< Job 10 >
1 My soul doth loathe my life, —I let loose my complaint, I speak, in the bitterness of my soul.
Moji duši se gnusi moje življenje. Svojo pritožbo bom pustil nad seboj; govoril bom v grenkobi svoje duše.
2 I say unto GOD, Do not hold me guilty, Let me know, on what account thou contendest with me!
Bogu bom rekel: ›Ne obsodi me. Razloži mi, zakaj se pričkaš z menoj.‹
3 Is it seemly in thee, that thou shouldst oppress? that thou shouldst despise the labour of thine own hand, when, upon the counsel of the lawless, thou hast shone?
Mar ti je dobro, da bi zatiral, da bi preziral delo svojih rok in bi sijal nad nasvetom zlobnega?
4 Eyes of flesh, hast thou? or, as a mortal seeth, seest thou?
Imaš mesene oči? Mar vidiš, kakor vidi človek?
5 As the days of a mortal, are thy days? or, thy years, as the days of a man?
So tvoji dnevi kakor dnevi človeka? So tvoja leta kakor človeški dnevi,
6 That thou shouldst seek for mine iniquity, and, for my sin, shouldst make search:
da poizveduješ za mojo krivičnostjo in preiskuješ za mojim grehom?
7 Though it is, within thine own knowledge, that I would not be lawless, and, none, out of thy hand, can deliver?
Ti veš, da nisem zloben in nikogar ni, ki lahko osvobodi iz tvoje roke.
8 Thine own hands, shaped me, and made me, all in unison round about, and yet thou hast confounded me.
Tvoje roke so me naredile in me oblikovale skupaj na vsaki strani, vendar si me uničil.
9 Remember, I pray thee, that, as clay, thou didst make me, and, unto dust, thou wilt cause me to return.
Spomni se, rotim te, da si me naredil kakor ilo, ti pa me hočeš ponovno privesti v prah?
10 Didst thou not, like milk, pour me forth? and, as cheese, curdle me?
Mar me nisi iztočil kakor mleko in me strdil kakor sir?
11 With skin and flesh, clothe me? and, with bones and sinews, interweave me?
Oblekel si me s kožo in mesom in me obdal s kostmi in kitami.
12 Life and lovingkindness, thou didst bestow upon me, —and, thy watchful care, preserved my breath.
Zagotovil si mi življenje in naklonjenost in tvoje obiskovanje je ohranilo mojega duha.
13 Yet, these things, thou didst hide in thy heart, I know that, this, hath been with thee!
Te stvari si skril v svojem srcu, vem, da je to s teboj.
14 If I have sinned, then couldst thou watch me, and, from mine iniquity, thou wouldst not acquit me:
Če grešim, potem me zaznamuješ in me ne boš oprostil pred mojo krivičnostjo.
15 If I have been lawless, alas for me! Or, if I am righteous, I will not lift up my head, Surfeited with shame, look thou then on my humiliation.
Če bi bil zloben, gorje meni. Če bi bil pravičen kljub temu ne bi dvignil svoje glave. Poln zmedenosti sem, zato poglej mojo stisko,
16 When it is lifted up, like a howling lion, thou dost hunt me, Then again thou dost shew thyself marvellous against me.
kajti ta narašča. Loviš me kakor krut lev in se ponovno kažeš čudovitega nad menoj.
17 Thou renewest thy witnesses before me, and dost increase thy vexation with me, Relays—yea an army, is with me.
Zoper mene obnavljaš svoje pričevanje in nad menoj povečuješ svoje ogorčenje. Spremembe in vojna so zoper mene.
18 Wherefore then, from the womb, didst thou bring me forth? I might have breathed my last, and, no eye, have seen me.
Zakaj si me potem privedel ven iz maternice? Oh, da bi izročil duha in me nobeno oko ne bi videlo!
19 As though I had not been, should I have become, —from the womb to the grave, might I have been borne.
Bil bi kakor, če me ne bi bilo, od maternice bi bil odnesen v grob.
20 Are not my days, few?—then forbear, and set me aside, that I may brighten up for a little;
Mar ni mojih dni malo? Odnehaj torej in me pusti samega, da se malo potolažim,
21 Before I go, and not return, unto a land of darkness and death-shade:
preden grem, od koder se ne bom vrnil, celó v deželo teme in smrtne sence,
22 A land of obscurity, like thick darkness, of death-shade and disorder, and which shineth like thick darkness.
deželo teme kakor tema sama in smrtne sence, brez kakršnegakoli reda in kjer je svetloba kakor tema.«