< Job 32 >

1 So these three men ceased to respond to Job, because, he, was righteous in their eyes.
Job's three friends stopped responding to him because he kept on protesting his innocence.
2 Then was kindled the anger of Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite of the family of Ram, —against Job, was kindled his anger, because he justified his own soul rather than God;
Then Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, grew angry. He was angry with Job for claiming he was right rather than God.
3 and, against his three friends, was kindled his anger, —because that they found not a response, and condemned God.
Elihu was also angry at Job's three friends because they made it seem that God was wrong, because they had not been able to answer Job.
4 But, Elihu, had waited for Job with words, because the others were older than he.
Elihu had waited to for the other three to speak with Job since they were older than he was.
5 Howbeit, when Elihu saw that there was no response in the mouth of the three men, then was kindled his anger.
But when he saw that they could not answer Job, he grew very angry.
6 So then Elihu, son of Barachel, the Buzite, responded and said: —Young, am I, whereas, ye, are aged, For this cause, I faltered, and feared—to shew my knowledge unto you:
Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite, said, “I am young, and you are old, which is why I was reluctant to tell you what I know.
7 I said, Days, should speak, —and, the multitude of years, should make known wisdom.
I told myself, ‘Those who are older should speak—those who are elderly should teach wisdom.’
8 Yet surely, there is a spirit in men, and, the inspiration of the Almighty, giveth them understanding;
However, there is a spirit in human beings, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding.
9 Great men, may not be wise, nor, elders, understand justice.
It is not the old who are wise, or the elderly who know what is right.
10 Therefore, I said, Hearken unto me, I will show my knowledge—even I.
That's why I'm telling you to listen to me now—let me tell you what I know.
11 Lo! I waited for your words, I kept giving ear for your reasons, until ye should search out what to say;
Well, I waited to hear what you had to say, listening for your insights as you looked for the right words to speak.
12 Yea, unto you, gave I diligent heed, —But lo! there was, for Job, nothing to convince, nor could you of you answer his speeches.
I paid close attention to all of you, and none of you have proved Job wrong or answered his arguments.
13 Lest ye should say, We have found out wisdom. GOD, must put him to flight, not man.
Don't say to yourselves, ‘We are so wise,’ for God will prove him wrong, not a human being.
14 Since he directed not to me discourse, therefore, with your speeches, will I not reply to him.
Job didn't line up his arguments against me, and I won't answer him the way you did.
15 They were dismayed, they responded no more, they suffered speech to forsake them;
You sit there speechless with nothing left to say.
16 Though I waited, yet could they not speak, Surely they came to a stand, they responded no more.
Should I continue to wait since you're no longer talking, just standing there saying nothing?
17 I will respond, even I—on my part, I will shew my knowledge, even I!
No—now I'll give my answer too. I'll tell you what I know.
18 For I am full of discourse, The spirit in my bosom, presseth me on.
I have so much to say I can't hold the words back!
19 Lo! my bosom, is like wine not opened, Like new wine-skins, it will burst.
Inside I'm like fermenting wine all bottled up; like new wineskins ready to explode!
20 I will speak, that I may freely breathe, I will open my lips and respond.
I have to speak before I burst; I will open my lips to answer him.
21 Let me be partial to no man, and, unto no son of earth, give flattering titles,
I will not take sides, and I'm not going to flatter anyone.
22 Surely I know not how to give flattering titles, How soon might my Maker take me away!
I don't know how to flatter, and if I did my Creator would soon destroy me.

< Job 32 >