< Job 22 >

1 Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: —
Hichun Teman mi Eliphaz in adonbut in:
2 Unto GOD, can a man act as friend? Surely a discreet man befriendeth himself!
Pathen kithopina dinga mikhat in abol thei ding um'em? Miching khat jeng jong chu Pathen ding a kithopi pha hithei ding ham?
3 Is it a pleasure to the Almighty, that thou shouldst be righteous? or any profit, that thou shouldst be blameless in thy ways?
Michonpha ana hile chun Hatchungnung pa a dinga phachom nana hikha dem? Mipha chamkim hile chun Hatchungnungpa a dinga phachom nahidem?
4 Is it, for thy reverence, that he will accuse thee? will enter with thee into judgment?
Pathen thengtah a nahou jeh a ama chun themmona chansah ham? Chule nang douna a thutan ahin pohlut ding ham?
5 Is not, thy wickedness, great? and, without end, [are not] thine iniquities?
Ahipoi nagitlou na jeh ahibouve. Nachonsetna angahna umlou ahi.
6 Surely then hast been wont to put thy brother in pledge, for nothing, and, the garments of the ill-clad, hast thou stripped off:
Vetsahnan nagolpa chu sumbat din pen lang nabat man dingin aponsil ho chu neipen tin lang henge agu achang geijin lahpeh jengin.
7 No water—to the weary, hast thou given to drink, and, from the hungry, thou hast withheld bread:
Nangin adangchah ho twi peh ding nom hih in lang chule agilkel an peh ding nom hih le chun,
8 A man of might, to him, pertaineth the land, and, the favorite, dwelleth therein:
Nangin gam chu athahatpa a ahi timai theijin natin ahinlah hiche a chu mikhat bouvin thaneina anei ding ahi.
9 Widows, thou hast sent away empty, and, the arms of the fatherless, thou dost crush.
Meithai khat tou chu khutgoh keuva nasol mang hikhat inte chule chagate kinepna jong nasuhkeh thei ahi.
10 For this cause, round about thee, are snares, and a dread startleth thee suddenly;
Hiche ho jeh a chu thang’a naki umkimvel ahi, chule hetman louva kichat najeh a kitihot hot nahi.
11 Or darkness—thou canst not see, and, a flood of waters, covereth thee.
Hiche ho jeh a chu muthim lah a namu theiji lou ahi. Chule twi kinong in achup ji ahi.
12 Is not, GOD, [in] the height of the heavens? Behold, then, the head of the stars, that they are high.
Pathen chu alen behseh in vanho sangin jong alen joi. Ahsite lah a agamla pen sangin jong agamla joi.
13 Wilt thou say then, What doth GOD know? Out through a thick cloud, can he judge?
Hiche jeh a chu Pathen in kanatoh hohi amuthei jilou ahin, muthim jing lah a hi iti thu atan ding ham tin nadonbut e.
14 Dark clouds, are a veil to him, and he cannot see, or, the vault of the heavens, doth he walk?
Ajeh chu meibol satah chun ana velkol lele a hiche jeh a chu aman eimu theilouvu ahi. Ama chung sangpeh a khun aumin vanna thilkholna mun ho a chu vahle ahi.
15 The path of the ancient time, wilt thou mark, which the men of iniquity trod?
Migiloute lamlhahna lampi lui chu najot nahlai ding ham?
16 Who were snatched away before the time, and, a stream, washed away their foundation?
Ahinkho kibul patna twijin alhoh manga ahinkhou it um laitah le asalhah peh ji ahi.
17 Who had been saying unto GOD, Depart from us! and—What can the Almighty do for himself?
Hatchungnungpachun kachung uva ipi abolthei ding ham? Kachangin nei dalhauvin tia Pathen koma asei jeh u chun,
18 Yet, he, had filled their houses with good! The counsel of the lawless, then, is far from me:
Henge ama chu a insung uva thilpha tamtah dipset a chu ama ahi, hijeh a chu keiman hiche tobang lunggel a bolthei ding imacha kaneipoi.
19 The righteous shall see and rejoice, and, the innocent, shall laugh them to scorn:
Michonpha ho chun migiloute manthah na chu amuteng uleh kipah unte, chule nolna bei miho chun isah loutah a anuisat dingu ahi.
20 If our assailants do not vanish, then, their abundance, a fire consumeth!
Veuvin melmate iti kisuhmang hija anukhah pen chu meiyin akavam tai tin sei uvinte.
21 Shew thyself to be one with him—I pray thee—and prosper, thereby, shall there come on thee blessing.
Pathen a kipelut in chutile lungmong a naum ding ahi, chuteng leh nanga dinga ijakai phasoh kei ding ahi.
22 Accept, I beseech thee, from his mouth—instruction, —and lay up his sayings in thy heart.
Ngaijuvin athuhil hi chuleh nalung chang ah khollin.
23 If thou return unto the Almighty and submit thyself, if thou far remove perversity from thy tent,
Hatchungnung pa komma nakile kitna ahile nakilepeh kit ding ahi. Ijeh inem itile nahinkho chu sutheng in.
24 Then lay up, in the dust, precious ore, and, among the stones of the torrent-beds, fine gold:
Sum ngailutna napeh doh a ahile, chule nasana mantam tah chu vadunga naselut a ahile,
25 So shall, the Almighty, become, thy precious ores, yea glittering silver unto thee!
Hatchungnungpa amatah chu nagou hijeng ding ahin, ama tah chu nanga dinga dangka manlu tah hiding ahi.
26 For, then, in the Almighty, shalt thou take exquisite delight, and shalt lift up—unto GOD—thy face;
Chutile Hatchungnungpa koma konin nomsahna kilah in natin, hiteng chule Pathen chu ven.
27 Thou shalt make entreaty unto him, and he will hear thee, and, thy vows, shalt thou pay;
Amakoma taovin natin chule aman na taona najah peh ding ahi. Chule nangin ama koma nakitepna chu namolso ding ahi.
28 And thou shalt decree a purpose, and it shall be fulfilled unto thee, and, upon thy ways, shall have shone a light;
Ipi hijongle bol dinga nagot chan namolso ding ahi. Chuleh namasanga lamlen chu vah'in hinsal vah peh tan nate.
29 When men cast themselves down, then thou shalt say: Up! And, him that is of downcast eyes, shall he save;
Mihemte chun hahsatna ahin nei teng ule kithopiu vin tin seijin natin, chule Pathen in ahuhdoh diu ahi.
30 He shall deliver the innocent, and thou shalt escape by the pureness of thy hands.
Michonse ho jeng jong, huhdoh in um unte, nakhut thenna jeh a chu huhdoh a umdiu ahi.

< Job 22 >