< Job 23 >

1 Then responded Job, and said: —
तब अय्यूबले जवाफ दिए र यसो भने,
2 Even to-day, is my complaint rebellion? His hand, is heavier than my groaning.
“आज पनि मेरो गुनासो तितो छ । मेरो क्रन्दनको कारणले मेरो हात गह्रौं भएको छ ।
3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! I would come even unto his dwelling-place;
ओहो, उहाँलाई मैले कहाँ भेट्न सक्‍छु भनी मैले जानेको भए! ओहो, म उहाँको बासस्थानमा गएको भए!
4 I would set out, before him, a plea, and, my mouth, would I fill with arguments;
उहाँको सामु म आफ्‍नो मुद्दालाई क्रमैसित राख्‍नेथिएँ, अनि मेरो मुखलाई तर्कले भर्नेथिएँ ।
5 I would note the words wherewith he would respond to me, and would mark what he would say to me.
उहाँले मलाई जवाफ दिएर भन्‍नुहुने वचनहरू म सिक्‍नेथिएँ, र उहाँले मलाई भन्‍नुहुने कुरा बुझ्नेथिएँ ।
6 Would he, with fulness of might, contend with me? Nay, surely, he, would give heed to me!
उहाँले आफ्नो शक्तिको महान्‌तामा मेरो विरुद्धमा तर्क गर्नुहुन्छ? अहँ, बरु उहाँले मेरो कुरामा ध्यान दिनुहुन्छ ।
7 There an upright man, might reason with him, so should I deliver myself completely from my judge.
त्यहाँ सोझाहरूले उहाँसित बहस गर्न सक्छन् । यसरी मेरा न्यायकर्ताले मलाई सधैंभरि निर्दोष ठहराउनुहुन्‍थ्‍यो ।
8 Behold! eastward, I go, but he is not there, and, westward, but I perceive him not;
हेर्नुहोस्, म पूर्वतिर जान्छु, उहाँ त्यहाँ हुनुहुन्‍न, अनि पश्‍चिमतिर जान्छु, तर म उहाँलाई भेट्‍न सक्‍दिन ।
9 On the north, where he worketh, but I get no vision, He hideth himself on the south that I cannot see him.
उत्तरमा, जहाँ उहाँले काम गर्दै हुनुहुन्‍छ, तर म उहाँलाई देख्‍न सक्दिनँ, र दक्षिणमा जहाँ उहाँले आफैलाई लुकाउनुहुन्छ, जसले गर्दा म उहाँलाई देख्‍न सक्दिनँ ।
10 But, he, knoweth the way that I choose, Having tried me, as gold, I shall come forth.
तर म हिंड्‍ने बाटो उहाँलाई थाहा छ । जब उहाँले मलाई जाँच्नुहुन्‍छ, तब म खारिएको सुनझैं हुनेछु ।
11 Of his steps, my foot taketh hold, His way, have I kept, and not swerved;
मेरो खुट्टाले उहाँका पाइला पक्‍का गरी पछ्याएको छ । म उहाँको मार्गमा हिंडेको छु, र यताउता फर्केको छैनँ ।
12 The command of his lips, and would not go back, and, in my bosom, have I treasured the words of his lips.
उहाँको मुखबाट निस्केको आज्ञाबाट म फर्केको छैनँ । मेरो खानाको भागभन्‍दा बढी मैले उहाँको मुखका वचनहरूलाई सञ्चय गरेको छु ।
13 But, he, is one, and who can turn him? What his soul desired, he hath done.
तर उहाँ बेग्‍लै किसिमको हुनुहुन्छ, कसले उहाँलाई फर्काउन सक्छ र? उहाँले जे इच्छा गर्नुहुन्छ, सो गर्नुहुन्छ ।
14 Surely he will accomplish what is decreed for me, and, many such things, hath he in store.
किनकि मेरो विरुद्धमा भएको उहाँको आदेशलाई उहाँले पूरा गर्नुहुन्छ । त्‍यस्ता कुराहरू त्‍यहाँ धेरै छन् ।
15 For this cause, from his presence, am I driven in fear, I diligently consider and am kept back from him in dread:
त्यसकारण, म उहाँको उपस्थितिमा त्रसित भएको छु । मैले उहाँको बारेमा विचार गर्दा म भयभीत हुन्छु ।
16 Yea, GOD, hath made timid my heart, and, the Almighty, hath put me in terror.
किनकि परमेश्‍वरले मेरो हृदय कमजोर पार्नुभएको छ । सर्वशक्तिमान्‌ले मलाई त्रसित पार्नुभएको छ ।
17 Because I was not cut off before the darkness, nor, before my face, did the gloom form a shroud.
अन्धकारले, मेरो अनुहारको उदासीलाई ढाक्‍ने निस्पट्ट अन्धकारको कारणले, मेरो अन्‍त्‍य भएको छैन ।

< Job 23 >