< John 12 >

1 Jesus, therefore, six days before the passover, came unto Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from among the dead.
Magono sita kwakona mselebuko wa Pasaka, Yesu ahikili ku Betania kweatamayi Lazalu, mundu yula mweamyukisi.
2 So they made for him a supper, there; and, Martha, was ministering, but, Lazarus, was one of them who were reclining with him.
Kwenuko vamtendelakili chakulya cha kimihi, Malita akavya kuvahengela. Lazalu avi mmonga wa vala vevatamili pameza pamonga na Yesu.
3 Mary, therefore, taking a pound of pure nard perfume, very precious, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped, with her hair, his feet; and, the house, was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
Kangi Maliya akatola libotolo la pinga la mahuta geginungalila bwina, gegatenganizwi kwa mkongo wa nado, gegiguliswa kwa mashonga gamahele, akamnyala Yesu mumagendelu na kuhungula kwa mayunju gaki. Nyumba yoha yikanungalila mahuta gala.
4 [But] Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, he that was about to deliver him up, saith—
Nambu Yuda Isikalioti mmonga wa vawuliwa vaki kumi na vavili vala ndi mweabweli kumng'anamukila Yesu, akajova,
5 Why was, this perfume, not sold for three hundred denaries, and given unto the destitute?
Ndava kyani mahuta ago gaguliswi lepi kwa hipandi miya zidatu ya madini ga feza, vapewayi vangangu.
6 Howbeit he said this, not that, for the destitute, he cared, but because, a thief, he was, and holding, the bag, used to carry away, what was cast therein.
Ajovili genago lepi ndava ya lipyana kwa vangangu, nambu avi mvika kahaku ka mashonga. Na pamahele ayivayi mashonga gegavikwayi mu kahaku kala muni avi mhiji.
7 Jesus, therefore, said—Let her alone, that, for the day of my burial, she may observe it;
Nambu Yesu akajova, “Mkoto kumung'aha mau mwenuyu! Muleka agavika ndava ya ligono la kunizika.
8 For, the destitute, always, have ye with you, whereas, me, not always, have ye.
Vangangu yati mwivya nawu magono goha, nambu mwivya lepi na nene magono goha.”
9 The great multitude of the Jews, therefore, got to know that he was, there, and came, not on account of Jesus only, but that, Lazarus also, they might see, whom he had raised from among the dead.
Vayawudi vamahele vayuwini kuvya Yesu avi ku Betania. Vakahika kwenuko lepi ndava ya kumlola Yesu ndi ndava ya kumlola Lazalu mweayukiswi na Yesu.
10 But the High-priests took counsel, that Lazarus also, they might put to death;
Hinu Vamteta vakulu mewawa vayidakilini kumkoma lazalu.
11 because, many of the Jews, by reason of him, were withdrawing, and believing on Jesus.
Ndava ya kuyukiswa kwa Lazalu Vayawudi vamahele vavabelili vachilongosi wavi, vakamsadika Yesu.
12 On the morrow, the great multitude that had come unto the feast, hearing that Jesus was coming into Jerusalem,
Chilau yaki, msambi uvaha wa vandu vevabwelili kumselebuko vakayuwana Yesu avi munjila kubwela pa Yelusalemu.
13 took the branches of the palm trees, and went out to meet him, and began crying aloud—Hosanna! Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, —even the King of Israel!
Hinu vakatola matutu ga mavali, vakawuka kuhamba kumpokela, vakajova kwa lwami luvaha. “Chapanga alumbiwa! Amotisiwa mwenuyo mweibwela kwa liina la Bambu. Amotisiwa Nkosi wa Isilaeli.”
14 And Jesus, finding a young ass, took his seat thereon, just as it is written—
Yesu akapewa mwana lipunda, akakwela panani yaki ngati chegijova Mayandiku Gamsopi.
15 Do not fear, O daughter of Zion! Lo! thy king, cometh, sitting upon the colt of an ass.
“Vandu va muji wa Siyoni mkotoka kuyogopa! Ulola, Nkosi waku ibwela. Akweli mwana lipunda!”
16 These things, his disciples noticed not, at the first; but, when Jesus was glorified, then, remembered they that, these things, had, for him, been written, —and that, these things, they had done unto him.
Vawuliwa vaki nakumanya mambu ago, nambu Yesu peamali kupewa ukulu, ndi vakamanya kuvya gala gamali kuyandikwa kumvala mwene, kuvya vandu vamkitili genago.
17 The multitude, therefore, that was with him when he called, Lazarus, out of the tomb, and raised him from among the dead, was bearing witness.
Msambi wa vandu vala vevavi pamonga na Yesu ligono leamkemili Lazalu kuhuma mulitinda, amyukisi. Vavajovili vandu mambu gala gegahumalili.
18 On this account, the multitude met him also, because they heard that he had done, this sign.
Ndava ya yeniyo msambi wa vandu ukahamba kumpokela, muni vayuwini kuvya akitili chinamtiti chenicho.
19 the Pharisees, therefore, said among themselves—Ye observe that ye are profiting nothing: See! the world, after him, hath gone away.
Hinu Vafalisayu vakakotana vene kwa vene, “Wu, mwilola? Nakuhotola kukita chochoha! Mlolayi, vandu voha va mulima vakumlanda.”
20 Now there were certain Greeks, from among them who were coming up that they might worship in the feast.
Kwavi na Vagiliki vadebe pagati ya vandu vala vevahikili ku Yelusalemu kumfugamila lukumbi lwa mselebuko wa pasaka.
21 These, therefore, came unto Philip, him who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, —and were requesting him, saying—Sir! We desire to see, Jesus.
Venavo vamhambili Filipi, mkolonjinji wa Betisaida mweavili pamulima wa Galilaya, vakajova “Mtopeswa tete tigana kumlola Yesu.”
22 Philip cometh, and telleth Andrew: Andrew and Philip come, and tell Jesus.
Filipi akahamba kumjovela Andelea, voha vavili vakahamba kumjovela Yesu.
23 But, Jesus, answereth them, saying—The hour hath come, that the Son of Man should be glorified!
Yesu akavajovela, “Saa ya Mwana wa Mundu kupewa ukulu yihikili.”
24 Verily! Verily, I say unto you: Except, the kernel of wheat, shall fall into the ground, and die, it, alone, abideth; but, if it die, much fruit, it beareth.
Chakaka nikujovela, mbeyu ya nganu yisigalila kuvya mbeyu ndu, mbaka yigwai muludaka na kufwa. Ngati yikafwayi ndi yimela na kupambika mbeyu yamahele.
25 He that loveth his life, loseth it; but, he that hateth his life, in this world, unto life age-abiding, shall guard it. (aiōnios g166)
Mundu yoyoha mweakuugana wumi waki yati akuuyagisa, nambu mundu yoyoha mweakuuyomela wumi waki pamulima apa, akuuvika wumi wa magono goha gangali mwishu. (aiōnios g166)
26 If, with me, anyone be ministering, with me, let him be following; and, where, I, am, there, my minister also, shall be. If anyone, with me, be ministering, the Father, will honour him.
Mundu mweigana kunihengala yikumgana kunilanda, mewa pala penivya nene, ndi peivya mtangatila wangu. Mundu akanihengelayi nene Dadi wangu yati akumtopesa.
27 Now, is my soul troubled, —and what can I say? Father! save me from this hour? But, on this account, came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name!
“Hinu mpungu wangu uvagaya, nijova wuli? ‘Dadi unisangulayi na lukumbi lwenulo?’ Nambu ndava ya genago nibwelili muni nipitilayi lukumbi ulu lwa mang'ahiso.
28 There came, therefore, a voice out of heaven—I both have glorified it, and will glorify it again.
Dadi, ugubukula ukulu waku.” Penapo lwami lukajova kuhuma kunani kwa Chapanga, “Nimali kuugubukula ukulu wangu na yati nikuugubukula kavili.”
29 [So], the multitude that was standing by, and heard it, were saying—It hath, thundered. Others, were saying—A messenger, unto him, hath spoken.
Msambi wa vandu vevayimili penapo vayuwini lwami lula, nambu vangi vavi vakajova, mbulumu na vangi vakajova “Mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga alongili naku!”
30 Jesus answered, and said—Not for my sake, hath this voice come, but, for your sake.
Nambu Yesu akavajovela, “Malovi gemuyuwini lepi ndava ya nene, nambu ndava ya nyenye.
31 Now, is there, a judging, of this world, —Now, the ruler of this world, shall be cast out;
Hinu ndi lukumbi lwa vandu va mulima uwu kuhamuliwa, Setani mweavi chilongosi wa mulima uwu yati ivingiwa.
32 And, I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw, all, unto myself.
Nene peniyinuliwa panani kuhuma pamulima yati kila mmonga yati ihutika kwangu.”
33 But, this, he was saying, signifying, by what manner of death, he was about to die.
Ajovili genago kulangisa lifwa leifwa.
34 The multitude, therefore, answered him—We, have heard, out of the law, that, the Christ, abideth evermore; How then dost, thou, say, —It behoveth the Son of Man to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man? (aiōn g165)
Hinu, msambi wa vandu wula ukamyangula “Tete tijoviwi na malagizu gitu kuvya Kilisitu yati ilama magono goha. Hinu uhotola wuli, kujova yikumgana Mwana wa Mundu kuyinuliwa? Mwana wa mundu mwenuyo ndi yani?” (aiōn g165)
35 Jesus, therefore, said unto them—Yet a little while, the light, is, among you: Walk, while ye have, the light, lest, darkness, on you should lay hold; and, he that walketh in darkness, knoweth not whither he drifteth.
Yesu akavajovela, “Lumuli lwakona na nyenye mu lukumbi luhupi. Mgenda kwakona muvi nalu lumuli lwenulo muni chitita chikoto kuvakolela, muni mweigenda muchitita angamanya kweihamba.
36 While, the light, ye have, believe on the light, that, sons of light, ye may become. These things, spake Jesus, —and, departing, was hid from them.
Lukumbi muvi na lumuli mwasadiki lumuli lwenulo muni mpata kuvya vandu va lumuli.” Peamali kujova malovi genago, Yesu akawuka mwene na kuhamba kujifiya patali na vandu.
37 And, although such signs, as these, he had done before them, they were not believing on him: —
Nambu pamonga Yesu ahengili gachinamtiti goha palongolo yavi, vene vamsadiki lepi.
38 that, the word of Isaiah the prophet, might be fulfilled, which said—Lord! who believed, what we have heard? And, the arm of the Lord, to whom, was it revealed?
Hinu malovi geajovili Isaya mweavili mlota wa Chapanga gakatimalila. “Bambu, yani mweasadiki ujumbi witu? Na uhotola wa Bambu agubukuliwi yani?”
39 On this account, they could not believe, because, again, said Isaiah—
Mewa vangahotola kusadika ndava Isaya ajovili kavili,
40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; lest they should see with their eyes, and should understand with their heart, and should turn, —and I should heal them.
“Chapanga agakoywisi mihu gavi Avahimwisi luhala lwavi. Vakoto kulola kwa mihu gavi. Vakoto kumanya kwa luhala lwavi. Nambu vakoto kuniwuyila. Muni nivalamisa.”
41 These things, said Isaiah, because he saw his glory, and spake concerning him.
Isaya ajovili ndava auwene ukulu wa Yesu na kujova ndava ya Yesu.
42 Nevertheless, however, even from among the rulers, many believed on him; but, because of the Pharisees, they were not confessing him, lest, excommunicants from the synagogue, they should be made;
Pamonga na ago, vachilongosi vamahele va Vayawudi vamsadiki Yesu. Nambu ndava ya kuvayogopa Vafalisayu nakujova hotohoto. Vayogwipi kuvingiwa munyumba za kukonganekela Vayawudi.
43 for they loved the glory of men, more than the glory of God.
Ndava muni vachilongosi avo vaganili kukwihiwa na vandu kuliku kukwihiwa na Chapanga.
44 And, Jesus, cried aloud, and said—He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me;
Kangi Yesu akajova, kwa lwami luvaha, “Mundu mweakunisadika nene, akunisadika lepi namwene ndu, mewawa akumsadika yula mweanitumili nene.
45 And, he that vieweth me, vieweth him that sent me.
Mweakunilola nene mewawa akumlola yula mweanitumili.
46 I, a light, into the world have come, that, no one who believeth on me, in darkness, should abide.
Nene nibwelili pamulima muni nivyayi lumuli, mundu yoyoha mweakunisadika akotoka kusigalila muchitita.
47 And, if anyone shall hearken unto my sayings, and not guard them, I, am not judging him; for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.
Mundu yoyoha mweiyuwana malovi gangu, na akugahengela lepi, nene nikumuhamula lepi. Muni nibweli hee ndava ya kuvahamula vandu va mumulima nambu kuvasangula.
48 He that setteth me aside, and receiveth not my sayings, hath that which is to judge him: The word that I spake, that, will judge him, in the last day.
Yula mweakunibela nene, mweangayidakila malovi gangu avi naku wa kumuhamula. Malovi ga Yesu yati gakuvahamula vandu ligono la mwishu.
49 Because, I, out of myself, spake not, but, the Father who sent me, hath, himself, given me commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
Nene nakujova kwa uhotola wangu namwene, nambu Dadi mweanitumili ndi mweanijovela nijova kyani na cheyiganikiwa kuvajovela vandu.
50 And I know that, his commandment, is, life age-abiding; The things, therefore, which I speak, just as the Father hath told me, so, I speak. (aiōnios g166)
Nene nimanyili kuvya mihilu yaki yileta wumi wa magono goha gangali mwishu. Hinu nene nijova gala ndu geanilagizi Dadi kujova.” (aiōnios g166)

< John 12 >