< Job 29 >

1 And Job again took up his measure, and said,
A i korero tonu a Hopa i tana pepeha, i mea,
2 Oh that it were with me as in the months of old, as in the days, when, GOD, used to watch over me;
Aue, me i rite ki nga marama o mua, ki nga ra i tiaki ai te Atua i ahau!
3 When his lamp shone over my head, by whose light, I could go through darkness;
I tiaho mai ai tana rama ki toku matenga, a na tana whakamarama i haere ai ahau i te pouri:
4 As I was, in the days of my prime, when, the intimacy of GOD, was over my tent;
Me i pera ano me ahau i nga ra o toku taiohitanga, i te mea nei kei runga to te Atua whakaaro puku i toku teneti;
5 While yet the Almighty was with me, round about me, were my young men;
I te mea e noho ana ano te Kaha Rawa i ahau, a kei tetahi taha oku aku tamariki, kei tetahi taha;
6 When my steps were bathed in milk, and, the rock, poured out beside me, rivulets of oil:
I horoia ai oku takahanga ki te pata, a rere mai ana nga awa hinu ki ahau i roto i te kohatu!
7 When I went out to the gate unto the city, in the open place, made ready my seat,
I toku haerenga atu ki te kuwaha ki te pa, a whakapai ana i te nohoanga moku i te waharoa,
8 Young men saw me, and hid themselves, and, the aged, arose—they stood;
Ka kite nga taitamariki i ahau, a piri ana ratou: whakatika ana nga koroheke, tu ana ki runga;
9 Rulers, restrained speech, and, a hand, laid they on their mouth;
Mutu pu te korero a nga tino tangata, kua kopania te ringa ki o ratou mangai;
10 The voice of nobles, was hushed, and their tongue to their palate, did cleave;
Ngaro ana te reo o nga rangatira, piri ana o ratou arero ki o ratou ngao.
11 When, the ear, heard, then it pronounced me happy, When, the eye, saw, then it bare me witness;
No te rongonga hoki o te taringa i ahau manaaki ana i ahau; te kitenga o te kanohi i ahau, whakaae mai ana ki aku mahi:
12 Because I used to deliver the oppressed who was crying out for aid, the fatherless also, and him that had no helper;
No te mea naku i whakaora te rawakore i a ia e karanga ana, te pani me te tangata hoki kahore nei ona kaiawhina.
13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish, upon me was wont to descend, and, the heart of the widow, caused I to sing for joy;
I tau ki runga ki ahau te manaaki a te tangata e tata ana ki te whakangaromanga; harakoa ana i ahau te ngakau o te pouaru.
14 Righteousness, I put on, and it clothed me, Like a robe and turban, was my, justice;
I kakahuria e ahau te tika, a ko tera toku kakahu: e rite ana taku whakarite whakawa he koroka, he karauna.
15 Eyes, became I to the, blind, and, feet to the lame, was, I!
He kanohi ahau ki te matapo, he waewae ki te kopa.
16 A father, was, I, to the needy, and, as for the cause which I knew not, I used to search it out;
He matua ahau ki nga rawakore: a i ata rapua e ahau te tikanga o te totohe a te tangata kihai nei ahau i mohio.
17 And I shivered the fangs of the perverse, —and, out of his teeth, I tare the prey.
Wawahia ana e ahau nga kauae o te tangata kino, a takiritia mai ana e ahau tana mea pahua i roto i ona niho.
18 Then said I, Like a stem, shall I grow old, yea, as the sand, shall I multiply days:
Katahi ahau ka mea, Tera ahau e mate i roto i toku ohanga; ka whakanuia oku ra kia rite ki te onepu te maha:
19 My root, is laid open to the waters, and, the dew, shall lodge for the night in my boughs;
Ko toku pakiaka tautoro tonu ki nga wai, a i te po tau ana te tomairangi ki runga ki toku peka:
20 Mine honour, shall be young again with me, and, my bow, in my hand, be renewed.
Ko toku kororia hou tonu i roto i ahau, a hoki ake ana te kaha o taku kopere i toku ringa.
21 To me, men hearkened, and waited, and kept silence for my counsel;
I whakarongo mai nga tangata ki ahau, i tatari, whakarongo puku ana ratou i ahau e whakatakoto whakaaro ana.
22 After I had spoken, they spake not again, and, upon them, used my speech to drop;
I muri i aku kupu kore ake ratou i korero ano; maturuturu iho ana aku kupu ki runga ki a ratou.
23 And they waited, as for rain, for me, and, their mouths, they opened wide for the spring-rain;
I taria mai ahau e ratou ano ko te ua; hamama mai ana o ratou mangai ano e tatari ana ki te ua o muri.
24 I laughed at them—they lost confidence, and, the light of my countenance, they suffered not to fail;
Ka kata ahau ki a ratou, kihai i whakaponohia e ratou; kihai hoki ratou i whakataka i te marama o toku mata.
25 I chose out their way, and sat chief, —and abode, as king, in an army, as one who, to mourners, giveth comfort.
Naku to ratou ara i whiriwhiri, a noho ana ahau hei rangatira, noho ana hoki ahau ano he kingi i roto i te ope; i rite ahau ki te kaiwhakamarie o te hunga e tangi ana.

< Job 29 >