< Job 30 >

1 But, now, they who are of fewer days than I, have poured derision upon me; whose fathers I refused—to set with the dogs of my flock.
A sada smiju mi se mlaði od mene, kojima otaca ne bih bio htio metnuti sa psima stada svojega.
2 Even the strength of their hands, wherefore was it mine? Upon them, vigour was lost;
A na što bi mi i bila sila ruku njihovijeh? u njima bješe propala starost.
3 In want and hunger, they were lean, —who used to gnaw the dry ground, a dark night of desolation!
Od siromaštva i gladi samoæovahu bježeæi na suha, mraèna, pusta i opustošena mjesta;
4 Who used to pluck off the mallow by the bushes, with the root of the broom for their food;
Koji brahu lobodu po èestama, i smrekovo korijenje bješe im hrana.
5 Out of the midst, were they driven, men shouted after them, as after a thief;
Izmeðu ljudi bijahu izgonjeni i vikaše se za njima kao za lupežem.
6 In the fissures, of the ravines had they to dwell, in holes of dust and crags;
Življahu po strašnijem uvalama, po jamama u zemlji i u kamenu.
7 Among the bushes, used they to shriek, Under the bramble, were they huddled together:
Po grmovima rikahu, pod trnjem se skupljahu.
8 Sons of the base, yea sons of the nameless, they were scourged out of the land.
Bijahu ljudi nikakvi i bez imena, manje vrijedni nego zemlja.
9 But, now, their song, have I become, Yea I serve them for a byword;
I njima sam sada pjesma, i postah im prièa.
10 They abhor me—have put themselves far from me, and, from my face, have not withheld—spittle!
Gade se na me, idu daleko od mene i ne ustežu se pljuvati mi u lice.
11 Because, my girdle, he had loosened and had humbled me, therefore, the bridle—in my presence, cast they off;
Jer je Bog odapeo moju tetivu i muke mi zadao te zbaciše uzdu preda mnom.
12 On my right hand, the young brood rose up, —My feet, they thrust aside, and cast up against me their earthworks of destruction;
S desne strane ustaju momci, potkidaju mi noge, i nasipaju put k meni da me upropaste.
13 They brake up my path, —My engulfing ruin, they helped forward, unaided;
Raskopaše moju stazu, umnožiše mi muke, ne treba niko da im pomaže.
14 As through a wide breach, came they on, with a crashing noise, they rolled themselves along.
Kao širokim prolomom naviru, i navaljuju preko razvalina.
15 There are turned upon me terrors, —Chased away as with a wind, is mine abundance, and, as a cloud, hath passed away my prosperity.
Strahote navališe na me, i kao vjetar tjeraju dušu moju, i kao oblak proðe sreæa moja.
16 Now, therefore, over myself, my soul poureth itself out, There seize me days of affliction:
I sada se duša moja ražljeva u meni, stigoše me dani muèni.
17 Night, boreth, my bones, all over me, —and, my sinews, find no rest;
Noæu probada mi kosti u meni, i žile moje ne odmaraju se.
18 Most effectually, is my skin disfigured, —Like the collar of my tunic, it girdeth me about:
Od teške sile promijenilo se odijelo moje, i kao ogrlica u košulje moje steže me.
19 He hath cast me into the mire, and I have become like dust and ashes.
Bacio me je u blato, te sam kao prah i pepeo.
20 I cry out for help unto thee, and thou dost not answer, I stand still, and thou dost gaze at me;
Vièem k tebi, a ti me ne slušaš; stojim pred tobom, a ti ne gledaš na me.
21 Thou art turned to become a cruel one unto me, With the might of thy hand, thou assailest me;
Pretvorio si mi se u ljuta neprijatelja; silom ruke svoje suprotiš mi se.
22 Thou liftest up me to the wind, thou carriest me away, and the storm maketh me faint;
Podižeš me u vjetar, posaðuješ me na nj, i rastapaš u meni sve dobro.
23 For I know that, unto death, thou wilt bring me back, even unto the house of meeting for every one living.
Jer znam da æeš me odvesti na smrt i u dom odreðeni svjema živima.
24 Only, against a heap of ruins, will one not thrust a hand! Surely, when one is in calamity—for that very reason, is there an outcry for help.
Ali neæe pružiti ruke svoje u grob; kad ih stane potirati, oni neæe vikati.
25 Verily I wept, for him whose lot was hard, Grieved was my soul, for the needy.
Nijesam li plakao radi onoga koji bijaše u zlu? nije li duša moja žalosna bivala radi ubogoga?
26 Surely, for good, I looked, but there came in evil, And I waited for light, but there came in darkness;
Kad se dobru nadah, doðe mi zlo; i kad se nadah svjetlosti, doðe mrak.
27 I boiled within me, and rested not, There confronted me—days of affliction;
Utroba je moja uzavrela, i ne može da se umiri, zadesiše me dani muèni.
28 In gloom, I walked along, without sun, I arose—in the convocation, I cried out for help;
Hodim crn, ne od sunca, ustajem i vièem u zboru.
29 A brother, became I to the brutes that howl, and a companion to the birds that screech:
Brat postah zmajevima i drug sovama.
30 My skin, turned black, and peeled off me, and, my bones, burned with heat:
Pocrnjela je koža na meni i kosti moje posahnuše od žege.
31 Thus is attuned to mourning—my lyre, and my flute, to the noise of them who weep.
Gusle se moje pretvoriše u zapijevku, i svirala moja u plaè.

< Job 30 >