< Job 21 >

1 Then responded Job, and said: —
Saa tog Job til Orde og svarede:
2 Hear ye patiently my words, and let this be your consolation:
Hør dog, hør mine Ord, lad det være Trøsten, I giver!
3 Suffer me, that, I, may speak, and, after I have spoken, thou canst mock!
Find jer nu i, at jeg taler, siden kan I jo haane!
4 Did, I, unto man, make my complaint? Wherefore, then, should my spirit not be impatient?
Gælder min Klage Mennesker? Hvi skulde jeg ej være utaalmodig?
5 Turn round to me, and be astonished, and lay hand on mouth!
Vend jer til mig og stivn af Rædsel, læg Haand paa Mund!
6 When I call to mind, then am I dismayed, and there seizeth my flesh a shuddering: —
Jeg gruer, naar jeg tænker derpaa, mit Legeme gribes af Skælven:
7 Wherefore do, lawless men, live, advance in years, even wax mighty in power?
De gudløse, hvorfor lever de, bliver gamle, ja vokser i Kraft?
8 Their seed, is established in their sight, along with them, yea their offspring, before their eyes;
Deres Æt har de blivende hos sig, deres Afkom for deres Øjne;
9 Their houses, are at peace, without dread, neither is, the rod of GOD, upon them;
deres Huse er sikre mod Rædsler, Guds Svøbe rammer dem ikke;
10 His bull, covereth, and causeth not aversion, His cow safely calveth, and casteth not her young;
ej springer deres Tyr forgæves, Koen kælver, den kaster ikke;
11 They send forth—like a flock—their young ones, and, their children, skip about for joy;
de slipper deres Drenge ud som Faar, deres Børneflok boltrer sig ret;
12 They rejoice aloud as [with] timbrel and lyre, and make merry to the sound of the pipe;
de synger til Pauke og Citer, er glade til Fløjtens Toner;
13 They complete, in prosperity, their days, and, in a moment to hades, they sink down. (Sheol h7585)
de lever deres Dage i Lykke og synker med Fred i Dødsriget, (Sheol h7585)
14 Yet they said unto GOD, Depart from us, and, In the knowledge of thy ways, find we no pleasure.
skønt de siger til Gud: »Gaa fra os, at kende dine Veje er ikke vor Lyst!
15 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? Or what shall we profit, that we should urge him?
Den Almægtige? Hvad han? Skal vi tjene ham? Hvad Gavn at banke paa hos ham?«
16 Lo! not in their own hand, is their welfare, The counsel of lawless men, is far from me!
Er ej deres Lykke i deres Haand og gudløses Raad ham fjernt?
17 How oft, the lamp of the lawless, goeth out, and their calamity, cometh upon them, Sorrows, apportioneth he in his anger;
Naar gaar de gudløses Lampe ud og naar kommer Ulykken over dem? Naar deler han Loddet ud i sin Vrede,
18 They become as straw before the wind, and as chaff, which the storm stealeth away.
saa de bliver som Straa for Vinden, som Avner, Storm fører bort?
19 Shall, GOD, reserve, for his children, his sorrow? Let him recompense him so that he may know it;
Gemmer Gud hans Ulykkeslod til hans Børn? Ham selv gengælde han, saa han mærker det,
20 His own eyes, shall see his misfortune, and, the wrath of the Almighty, shall he drink.
lad ham selv faa sit Vanheld at se, den Almægtiges Vrede at drikke!
21 For what shall be his pleasure in his house after him, when, the number of his months, is cut in twain?
Thi hvad bryder han sig siden om sit Hus, naar hans Maaneders Tal er udrundet?
22 Is it, to GOD, one can teach knowledge, seeing that, he, shall judge, them who are on high?
Kan man vel tage Gud i Skole, ham, som dømmer de højeste Væsner?
23 This, man dieth, in the very perfection of his prosperity, wholly tranquil and secure;
En dør jo paa Lykkens Tinde, helt tryg og saa helt uden Sorger:
24 His veins, are filled with nourishment, and, the marrow of his bones, is fresh;
hans Spande er fulde af Mælk, hans Knogler af saftig Marv;
25 Whereas, this other man, dieth, in bitterness of soul, and hath never tasted good fortune:
med bitter Sjæl dør en anden og har aldrig nydt nogen Lykke;
26 Together, in the dust, they lie down, and, the worm, spreadeth a covering over them.
de lægger sig begge i Jorden, og begge dækkes af Orme!
27 Lo! I know your plans, and the devices, wherewith ye would do me violence!
Se, jeg kender saa vel eders Tanker og de Rænker, I spinder imod mig,
28 For ye say, Where is the house of the noble-minded? And where the dwelling-tent of the lawless?
naar I siger: »Hvor er Stormandens Hus og det Telt, hvor de gudløse bor?«
29 Have ye not asked the passers-by in the way? And, their signs, can ye not recognise?
Har I aldrig spurgt de berejste og godkendt deres Beviser:
30 That, to the day of calamity, is the wicked reserved, to the day of indignant visitation, are they led.
Den onde skaanes paa Ulykkens Dag og frelses paa Vredens Dag.
31 Who can declare—to his face—his way? And, what, he, hath done, who shall recompense to him?
Hvem foreholder ham vel hans Færd, gengælder ham, hvad han gør?
32 Yet, he, to the graves, is borne, and, over the tomb, one keepeth watch;
Til Graven bæres han hen, ved hans Gravhøj holdes der Vagt;
33 Pleasant to him are the mounds of the torrent-bed, —and, after him, doth every man march, as, before him, there were without number.
i Dalbunden hviler han sødt, Alverden følger saa efter, en Flok uden Tal gik forud for ham.
34 How then should ye comfort me with vanity, since, as for your replies, there lurketh, [in them] treachery?
Hvor tom er den Trøst, som I giver! Eders Svar — kun Svig er tilbage!

< Job 21 >