< Joel 2 >

1 Blow ye a horn in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land, tremble, —for coming is the day of Yahweh, for it is near!—
Hyɛn torobɛnto no wɔ Sion; hyɛn abɛn no wɔ me bepɔw kronkron no so. Ma wɔn a wɔte asase no so nyinaa ho mpopo, efisɛ Awurade da no reba, na abɛn koraa.
2 A day of obscurity and deep gloom, a day of cloud, and thick darkness, as dusk, spread over the mountains, —a people, many and bold, like whom, hath not been from age-past times, and, after whom, shall not be again unto the years of generation after generation.
Sum ne kusukuukuu da. Omununkum ne sum kabii da. Sɛnea adekyee hann trɛtrɛw wɔ mmepɔw so no, saa ara na asraafo a wɔdɔɔso na wɔyɛ den ba no te. Wonhuu wɔn sɛso bi da, na wɔrenhu ne sɛso nso da.
3 Before him, hath a fire, devoured, and, after him, shall a flame, consume, —As the garden of Eden, is the land before him, but, after him, a desert most desolate, Moreover also, escape, giveth he none.
Ogya rehyew wɔ wɔn anim, ogyatannaa dɛw wɔ wɔn akyi, asase a ɛda wɔn anim no te sɛ Eden turo, nea ɛda wɔn akyi no te sɛ nweatam, hwee nguan wɔn.
4 As the appearance of horses, is his appearance, and, as war-horses, so, shall they run:
Wɔte sɛ apɔnkɔ. Wohuruhuruw te sɛ apɔnkɔsotefo asraafo.
5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains, shall they rattle along, like the noise of a flame of fire, devouring dry straw, —like a people bold, arrayed for battle.
Wɔyɛ gyegyeegye te sɛ nteaseɛnam na wotu fa mmepɔw atifi, wɔte sɛ ogyatannaa a ɛhyew nwuraguanee wɔte sɛ asraafo akantinka a wɔrekɔ ɔsa.
6 Because of him, shall peoples’, be in anguish, —all faces, have withdrawn their colour.
Aman ani bɔ wɔn so a, ehu bɔ wɔn; na wɔn anim hoa.
7 Like heroes, shall they run, like men of war, shall they mount a wall, —and, every one—along his own road, shall they march along, and shall not change their paths;
Wɔko kɔ wɔn anim te sɛ akofo; wɔforo afasu te sɛ asraafo na wɔn nyinaa kɔ wɔn anim tee, na wɔmman benkum anaa nifa.
8 Nor, against each other, shall they strike, Each—on his own highway, shall they march, —though, in among the weapons, they fall, they shall not stop.
Wontwintwan wɔn ho wɔn ho anan mu; obiara nantew kɔ nʼanim tee. Wobu fa abandennen so, na wɔpem kɔ wɔn anim ara.
9 Upon the city, shall they leap, on the wall, shall they run, up the houses, shall they climb, —through the windows, shall they enter, like a thief,
Wɔtow hyɛ kuropɔn no so wotu mmirika fa afasu no so wɔforo kɔ afi mu, wɔfa mfɛnsere mu te sɛ akorɔmfo.
10 Before him, hath quaked the earth, have trembled the heavens, —the sun and the moon, have become dark, and, the stars, have withdrawn their shining;
Asase wosow wɔ wɔn anim, na ɔsoro hinhim. Owia ne ɔsram duru sum, na nsoromma nhyerɛn bio.
11 And, Yahweh, hath uttered his voice, before his host, for great indeed is his camp, for bold is he who executeth his word, —for great is the day of Yahweh, and awful exceedingly, Who then shall endure it?
Awurade bobɔ mu de di nʼasraafo no anim. Nʼakofo no dɔɔso bebree, ahoɔdenfo ne wɔn a wodi nʼahyɛde so. Awurade da no yɛ kɛse na ɛyɛ hu; hena na obetumi agyina ano?
12 Even now, therefore, urgeth Yahweh, Turn ye unto me, with all your heart, —and with fasting and with weeping, and with lamentation;
“Na afei,” sɛnea Awurade se ni, “San fa wo koma nyinaa bra me nkyɛn, wɔ akɔnkyen, osu ne awerɛhow mu.”
13 And rend your heart, and not your garments, turn therefore, unto Yahweh your God, —for, gracious and full of compassion, is he, slow to anger, and abundant in loving- kindness, and will grieve over calamity.
Sunsuan wo koma na ɛnyɛ wo ntade mu. San bra Awurade wo Nyankopɔn nkyɛn, efisɛ, ɔyɛ ɔdomfo, ne yam ye. Ne bo kyɛ fuw na ne dɔ boro so, na ɛnyɛ no anigye sɛ ɔtwe yɛn aso.
14 Who knoweth, he may turn and grieve, —and leave behind him, a blessing, a meal-offering and a drink-offering, to Yahweh your God?
Hena na onim? Ebia ɔbɛsesa nʼadwene na wahu mmɔbɔ na wagyaw nhyira, a ɛyɛ aduan ne ahwiesa afɔrebɔde a mode ma Awurade mo Nyankopɔn no.
15 Blow ye a horn, in Zion, —hallow a fast, call a solemn assembly:
Hyɛn torobɛnto wɔ Sion! Mommɔ akɔnkyen kronkron ho dawuru, momfrɛ nhyiamu kronkron.
16 Gather the people, hallow a convocation, collect the elders, gather the children, and the sucklings of the breasts, —let the bridegroom, come forth, from his chamber, and the bride from her bower:
Mommoaboa nnipa no ano montew nhyiamu no ho na ɛnyɛ kronkron; mommoaboa mpanyimfo, mmofra ne mmea a wɔrema nufu ano. Ma ayeforo ne ayeforokunu mfi wɔn pia mu mmra.
17 Between the porch and the altar, let the priests, weep, the attendants of Yahweh, —and let them say—Look with pity, O Yahweh, upon thy people, and do not deliver thine inheritance to reproach, that the nations, should mock them, Why should they say among the peoples, Where is their God?
Asɔfo a wɔsom wɔ Awurade anim no, nsu wɔ afɔremuka no ne abrannaa no ntam; na wɔnka se, “Awurade fa wo nkurɔfo ho kyɛ wɔn. Mma wʼagyapade nyɛ ahohorade anaa fɛwdi wɔ aman no mu. Adɛn nti na ɛsɛ sɛ wubisa wɔ nnipa no mu se, ‘Wɔn Nyame no wɔ he?’”
18 And Yahweh became jealous for his land, —and took pity on his people;
Na Awurade bɛtwe ninkunu wɔ nʼasase ho na ne nkurɔfo ayɛ no mmɔbɔ.
19 Then answered Yahweh, and said to his people: —Behold me! sending you the corn, and the new wine and the oil, so shall ye be satisfied therewith; and I will not make you, any more, a reproach among the nations.
Awurade bebua se, “Merebrɛ mo aduan, nsa foforo ne ngo, a ɛbɛso mo ama moamee pintinn. Merenyɛ mo ahohorade mma aman no bio.
20 And, the Northerner, will I remove far from you, and drive him into a land parched and desolate, with, his face, toward the eastern sea, and, his rear, toward the hinder sea, —then shall come up his ill odour, yea his stench, shall ascend, because he hath shown himself great in doing.
“Mɛpam atifi fam asraafo no afi wo nkyɛn akɔ akyirikyiri, mepia wɔn akɔ asase a awo na ɛyɛ kesee so. Nifa dɔm no bɛmem wɔ Nkyene Po no mu, na kyidɔm no bɛmem wɔ Ntam Po no mu. Na afunu no bɛbɔn na ne nka betu.” Nokware wayɛ nneɛma akɛse!
21 Be not thou afraid, O soil, —exult and rejoice, because Yahweh, hath shown himself great, in doing.
Munnsuro, me nkurɔfo! Momma mo ani nnye, na monsɛpɛw mo ho. Nokware Awurade ayɛ nneɛma akɛse.
22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field, for sprouted have the pastures of the wilderness, —for, the tree, hath borne its fruit, the fig-tree and the vine, have yielded their wealth.
Munnsuro, mo wuram mmoa! Efisɛ sare so adidibea reyɛ frɔmfrɔm. Nnua no resow wɔn aba; borɔdɔma ne bobe nso resow wɔn aba.
23 Ye sons of Zion, then, exult and be glad in Yahweh your God, for he hath given you the seed-rain, in right manner, —Yea he hath caused to descend for you a down-pour, of seed-rain and of the harvest-rain in the first month;
Momma mo ani nnye, mo Sion mma, Munni ahurusi wɔ Awurade mo Nyankopɔn mu, efisɛ watɔ asusowsu ama mo, ne nokwaredi nti. Watɔ osu bebree ama mo wɔ ne bere mu te sɛ kan no.
24 So shall the threshing-floors, be filled, with corn, —and the vats, overflow, with new wine and oil.
Aduan bɛyɛ awiporowbea hɔ ma, nsa foforo ne ngo bebu so wɔ kyi amoa mu.
25 Then will I make good to you the years which were eaten by the swarming locust, the grass locust, and the corn locust and the creeping locust, —even my great army, which I sent among you.
“Mɛhyɛ mo anan mu, nea mohweree mfe dodow a mmoadabi bɛsɛee mo nneɛma, mmoadabi akɛse ne nkumaa, ne wɔn a aka no nyinaa, me dɔm a mesomaa wɔn baa mo so no.
26 And ye shall eat and eat, and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of Yahweh your God, who hath dealt with you wondrously, —so shall my people, not be abashed, unto times age-abiding.
Mubedidi amee, na mubeyi Awurade mo Nyankopɔn din ayɛ. Ɔno na wayɛ anwonwade ama mo; me nkurɔfo ani renwu bio.
27 So shall ye know that, in the midst of Israel, I am, and that, I, Yahweh, am your God, and none else, —and my people, shall not be abashed, unto times age-abiding.
Afei, mubehu sɛ, mewɔ Israel, mubehu sɛ mene Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn, na obiara nni hɔ sɛ me; Me nkurɔfo ani renwu bio da.”
28 And it shall come to pass, afterwards, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters, shall prophesy, —your old men, shall dream, dreams, your young men, shall see, visions;
“Na akyiri no, mehwie me honhom agu nnipa nyinaa so, mo mmabarima ne mo mmabea bɛhyɛ nkɔm, mo nkwakoraa bɛsoso adae, mo mmerante benya anisoadehu.
29 Moreover also, upon the servants and upon the handmaids—in those days, will I pour out my spirit;
Saa mmere no mu no, mehwie me Honhom agu mʼasomfo so, mmarima ne mmea.
30 And I will set forth wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, —blood, and fire, and columns of smoke:
Mɛyɛ anwonwade wɔ ɔsoro ne asase so, mede mogya, ogya ne wusiw kumɔnn.
31 The sun, shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, —before the coming of the great and awful day of Yahweh.
Ansa na Awurade da kɛse no bɛba no, owia beduru sum na ɔsram nso ayɛ sɛ mogya.
32 And it shall come to pass, whosoever, shall call on the name of Yahweh, shall be delivered, —For in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, shall be a delivered remnant, just as Yahweh hath said, and among the survivors, whom Yahweh doth call.
Na obiara a ɔbɔ Awurade din no, wobegye no nkwa. Efisɛ nkwagye bɛba ama wɔn a wɔanya wɔn ti adidi mu a Awurade afrɛ wɔn wɔ Sion bepɔw so ne Yerusalem nyinaa,” sɛnea Awurade aka no.

< Joel 2 >