< Job 26 >
1 Then responded Job, and said: —
Da svarede Job og sagde:
2 How hast thou given help to one of no-strength? given victory to an arm of no-power?
Hvad har du hjulpet den, som ingen Kraft havde? frelste du den Arm, som ingen Styrke havde?
3 How hast thou given counsel to one of no-wisdom? or, effective wisdom, abundantly made known?
Hvorledes raadede du den, som ingen Visdom havde, og kundgjorde Indsigt til Overflod?
4 Whom hast thou taught speech? Whose inspiration hath come from thee?
For hvem har du kundgjort Tale, og hvis Aande talte ud af dig?
5 The shades, tremble, beneath the waters and their inhabitants;
Dødningerne bæve neden under Vandene og deres Beboere.
6 Naked is hades before him, and there is no covering to destruction; (Sheol )
Dødsriget ligger blottet for ham, og Afgrunden har intet Skjul. (Sheol )
7 Who stretcheth out the north over emptiness, hangeth the earth upon nothingness;
Han udbreder Norden over det øde, han hænger Jorden paa intet.
8 Who bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds, and the cloud is not rent beneath them;
Han binder Vandet sammen i sine Skyer, dog brister Skydækket ikke under dem.
9 Who shutteth-in the face of the throne, he spreadeth over it his cloud;
Han lukker for sin Trone, han udbreder sin Sky over den.
10 A, boundary, hath he encircled on the face of the waters, as far as where light ends in darkness;
Han har draget en Grænse oven over Vandene indtil der, hvor Lyset ender i Mørke.
11 The pillars of the heavens, are shaken, and are terrified at his rebuke:
Himmelens Piller skælve og forfærdes for hans Trusel.
12 By his strength, hath he excited the sea, and, by his skill, hath he shattered the Crocodile:
Ved sin Kraft oprører han Havet, og med sin Forstand bryder han dets Hovmod.
13 By his spirit, hath he arched the heavens, His hand hath pierced the fleeing serpent.
Ved hans Aande blive Himlene dejlige; hans Haand gennemborer den flygtende Slange.
14 Lo! these, are the fringes of his way, and what a whisper of a word hath been heard of him! But, the thunder of his might, who could understand?
Se, disse ere de yderste Grænser af hans Veje, og hvor svag er Lyden af det Ord, som vi have hørt deraf? Men hans Vældes Torden — hvo forstaar den!