< Job 7 >

1 Is there not a warfare to a mortal, upon earth? And, as the days of a hireling, are not his days?
Nije li èovjek na vojsci na zemlji? a dani njegovi nijesu li kao dani nadnièarski?
2 As, a bondman, panteth for the shadow, and as, a hireling, longeth for his wage,
Kao što sluga uzdiše za sjenom i kao što nadnièar èeka da svrši,
3 So, have I been made to inherit months of calamity, and, nights of weariness, have been appointed me.
Tako su meni dati u našljedstvo mjeseci zaludni i noæi muène odreðene mi.
4 As soon as I lie down, I say, When shall I arise? yet he lengtheneth out the evening, and I am wearied with tossings until the breeze of twilight.
Kad legnem, govorim: kad æu ustati? i kad æe proæi noæ? i sitim se prevræuæi se do svanuæa.
5 My flesh is clothed with worms and a coating of dust, My skin, hath hardened, and then run afresh:
Tijelo je moje obuèeno u crve i u grude zemljane, koža moja puca i rašèinja se.
6 My days, are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they are spent, without hope.
Dani moji brži biše od èunka, i proðoše bez nadanja.
7 Remember thou, that, a wind, is my life, not again shall mine eye see blessing:
Opomeni se da je moj život vjetar, da oko moje neæe više vidjeti dobra,
8 Nor shall see me—the eye that used to behold me, Thine eyes, are upon me, and I am not.
Niti æe me vidjeti oko koje me je viðalo; i tvoje oèi kad pogledaju na me, mene neæe biti.
9 A cloud faileth, and is gone, So, he that descendeth to hades, shall not come up: (Sheol h7585)
Kao što se oblak razilazi i nestaje ga, tako ko siðe u grob, neæe izaæi, (Sheol h7585)
10 He shall not return again to his house, and his own place shall be acquainted with him no more.
Neæe se više vratiti kuæi svojoj, niti æe ga više poznati mjesto njegovo.
11 I also, cannot restrain my mouth, —I must speak, in the anguish of my spirit, I must find utterance, in the bitterness of my soul.
Zato ja neæu braniti ustima svojim, govoriæu u tuzi duha svojega, naricati u jadu duše svoje.
12 Am, I, a sea, or a sea-monster, —That thou shouldst set over me a watch?
Eda li sam more ili kit, te si namjestio stražu oko mene?
13 When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall help to carry my complaint,
Kad reèem: potješiæe me odar moj, postelja æe mi moja oblakšati tužnjavu,
14 Then thou scarest me with dreams, and, by visions, dost thou terrify me:
Tada me strašiš snima i prepadaš me utvarama,
15 So that my soul chooseth strangling, Death, rather than [these] my bones!
Te duša moja voli biti udavljena, voli smrt nego kosti moje.
16 I am wasted away, Not, to times age-abiding, can I live, Let me alone, for, a breath, are my days.
Dodijalo mi je; neæu dovijeka živjeti; proði me se; jer su dani moji taština.
17 What is a mortal, that thou shouldst nurture him? Or that thou shouldst fix upon him thy mind?
Šta je èovjek da ga mnogo cijeniš i da mariš za nj?
18 That thou shouldst inspect him morning by morning, moment by moment, shouldst test him?
Da ga pohodiš svako jutro, i svaki èas kušaš ga?
19 How long wilt thou not look away from me? Wilt thou not let me alone, till I can swallow my spittle?
Kad æeš se odvratiti od mene i pustiti me da progutam pljuvanku svoju?
20 I have sinned, What can I do for thee, thou watcher of men? Wherefore hast thou set me as thine object of attack, or have I become, unto thee, a burden?
Zgriješio sam; šta æu ti èiniti, o èuvaru ljudski? zašto si me metnuo sebi za biljegu, te sam sebi na tegobu?
21 And why wilt thou not remove my transgression, and take away mine iniquity? For, now, in the dust, should I lie down, and thou shouldst seek me diligently, and I should not be.
Zašto mi ne oprostiš grijeh moj i ne ukloniš moje bezakonje? jer æu sad leæi u prah, i kad me potražiš, mene neæe biti.

< Job 7 >