< Job 20 >
1 Then responded Zophar the Naamathite, and said: —
Entonces Sofar naamatita respondió:
2 Not so, do my thoughts answer me, and to this end, is my haste within me:
Ciertamente mis pensamientos me impulsan a responder, a causa de mi agitación interna.
3 The correction meant to confound me, I must hear, but, the spirit—out of my understanding, will give me a reply.
Oí una reprensión que me afrenta, y el espíritu de mi entendimiento hace que responda.
4 Knowest thou, this—from antiquity, from the placing of man upon earth: —
¿No sabes que desde la antigüedad, desde cuando el hombre fue puesto en la tierra,
5 That, the joy-shout of the lawless, is short, and, the rejoicing of the impious, for a moment?
el triunfo de los perversos es efímero, y la alegría del impío es momentánea?
6 Though his elevation mount up to the heavens, and, his head, to the clouds, doth reach,
Aunque su altivez suba hasta el cielo, y su cabeza toque las nubes,
7 Like his own stubble, shall he utterly perish, They who had seen him, shall say, Where is he?
como su estiércol perecerá para siempre. Los que lo veían preguntarán: ¿Dónde está?
8 Like a dream, shall he fly away, and they shall not find him, yea he shall be chased away, as a vision of the night.
Se esfumará como un sueño, y no será hallado. Se disipará como visión nocturna.
9 The eye that hath scanned him, shall not do it again, neither, any more, shall his place behold him:
El ojo que lo miraba ya no lo verá, ni su lugar volverá a contemplarlo.
10 His children, shall seek the favour of the poor, and, his own hand, shall give back his wealth.
Tendrá que devolver sus riquezas. Sus hijos pedirán el favor de los pobres.
11 His bones, are full of youthful vigour, yet, with him—in the dust, shall it lie down.
Sus huesos aún llenos de vigor juvenil se acostarán con él en el polvo.
12 Though, a sweet taste in his mouth, be given by vice, though he hide it under his tongue;
Aunque la maldad sea dulce en su boca, la oculte debajo de su lengua,
13 Though he spare it, and will not let it go, but retain it in the midst of his mouth,
la retenga y no la quiera soltar, y la mantenga en su paladar,
14 His food, in his stomach, is changed, the gall of adders, within him!
su comida se pudrirá en sus intestinos. Veneno de víboras hay dentro de él.
15 Wealth, hath he swallowed, and hath vomited the same, Out of his belly, shall, GOD, drive it forth:
Devoró riquezas, pero las vomitará. ʼElohim las sacará de su sistema digestivo.
16 The poison of adders, shall he suck, The tongue of the viper shall slay him;
Chupará el veneno de la víbora, y la lengua de la serpiente lo matará.
17 Let him not see in the channels the flowings of torrents of honey and milk.
No verá los arroyos que fluyen, los torrentes que fluyen leche y miel.
18 In vain, he toiled, he shall not swallow, like wealth to be restored, in which he cannot exult!
Devolverá el fruto de su labor sin tragarlo, y no disfrutará el lucro de su negocio,
19 For he hath oppressed—hath forsaken the poor, A house, hath he seized, which he cannot rebuild.
porque oprimió y desamparó al pobre, y se apoderó de casas que no construyó.
20 Surely he hath known no peace in his inmost mind, —With his dearest thing, shall he not get away:
Porque su sistema digestivo no conoció la tranquilidad, nada retendrá de lo que más codiciaba.
21 Nothing escaped his devouring greed, —For this cause, shall his prosperity not continue:
Por cuanto nada escapó a su rapacidad, su prosperidad no será duradera.
22 When his abundance is gone, he shall be in straits, All the power of distress, shall come upon him.
En la plenitud de su abundancia sufrirá estrechez. La mano de todo el que sufre se levantará contra él.
23 It shall be that, to fill his belly, he will thrust at him the glow of his anger, and rain [it] upon him for his punishment.
Cuando en su estómago ya no entre más, ʼElohim enviará sobre él el furor de su ira, y la hará llover sobre él mientras come.
24 He shall flee from the armour of iron, —There shall pierce him, a bow of bronze!
Huirá de las armas de hierro, pero lo traspasará una flecha de bronce.
25 He hath drawn it out, and it hath come forth out of his back, —yea the flashing arrow-head, out of his gall, There shall march on him—terrors:
Si logra sacarse la flecha, ciertamente le sale por la espalda. ¡Ciertamente, la punta reluciente sale de su hiel! Sobre él se vienen terrores.
26 Every misfortune, is laid up for his treasures, —There shall consume, a fire, not blown up, —it shall destroy what remaineth in his tent:
Toda la tenebrosidad está reservada para sus tesoros. Un fuego no atizado los devorará, y consumirá lo que quede en su vivienda.
27 The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and, the earth, be rising up against him:
El cielo revelará su iniquidad, y la tierra se levantará contra él.
28 The increase of his house shall vanish, melting away in the day of his anger.
Las riquezas de su casa se perderán. Serán arrasadas en el día de su furor.
29 This, is the portion of the lawless man, from God, and the inheritance decreed him from the Mighty One.