< Job 17 >
1 My spirit, is broken, My days, are extinguished, Graves, are left me.
Mweya wangu waputsika, mazuva angu aitwa mashoma, guva rakandimirira.
2 Verily there are mockers, with me! And, on their insults, mine eye doth rest.
Zvirokwazvo vaseki vakandipoteredza; meso angu anofanira kuramba akatarisa ruvengo rwavo.
3 Appoint it, I pray thee—be thou surety for me with thyself, Who is there that, on my side, can pledge himself?
“Ndipei, imi Mwari, chitsidzo chamunoda. Ndianiko achandiisira rubatso?
4 For, their heart, hast thou kept back from understanding, On this account, thou wilt not exalt them.
Makapofumadza ndangariro dzavo pakunzwisisa; naizvozvo hamungavatenderi kukunda.
5 He that, for a share, denounceth friends, even, the eyes of his children, shall be dim.
Kana munhu akaramba shamwari dzake nokuda kwomubayiro, meso avana vake achapofumara.
6 But he hath set me, as the byword of peoples, And, one to be spit on in the face, do I become.
“Mwari akandiita shumo kuvanhu vose, munhu anopfirwa mate kumeso kwake navanhu.
7 Therefore hath mine eye become dim from vexation, and, my members, are like a shadow, all of them.
Meso angu aneta nokuchema; muviri wangu wose wangova mumvuri zvawo.
8 Upright men shall be astounded over this, and, the innocent, against the impious, shall rouse themselves.
Vanhu vakarurama vanokatyamadzwa nazvo; vasina mhaka vachamukira vasingadi Mwari.
9 That the righteous may hold on his way, and, the clean of hands, increase in strength.
Kunyange zvakadaro, vakarurama vachabatirira panzira dzavo, uye vana maoko akachena vachanyanya kusimba.
10 But indeed, as for them all, will ye bethink yourselves and enter into it, I pray you? Or shall I not find, among you, one who is wise?
“Asi uyai, imi mose, edzaizve! Handingawani murume ane uchenjeri pakati penyu.
11 My days, are past, my purposes, are broken off, the possessions of my heart!
Mazuva angu apfuura, urongwa hwangu hwaparadzwa, saizvozvowo zvishuvo zvomwoyo wangu.
12 Night for day, they appoint, Light, is near, by reason of darkness!
Vanhu ava vanoshandura usiku kuti huve masikati; mukati merima ivo vanoti, ‘Chiedza chiri pedyo.’
13 If I wait for hades as my house, in darkness, have spread out my couch; (Sheol )
Kana musha wandinotarisira uri guva chete, kana ndikawaridzira mubhedha wangu murima, (Sheol )
14 To corruption, have exclaimed, My father, thou! My mother! and My sister! to the worm.
kana ndikati kuuori, ‘Ndiwe baba vangu,’ nokuhonye ndikati, ‘Ndiwe mai vangu’ kana ‘Hanzvadzi yangu,’
15 Where then would be my hope? And, as for my blessedness, who should see it!
ko, tariro yangu iripi zvino? Ndianiko angaona tariro yangu?
16 With me to hades, would they go down, If, wholly—into the dust, is the descent! (Sheol )
Ichaburukira kumasuo orufu here? Tichaburukira muguruva pamwe chete here?” (Sheol )