< Job 31 >

1 A covenant, I solemnised for mine eyes, —How then could I gaze upon a virgin?
“Ndinachita pangano ndi maso anga kuti sindidzapenya namwali momusirira.
2 Or what would have been my portion of GOD from above? Or what inheritance of the Almighty from on high?
Kodi Mulungu kumwambako wandisungira zotani? Kodi cholowa changa chochokera kwa Wamphamvuzonse kumwambako nʼchotani?
3 Is there not calamity, for the perverse? and misfortune, for the workers of iniquity?
Kodi si chiwonongeko kwa anthu oyipa, tsoka kwa iwo amene amachita zolakwa?
4 Would, he, not see my ways? and of all my steps, take account?
Kodi Mulungu saona zochita zanga, ndi kudziwa mayendedwe anga?
5 Verily I walked not in falsity, nor did my foot haste unto deceit: —
“Ngati ndachita zinthu mwachiphamaso, kapena kufulumira kukachita zachinyengo,
6 Let him weigh me in balances of righteousness, —and let GOD take note of mine integrity!
Mulungu andiyeze ndi muyeso wake wolungama ndipo Iye adzadziwa kuti ine ndine wosalakwa,
7 If my goings have swerved from the way, —and, after mine eyes, hath gone my heart, and, to my hands, hath adhered any stain,
ngati mayendedwe anga asempha njira, ngati mtima wanga wakhumbira zimene maso anga aona, kapena ngati ndachita choyipa chilichonse.
8 Let me sow but, another, eat. And let, what I have springing up, be uprooted!
Pamenepo ena adye zimene ndinadzala, ndipo zomera zanga zizulidwe.
9 If my heart hath been enticed unto a woman, or, by the door of my neighbour, I have lien in wait,
“Ngati mtima wanga unakopekapo ndi mkazi, ndipo ngati ndinalakalaka mkazi wa mnansi wanga,
10 Let my wife, grind to another, and, over her, let others bend!
pamenepo mkazi wanga aphikire mwamuna wina chakudya, ndipo amuna ena azigona naye.
11 Surely that had been a shameful thing! and that an iniquity for the judges!
Pakuti zimenezo zikanakhala zochititsa manyazi, tchimo loyenera kulangidwa nalo.
12 Surely, a fire, had that been, which, unto destruction, would have consumed, and, of all mine increase, had it torn up the root.
Ndi moto umene umayaka mpaka chiwonongeko; ukanapsereza zokolola zanga.
13 If I refused the right of my servant, or my handmaid, when they contended with me,
“Ngati ndinkapondereza mlandu wa akapolo anga aamuna kapena aakazi, pamene ankabwera kwa ine ndi milandu yawo,
14 What then could I have done when GOD rose up? And, when he visited, what could I have answered him?
ndidzatani pamene Mulungu adzanditsutsa? Nanga ndidzayankha chiyani akadzandifunsa?
15 Did not he who, in the womb, made me, make him? And is not he who formed us in the body one?
Kodi amene anapanga ine mʼmimba mwa amayi anga si yemwe anapanganso iwo? Kodi si mmodzi yemweyo amene anatipanga tonsefe mʼmimba mwa amayi athu?
16 If I withheld—from pleasure—the poor, or, the eyes of the widow, I dimmed;
“Ngati ndinawamana aumphawi zinthu zimene ankazikhumba, kapena kuwagwiritsa fuwa lamoto akazi amasiye amene amafuna thandizo kwa ine,
17 Or, used to eat my morsel alone, so that the fatherless did not eat thereof;
ngati chakudya changa ndinadya ndekha, wosagawirako mwana wamasiye,
18 Surely, from my youth, he grew up to me, as to a father, and, from my birth, I acted as guide to her:
chonsechotu kuyambira unyamata wanga ndinamulera monga abambo ake, ndipo moyo wanga wonse ndakhala ndikusamalira akazi amasiye,
19 If I saw one perishing for lack of clothing, or that the needy had no covering;
ngati ndinaona wina aliyense akuzunzika ndi usiwa, kapena munthu wosauka alibe chofunda,
20 If his loins did not bless me, or if, with the fleece of my lambs, he did not warm himself;
ndipo ngati iyeyo sananditamandepo chifukwa chomufunditsa ndi nsalu ya ubweya wankhosa,
21 If I shook—against the fatherless—my hand, when I saw, in the gate, his need of my help,
ngati ndinaopsezapo mwana wamasiye, poganiza kuti ndinali ndi mphamvu mʼbwalo la milandu,
22 Let, my shoulder, from the shoulder-blade, fall, and, my arm, from the upper bone, be broken;
pamenepo phewa langa lipokonyeke, mkono wanga ukonyoke polumikizira pake.
23 For, a dread unto me, was calamity from GOD, and, from his majesty, I could not escape.
Popeza ine ndinaopa kwambiri chiwonongeko chochokera kwa Mulungu, ndinachitanso mantha ndi ulemerero wake, sindikanatha kuchita zinthu zimenezi.
24 If I made gold my stay, and, to precious metal, said, My confidence!
“Ngati ndinayika mtima wanga pa chuma kapena kunena kwa golide wabwino kwambiri kuti, ‘Iwe ndiye chitetezo changa,’
25 If I rejoiced because great was my substance, and, an abundance, my hand had discovered;
ngati ndinakondwera chifukwa choti chuma changa chinali chambiri, zinthu zimene manja anga anazipeza,
26 If I looked at the sun, when it flashed forth light, or at the moon, majestically marching along;
ngati pamene ndinaona dzuwa likuwala, kapena mwezi ukuyenda mwa ulemerero wake,
27 And befooled secretly was my heart, so that my hand kissed my mouth,
ndipo kuti mtima wanga unakopeka nazo nʼkuyika dzanja langa pakamwa mozilemekeza,
28 That too, had been a judicial iniquity, For I should have been false to GOD, above.
pamenepo zimenezinso zikanakhala machimo oti ndilangidwe nawo, chifukwa ndikanakhala wosakhulupirika kwa Mulungu wakumwamba.
29 If rejoiced in the misfortune of him that hated me, or exulted when calamity found him; —
“Ngati ndinasangalala ndi kuwonongeka kwa mdani wanga, kapena kusekera mavuto pamene mavuto anamugwera,
30 Neither did I suffer my palate to sin, by asking, with a curse, for his life:
ine sindinachimwe ndi pakamwa panga potulutsa matemberero a mdani wanga kuti awonongeke,
31 If the men of my household have not said, Oh for some of his flesh—we cannot get filled,
ngati anthu amene ndimakhala nawo mʼnyumba mwanga sananenepo kuti, ‘Kodi ndani amene sakhuta ndi chakudya cha Yobu?’
32 Outside, the sojourner lodged not for the night, My doors—to the wayfarer, I threw open.
Komatu mlendo sindinamusiye pa msewu usiku wonse, pakuti khomo langa linali lotsekuka nthawi zonse kwa alendo,
33 If I covered, like Adam, my transgressions, by hiding in my bosom mine iniquity,
ngati ndinabisa tchimo langa monga amachitira anthu ena, kubisa kulakwa mu mtima mwanga
34 Then let me be made to tremble at a great throng, yea let, the contempt of families, terrify me, so that, keeping silence, I shall not go out of the door!
chifukwa choopa gulu la anthu, ndi kuchita mantha ndi mnyozo wa mafuko kotero ndinakhala chete ndipo sindinatuluke panja.
35 Oh that I had one to hear me, Lo! my crossmark, May, the Almighty, answer me! And would that, a book, mine opponent had written!
“Aa, pakanakhala wina wondimva! Tsopano ndikutsiriza mawu anga odzitetezera. Wamphamvuzonse andiyankhe; mdani wanga achite kulemba pa kalata mawu ake ondineneza.
36 Oh! would I not, upon my shoulder, lift it, or bind it as a crown upon me;
Ndithu ine ndikanakoleka kalatayo pa phewa langa, ndikanayivala kumutu ngati chipewa chaufumu.
37 The number of my footsteps, I would declare to him, Like a noble, would I draw near to him.
Ndikanamufotokozera zonse zimene ndinachita; ndikanafika pamaso pake ngati kalonga.
38 If, against me, my ground used to cry out, and, together, my ridges did weep;
“Ngati minda yanga ikulira monditsutsa ine ndipo malo ake onse osalimidwa anyowa ndi misozi,
39 If, the strength thereof, I used to eat, without payment, and, the soul of the holders thereof, I made groan;
ngati ndinadya za mʼminda mwake osapereka ndalama kapena kukhumudwitsa anthu olima mʼmindamo,
40 Instead of wheat, let there come forth bramble, and, instead of barley, a bad-smelling weed! Ended are the words of Job.
pamenepo mʼmindamo mumere namsongole mʼmalo mwa tirigu ndi udzu mʼmalo mwa barele.” Mawu a Yobu athera pano.

< Job 31 >