< Job 32 >
1 So these three men ceased to respond to Job, because, he, was righteous in their eyes.
2 Then was kindled the anger of Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite of the family of Ram, —against Job, was kindled his anger, because he justified his own soul rather than God;
時にラムの族ブジ人バラケルの子エリフ怒を發せり ヨブ神よりも己を正しとするに因て彼ヨブにむかひて怒を發せり
3 and, against his three friends, was kindled his anger, —because that they found not a response, and condemned God.
4 But, Elihu, had waited for Job with words, because the others were older than he.
エリフはヨブに言ふことをひかへて俟をりぬ 是は自己よりも彼等年老たればなり
5 Howbeit, when Elihu saw that there was no response in the mouth of the three men, then was kindled his anger.
6 So then Elihu, son of Barachel, the Buzite, responded and said: —Young, am I, whereas, ye, are aged, For this cause, I faltered, and feared—to shew my knowledge unto you:
ブジ人バラケルの子エリフすなはち答へて曰く 我は年少く汝等は年老たり是をもて我はばかりて我意見をなんぢらに陳ることを敢てせざりき
7 I said, Days, should speak, —and, the multitude of years, should make known wisdom.
我意へらく日を重ねたる者宜しく言を出すべし 年を積たる者宜しく智慧を敎ふべしと
8 Yet surely, there is a spirit in men, and, the inspiration of the Almighty, giveth them understanding;
但し人の衷には靈あり 全能者の氣息人に聰明を與ふ
9 Great men, may not be wise, nor, elders, understand justice.
大なる人すべて智慧あるに非ず 老たる者すべて道理に明白なるに非ず
10 Therefore, I said, Hearken unto me, I will show my knowledge—even I.
然ば我言ふ 我に聽け 我もわが意見を陳ん
11 Lo! I waited for your words, I kept giving ear for your reasons, until ye should search out what to say;
視よ我は汝らの言語を俟ち なんぢらの辯論を聽き なんぢらが言ふべき言語を尋ね盡すを待り
12 Yea, unto you, gave I diligent heed, —But lo! there was, for Job, nothing to convince, nor could you of you answer his speeches.
われ細に汝らに聽しが汝らの中にヨブを駁折る者一人も無く また彼の言詞に答ふる者も無し
13 Lest ye should say, We have found out wisdom. GOD, must put him to flight, not man.
おそらくは汝等いはん 我ら智慧を見得たり 彼に勝つ者は唯神のみ 人は能はずと
14 Since he directed not to me discourse, therefore, with your speeches, will I not reply to him.
彼はその言語を我に向て發さざりき 我はまた汝らの言ふ所をもて彼に答へじ
15 They were dismayed, they responded no more, they suffered speech to forsake them;
彼らは愕ろきて復答ふる所なく 言語かれらの衷に浮ばず
16 Though I waited, yet could they not speak, Surely they came to a stand, they responded no more.
17 I will respond, even I—on my part, I will shew my knowledge, even I!
18 For I am full of discourse, The spirit in my bosom, presseth me on.
われには言滿ち わが衷の心しきりに迫る
19 Lo! my bosom, is like wine not opened, Like new wine-skins, it will burst.
わが腹は口を啓かざる酒のごとし 新しき皮嚢のごとく今にも裂んとす
20 I will speak, that I may freely breathe, I will open my lips and respond.
われ説いだして胸を安んぜんとす われ口を啓きて答へん
21 Let me be partial to no man, and, unto no son of earth, give flattering titles,
かならず我は人に偏らず 人に諂はじ
22 Surely I know not how to give flattering titles, How soon might my Maker take me away!
我は諂らふことを知ず もし諂らはば我の造化主ただちに我を絶たまふべし