< Jeremiah 6 >

1 Take your goods into safety, ye sons of Benjamin out of the midst of Jerusalem, And in Tekoa, blow ye a horn, And on Beth-haccherem, raise a fire-signal, —For calamity, hath looked out from the North, Even a great destruction.
Skupite se iz Jerusalima, sinovi Venijaminovi, i u Tekuji zatrubite u trubu, i podignite znak ognjen nad Vet-Akeremom, jer se vidi zlo od sjevera i velika pogibao.
2 To a comely and delicate woman, have I likened the daughter of Zion:
Uèinih kæer Sionsku da je kao lijepa i nježna djevojka.
3 Against her, shall come shepherds with their flocks; They have pitched against her their tents, round about, They tend their flocks every one near at hand.
K njoj æe doæi pastiri sa stadima svojim, razapeæe oko nje šatore, svaki æe opasti svoje mjesto.
4 Hallow ye against her a war, Arise! and let us go up in broad noon. Woe to us, for the day, hath turned, for the shadows of evening, stretch along.
Spremite rat na nju, ustanite da udarimo u podne. Teško nama, jer dan naže, i sjenke veèernje oduljaše.
5 Arise! and let us go up in the night, And let us destroy her palaces.
Ustanite da udarimo obnoæ i razvalimo dvorove njezine.
6 For, Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Cut ye down timber, And cast up, against Jerusalem a mound, —That, is the city to be punished! There is, nothing, but oppression in her midst;
Jer ovako govori Gospod nad vojskama: sijecite drva, i naèinite opkope prema Jerusalimu; to je grad koji treba pohoditi; koliki je god, nasilje je u njemu.
7 Like the casting forth by a well of its waters, So, hath she cast forth her wickedness, —Violence and destruction, are heard in her, Before my face, continually, are suffering and smiting.
Kao što izvor toèi vodu svoju, tako on toèi zloæu svoju; nasilje i otimanje èuje se u njemu, preda mnom su jednako bolovi i rane.
8 Receive thou correction O Jerusalem, Lest my soul be torn from thee, —Lest I make thee A desolation, A land not habitable.
Popravi se, Jerusalime, da se ne otrgne duša moja od tebe, da te ne obratim u pustinju, u zemlju gdje se ne živi.
9 Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, They shall thoroughly glean as a vine the remnant of Israel—Turn back thy hand, as a grape gatherer over the tendrils.
Ovako govori Gospod nad vojskama: ostatak æe se Izrailjev pabirèiti kao vinova loza. Turaj ruku svoju kao beraè u kotarice.
10 Unto whom, can I speak—and bear witness, that they may hear? Lo! uncircumcised, is their ear, that they cannot attend, —Lo! the word of Yahweh, hath become to them a reproach, they take no delight therein.
Kome æu govoriti i svjedoèiti da èuju? Gle, uho im je neobrezano, te ne mogu èuti; gle, rijeè je Gospodnja njima potsmijeh, nije im mila.
11 So then, with the indignation of Yahweh, am I full, I am too weary to hold it in, [I am constrained] to pour it out, upon the boy in the street, and upon the circle of young men, together, —For, even husband with wife, will be captured, The elder with him who is full of days;
Zato sam pun gnjeva Gospodnjega; iznemogoh ustežuæi ga; prosuæu ga na djecu po ulicama i na sabrane mladiæe, i èovjek i žena uhvatiæe se, i stari i vremeniti.
12 And their houses shall be turned over to others, Fields and wives together, —For I will stretch out my hand against the inhabitants of the land, Declareth Yahweh.
I kuæe æe njihove pripasti drugima, i njive i žene, kad mahnem rukom svojom na stanovnike ove zemlje, veli Gospod.
13 For, from the least of them, even unto the greatest of them, Every one, graspeth with greed, —And from the prophet even unto the priest, Every one, dealeth, falsely;
Jer od maloga do velikoga svi se dadoše na lakomstvo, i prorok i sveštenik, svi su varalice.
14 And so they have healed the grievous wound of my people, slightly, Saying, Peace, peace, when there was no peace,
I lijeèe rane kæeri naroda mojega ovlaš, govoreæi: mir, mir; a mira nema.
15 Were they led to turn pale because an abominable thing, they had done! Nay! they did not, at all turn pale, Nay! they did not so much as know how, to exhibit shame, Therefore, shall they fall among them who are falling, In the time when I punish them, shall they be overthrown, Saith Yahweh.
Eda li se postidješe što èiniše gad? Niti se postidješe niti znaju za stid; zato æe popadati meðu onima koji padaju; kad ih pohodim, popadaæe, veli Gospod.
16 Thus saith Yahweh—Stand ye at the ways—and see, And ask for the paths of age-past times, Where is the good way? And walk therein, And ye shall find rest to your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein]!
Gospod reèe ovako: stanite na putovima i pogledajte, i pitajte za stare staze, koji je put dobar, pa idite po njemu, i naæi æete mir duši svojoj. A oni rekoše: neæemo da idemo.
17 Therefore will I raise up over you, watchmen, Give ye heed to the sound of a horn, —But they said, We will not give heed!
I postavih vam stražare govoreæi: pazite na glas trubni. A oni rekoše: neæemo da pazimo.
18 Therefore, hear O ye nations, —And take knowledge O assembly, Of that which befalleth them:
Zato èujte, narodi, i poznaj, zbore, što je meðu njima.
19 Hear thou—O earth, Lo! I, am bringing in Calamity against this people the fruit of their own devices, —For unto my words, have they not given heed, And as for my law, they have rejected it.
Èuj, zemljo! evo ja æu pustiti zlo na ovaj narod, plod misli njihovijeh, jer ne paze na moje rijeèi, i odbaciše zakon moj.
20 What then is it to me that—Frankincense from Shebah come in, or Sweet cane from a land afar off? Your own ascending-offerings, are not acceptable, Nor are, your sacrifices, pleasing to me.
Što æe mi tamjan, što dolazi iz Save, i dobri cimet iz daleke zemlje? Žrtve vaše paljenice nijesu mi ugodne, niti su mi prinosi vaši mili.
21 Wherefore, Thus, saith Yahweh, Behold me! laying before this people, stumblingblocks, —And fathers and sons together, shall stumble against them, The neighbour and his friend, shall perish.
Zato ovako govori Gospod: evo ja æu metnuti ovom narodu smetnje, o koje æe se spotaæi i ocevi i sinovi, susjed i prijatelj mu, i poginuæe.
22 Thus, saith Yahweh, Lo! a people coming in from the land of the North, —Yea a great nation, shall be stirred up out of the remote parts of the earth:
Ovako govori Gospod: evo narod æe doæi iz zemlje sjeverne, i velik æe narod ustati od krajeva zemaljskih.
23 Bow and javelin, shall they grasp, Cruel, is he! So they will not have compassion, Their voice, like the sea, will roar, And on horses, will they ride, —Arrayed each one, like a man for battle, Against thee, O daughter of Zion!
Luk i koplje nosiæe, žestoki æe biti i nemilostivi, glas æe im buèati kao more, i jahaæe na konjma, spremni kao junaci da se biju s tobom, kæeri Sionska.
24 We have heard the report thereof, Relaxed are our hands, —Anguish, hath taken hold on us, Pangs, as on her that is giving birth.
Kad èujemo glas o njemu, klonuæe nam ruke, tuga æe nas spopasti i bolovi kao porodilju.
25 Do not go out into the field, And in the road, do not walk, -Because a sword, hath the foe, —Terror round about!
Ne izlazite u polje, i putem ne idite, jer je maè neprijateljev i strah unaokolo.
26 O daughter of my people Gird thee with sackcloth and roll thyself in ashes, —The mourning for an only son, make thou for thyself, Most bitter lamentation! For suddenly, shall the destroyer come upon us.
Kæeri naroda mojega, pripaši kostrijet i valjaj se u pepelu, žali kao za sinom jedincem i ridaj gorko, jer æe brzo doæi na nas zatiraè.
27 An assayer, have I set thee amongst my people, of gold-ore, —That thou mayest note and try their way:
Postavih te da si stražara i grad narodu mom da doznaješ i izviðaš put njihov.
28 They all, are rebels of rebels, Slander-walkers [They are] bronze and iron! As for them all, corrupters, they are!
Svi su odmetnici nad odmetnicima, idu te opadaju, mjed su i gvožðe, svi su pokvareni.
29 Scorched are the bellows, By fire, is lead wont to be, consumed, —In vain, hath he gone on refining, For the wicked, have not been drawn out:
Izgorješe mjehovi, oganj sažeže olovo, uzalud se pretapa, jer se zla ne mogu odluèiti.
30 Rejected silver, are they called, For, Yahweh, hath rejected them.
Oni æe se zvati srebro lažno, jer ih Gospod odbaci.

< Jeremiah 6 >