< Job 31 >

1 A covenant, I solemnised for mine eyes, —How then could I gaze upon a virgin?
Sklenil sem zavezo s svojimi očmi. Zakaj naj bi potem mislil na devico?
2 Or what would have been my portion of GOD from above? Or what inheritance of the Almighty from on high?
Kajti kakšen delež od Boga je od zgoraj? In kakšna dediščina od Vsemogočnega od zgoraj?
3 Is there not calamity, for the perverse? and misfortune, for the workers of iniquity?
Mar ni uničenje za zlobne? In posebna kazen za delavce krivičnosti?
4 Would, he, not see my ways? and of all my steps, take account?
Mar on ne vidi mojih poti in šteje vse moje korake?
5 Verily I walked not in falsity, nor did my foot haste unto deceit: —
Če sem hodil z ničnostjo ali če je moje stopalo hitelo k prevari,
6 Let him weigh me in balances of righteousness, —and let GOD take note of mine integrity!
naj bom stehtan na pravilni tehtnici, da Bog lahko spozna mojo neokrnjenost.
7 If my goings have swerved from the way, —and, after mine eyes, hath gone my heart, and, to my hands, hath adhered any stain,
Če se je moj korak obrnil iz poti in je moje srce hodilo za mojimi očmi in če se je kakršenkoli madež prilepil na moje roke,
8 Let me sow but, another, eat. And let, what I have springing up, be uprooted!
potem naj jaz sejem in naj drug jé. Da, naj bo moje potomstvo izkoreninjeno.
9 If my heart hath been enticed unto a woman, or, by the door of my neighbour, I have lien in wait,
Če je bilo moje srce zavedeno z žensko, ali če sem prežal pri vratih svojega soseda,
10 Let my wife, grind to another, and, over her, let others bend!
potem naj moja žena melje drugemu in naj se drugi sklanjajo nadnjo.
11 Surely that had been a shameful thing! and that an iniquity for the judges!
Kajti to je grozoten zločin. Da, to je krivičnost, ki naj se kaznuje s sodniki.
12 Surely, a fire, had that been, which, unto destruction, would have consumed, and, of all mine increase, had it torn up the root.
Kajti to je ogenj, ki použiva v uničenje in bi izkoreninil ves moj donos.
13 If I refused the right of my servant, or my handmaid, when they contended with me,
Če sem preziral zadevo svojega sluga ali svoje dekle, ko so se pričkali z menoj,
14 What then could I have done when GOD rose up? And, when he visited, what could I have answered him?
kaj bom potem storil, ko se dvigne Bog? In ko on obiskuje, kaj naj mu odgovorim?
15 Did not he who, in the womb, made me, make him? And is not he who formed us in the body one?
Mar ni on, ki me je naredil v maternici, naredil njega? Ali naju ni eden oblikoval v maternici?
16 If I withheld—from pleasure—the poor, or, the eyes of the widow, I dimmed;
Če sem uboge zadržal pred njihovo željo, ali očem vdove storil, da opešajo,
17 Or, used to eat my morsel alone, so that the fatherless did not eat thereof;
ali sem sam pojedel svoj grižljaj in osiroteli ni jedel od njega
18 Surely, from my youth, he grew up to me, as to a father, and, from my birth, I acted as guide to her:
(kajti od moje mladosti je bil vzgajan z menoj kakor z očetom in usmerjal sem jo od maternice svoje matere),
19 If I saw one perishing for lack of clothing, or that the needy had no covering;
če sem gledal kogarkoli giniti zaradi pomanjkanja obleke ali kateregakoli revnega brez pokrivala,
20 If his loins did not bless me, or if, with the fleece of my lambs, he did not warm himself;
če me njegova ledja niso blagoslovila in če ni bil ogret z runom moje ovce;
21 If I shook—against the fatherless—my hand, when I saw, in the gate, his need of my help,
če sem povzdignil svojo roko zoper osirotelega, ko sem videl svojo pomoč v velikih vratih,
22 Let, my shoulder, from the shoulder-blade, fall, and, my arm, from the upper bone, be broken;
potem naj moj laket pade od moje lopatice in moj laket [naj] bo odlomljen od kosti.
23 For, a dread unto me, was calamity from GOD, and, from his majesty, I could not escape.
Kajti uničenje od Boga mi je bilo strahota in zaradi razloga njegovega visočanstva ne bi mogel zdržati.
24 If I made gold my stay, and, to precious metal, said, My confidence!
Če sem zlato naredil za svoje upanje ali sem čistemu zlatu rekel: › Ti si moje zaupanje, ‹
25 If I rejoiced because great was my substance, and, an abundance, my hand had discovered;
če sem se veselil, ker je bilo moje premoženje veliko in ker je moja roka veliko pridobila,
26 If I looked at the sun, when it flashed forth light, or at the moon, majestically marching along;
če sem pogledal sonce, ko je sijalo ali luno hoditi v sijaju
27 And befooled secretly was my heart, so that my hand kissed my mouth,
in je bilo moje srce skrivno premamljeno, oziroma so moja usta poljubila mojo roko?
28 That too, had been a judicial iniquity, For I should have been false to GOD, above.
Tudi to bi bila krivičnost, da bi bil kaznovan od sodnika, kajti jaz bi zanikal Boga, ki je zgoraj.
29 If rejoiced in the misfortune of him that hated me, or exulted when calamity found him; —
Če sem se veselil ob uničenju tistega, ki me je sovražil ali sem se povzdignil, ko ga je našlo zlo,
30 Neither did I suffer my palate to sin, by asking, with a curse, for his life:
niti svojim ustom nisem dopustil, da grešijo z želenjem prekletstva njegovi duši.
31 If the men of my household have not said, Oh for some of his flesh—we cannot get filled,
Če možje mojega šotora niso rekli: ›Oh, da bi imeli njegovo meso! Ne moremo biti zadovoljni.‹
32 Outside, the sojourner lodged not for the night, My doors—to the wayfarer, I threw open.
Tujec ni prenočeval na ulici, temveč sem svoja vrata odprl popotniku.
33 If I covered, like Adam, my transgressions, by hiding in my bosom mine iniquity,
Če sem svoje prestopke pokril kakor Adam, s skrivanjem svoje krivičnosti v svojem naročju,
34 Then let me be made to tremble at a great throng, yea let, the contempt of families, terrify me, so that, keeping silence, I shall not go out of the door!
ali sem se bal velike množice, ali me straši zaničevanje družin, da sem molčal in nisem šel izpred vrat?
35 Oh that I had one to hear me, Lo! my crossmark, May, the Almighty, answer me! And would that, a book, mine opponent had written!
Oh, da bi me nekdo poslušal! Glej, moja želja je, da bi mi Vsemogočni odgovoril in da bi moj nasprotnik napisal knjigo.
36 Oh! would I not, upon my shoulder, lift it, or bind it as a crown upon me;
Zagotovo bi to vzel na svojo ramo in si to privezal kot krono.
37 The number of my footsteps, I would declare to him, Like a noble, would I draw near to him.
Prikazal bi mu število mojih korakov. Kakor princ bi šel blizu k njemu.
38 If, against me, my ground used to cry out, and, together, my ridges did weep;
Če moja dežela joka zoper mene ali da se njene brazde podobno pritožujejo,
39 If, the strength thereof, I used to eat, without payment, and, the soul of the holders thereof, I made groan;
če sem brez denarja pojedel njene sadove ali sem njenim lastnikom povzročil, da izgubijo svoje življenje,
40 Instead of wheat, let there come forth bramble, and, instead of barley, a bad-smelling weed! Ended are the words of Job.
naj osat raste namesto pšenice in smrdljiv plevel namesto ječmena.« Jobove besede so končane.

< Job 31 >