, but my hands also, and my head.
Markaasaa Simoon Butros ku yidhi, Sayidow, cagaha keliya ha ii maydhin, laakiin gacmaha iyo madaxana ii maydh.
10 Jesus saith unto him—He that hath bathed himself, hath no need [save as to the feet] to get washed; but is pure, as a whole. And, ye, are, pure, but not ye, all.
Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Kii maydhni uma baahna inuu maydho cagihiisa mooyaane, laakiin waa wada nadiifsan yahay, idinkuna waa nadiifsan tihiin, laakiin dhammaantiin ma aha.
11 For he know the man that was delivering him up; therefore, said he—Not ye all, are pure.
Waayo, wuu garanayay kii gacangelin lahaa. Sidaa daraaddeed ayuu u yidhi, Dhammaantiin ma wada nadiifsanidin.
12 When, therefore, he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and reclined, again said he unto them—Are ye taking note, what I have done unto you?
Haddaba markuu cagihii u maydhay iyagii, oo dharkiisa qaatay, oo haddana fadhiistay, markaasuu ku yidhi, Ma garanaysaan waxaan idinku sameeyey?
13 Ye, call me, The Teacher, and, The Lord, —and, well, say, for I am.
Waxaad iigu yeedhaan, Macallin iyo Sayid, waadna ku hagaagsan tihiin, waayo, waan ahay.
14 If then, I, have washed your feet, —[I] The Lord, and, The Teacher, ye also, ought to wash, one another’s, feet;
Haddaba haddaan cagaha idiin maydhay anigoo ah Sayidka iyo Macallinka, idinkuna waa inaad cagaha isu maydhaan.
15 For, an example, have I given you, —that, just as, I, did unto you, ye also, should be doing.
Waxaan idin siiyey masaal inaad samaysaan sidaan idinku sameeyey.
16 Verily, verily, I say unto you—A servant is not greater than his lord, neither one sent forth greater than he that sent him.
Runtii, runtii, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Addoon kama weyna sayidkiis, mid la soo dirayna kama weyna kii soo diray.
17 If, these things, ye know, happy, are ye, if ye be doing them.
Haddaad waxyaalahan garanaysaan, waad barakaysan tihiin haddaad yeeshaan.
18 Not, concerning you all, am I speaking, —for, I, know of whom I made choice; but…that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled: He that feedeth on my bread, hath lifted up against me, his heel.
Dhammaantiin ka hadli maayo; waan garanayaa kuwaan doortay. Laakiin Qorniinka leh, Kan kibistayda cuna ayaa cedhibtiisa ii qaaday, waa inuu ahaado.
19 Henceforth, I tell you, before it cometh to pass, —that ye may believe, whensoever it doth come to pass, that, I, am he.
Hadda dabadeed waxaas ayaan idiin sheegayaa intaanay dhicin, in markay dhacaan aad rumaysataan inaan ahay isagii.
20 Verily, verily, I say unto you—He that receiveth whomsoever I shall send, receiveth, me; and, he that receiveth, me, receiveth him that sent me.
Runtii, runtii, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Kan aqbala ku alla kaan soo diro ayaa i aqbala, oo kan i aqbalaana wuxuu aqbalaa kii i soo diray.
21 These things, having said, Jesus, was troubled in spirit, and bare witness, and said—Verily, verily, I say unto you—One from among you, will deliver me up.
Ciise markuu sidaas yidhi, ayuu ka qalbi xumaaday, wuxuuna bayaan u sheegay oo yidhi, Runtii, runtii, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Midkiin ayaa i gacangelin doona.
22 The disciples began to look one at another, being at a loss concerning whom he was speaking.
Markaasay xertii is-eegeegeen iyagoo aan garanaynin kii uu ka hadlayay.
23 One of Jesus’ disciples was reclining in his bosom, one whom Jesus loved:
Waxaa joogay oo laabta Ciise ku tiirsanaa xertiisa midkood oo uu Ciise jeclaa.
24 so Simon Peter beckoneth unto the same, and saith unto him—Say, Who is it? concerning whom he speaketh.
Sidaa daraaddeed ayaa Simoon Butros calaamo u sameeyey oo ku yidhi, Noo sheeg yuu yahay kan uu ka hadlayo.
25 He, falling back thus, upon the breast of Jesus, saith unto him—Lord! who is it?
Isagoo sidii ugu tiirsan laabta Ciise, ayuu ku yidhi, Sayidow, waa kuma?
26 Jesus, therefore, answereth—That one, it is, for whom, I, shall dip the morsel, and give unto him. So, dipping the morsel, he taketh and giveth it unto Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.
Markaasaa Ciise ugu jawaabay, Waa kii aan koosaarta u dari doono oo aan siin doono. Haddaba markuu koosaarta u daray ayuu qaaday oo siiyey Yuudas Iskariyod ina Simoon.
27 And, after the morsel, then, entered, Satan, into that man. Jesus, therefore, saith unto him—What thou art doing, do quickly!
Markuu koosaarta qaatay dabadeed, Shayddaan baa galay isagii. Sidaa daraaddeed Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad samaynayso dhaqso u samee.
28 But, as to this, none of them who were reclining with him knew respecting what, he said it to him.
Kuwa la fadhiyey midkoodna ma garanaynin sababta uu sidaas ugula hadlay isaga.
29 For, some, were thinking, since Judas held the bag, that Jesus was saying to him—Buy the things of which we have, need, for the feast; or that, unto the destitute, he should give something.
Yuudas baa kiishaddii lacagta hayay, taas aawadeed qaar waxay u maleeyeen in Ciise ku yidhi, Soo iibi waxaynu iidda u baahan nahay, ama, Masaakiinta wax sii.
30 So, he, taking the morsel, went out straightway; —and it was night.
Isagu haddaba markuu koosaartii qaatay, markiiba ayuu baxay, oo waxayna ahayd habeennimo.
31 When, therefore, he had gone out, Jesus saith—Just now, was, the Son of Man, glorified, and, God, was glorified in him;
Haddaba markuu baxay, Ciise ayaa yidhi, Hadda Wiilka Aadanahu waa ammaanmay, Ilaahna waa ku ammaanmay isaga.
32 And, God, will glorify him, in himself, —and, straightway, glorify him.
Haddii Ilaahu ku ammaanmay isaga, Ilaahna waa ammaani doonaa isaga qudhiisa, oo markiiba wuu ammaani doonaa.
33 Dear children! Yet a little, am I, with you. Ye shall seek me, and, just as I said unto the Jews, Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come, unto you also, I say it, even now.
Carruur yahay yaryari, weli in yar baan idinla joogayaa. Waad i dooni doontaan, oo sidaan Yuhuuddii ku idhi, Meeshaan tegayo iman kari maysaan, idinkana hadda sidaasaan idinku leeyahay.
34 A new commandment, give I unto you, —That ye be loving one another: Just as I loved you, that, ye also, be loving one another:
Waxaan idin siinayaa qaynuun cusub oo ah, Waa inaad isjeclaataan; sidaan idiin jeclaaday, idinkuna waa inaad isu jeclaataan.
35 By this, shall all men take knowledge, that, my disciples, ye are, —If ye have, love, one to another.
Sidaasay dadka oo dhammi idinku garan doonaan inaad xertaydii tihiin, haddaad jacayl isu qabtaan.
36 Simon Peter saith unto him—Lord! whither dost thou withdraw? Jesus answered—Whither I withdraw, thou canst not, now, follow me, but thou shalt follow, hereafter.
Simoon Butros ayaa ku yidhi, Sayidow, xaggee baad tegaysaa? Ciise wuxuu ugu jawaabay, Meeshaan tegayo hadda ii raaci kari maysid, laakiin mar dambe waad i soo raaci doontaa.
37 Peter saith unto him—Lord! why, cannot I follow thee, even now? My life, in thy behalf, will I lay down.
Butros ayaa ku yidhi, Sayidow, maxaan hadda kuu raaci kari waayay? Naftaydaan aawadaa u bixin doonaaye.
38 Jesus answereth—Thy life, in my behalf, wilt thou lay down? Verily, verily, I say unto thee—In nowise shall a cock crow till thou hast denied me, thrice.
Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Miyaad naftaada u bixin doontaa aawaday? Runtii, runtii, waxaan kugu leeyahay, Diiqu ciyi maayo ilaa aad saddex kol i dafirtid.

< John 13 >