< Jeremiah 33 >
1 And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah, the second time, when he was yet imprisoned in the guard-court, saying:
A LAILA, hiki lua mai la ka ole lo a Iehova io Ieremia la, i kona paa ana iloko o ka pahale o ka halepaahao, i mai la,
2 Thus, saith Yahweh, who doeth it, —Yahweh, who fashioneth it to establish it, Yahweh, is his name:
Penei ka olelo ana mai a Iehova, a ka mea hana, o Iehova ka mea i hoonohonoho ia mea, i mea e paa ai; o Iehova kona inoa;
3 Call unto me that I may answer thee, —and tell thee things great and inaccessible, which thou hast not known.
E hea mai oe ia'u, a e o aku no wau ia oe, a e hoike aku ia oe i na mea nui a paakiki, au i ike ole ai.
4 For, Thus, saith Yahweh God of Israel, Concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, —which are thrown down against the earthworks and against the sword:
No ka mea, ke olelo mai nei o Iehova, ke Akua o ka Iseraela penei, no na hale o keia kulanakauhale, a no na hale o na'lii o ka Iuda, na mea i hoohioloia e na puu, a me ka pahikaua:
5 In entering to fight with the Chaldeans, it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men, whom I have smitten in mine anger and in mine indignation, —and because of whom I have hidden my face from this city, —by reason of all their wickedness.
Ke hele mai nei lakou e kaua me ko Kaledea, he mea nae ia e hoopiha ai ia lakou i na kupapau o na kanaka, ka poe a'u i luku ai i ko'u huhu, a i ko'u ukiuki, a ua huna hoi au i ko'u maka mai keia kulanakauhale aku, no ka hewa a pau o lakou.
6 Behold me! laying upon her a bandage of healing, so will I heal them, —And will reveal to them abundance of prosperity and truth;
Aia hoi, e lawe mai no au io na la i ka wahi, a me ka mea e ola'i, a e hoola no wau ia lakou, a e hoike aku au ia lakou i ka maluhia nui, me ka oiaio.
7 And I will bring back Them of the captivity of Judah, and Them of the captivity of Israel, —And I will build them, as at the first;
A e hoihoi mai au i ke pio ana o Iuda, a me ke pio ana o ka Iseraela, a kukulu no au ia lakou, e like me ka wa mamua.
8 And I will purify them, from all their iniquity wherewith they have sinned against me, —And I will grant pardon for all their iniquities Wherewith they have sinned against me, and Wherewith they have transgressed against me;
A e hoomaemae au ia lakou i ko lakou hewa a pau a lakou i hana hewa mai ai ia'u: a e kala no hoi au i ko lakou hala a pau a lakou i lawehala'i, a kipi mai hoi ia'u.
9 So shall she become to me—A name of joy, A praise and An adorning, To all the nations of the earth, —Who will hear all the good which I am doing them, And will dread and be deeply moved over all the good and over all the prosperity which I am causing her.
A e lilo mai ia ia'u i inoa e olioli ai, no ka maikai, a no ka nani imua o na lahuikanaka a pau o ka honua, ka poe e lohe ana i ka maikai a pau a'u e hana aku ai ia lakou. A e makau auanei lakou a e haalulu hoi no ka maikai a pau, a no ka pomaikai a pau a'u e haawi aku ai ia wahi.
10 Thus, saith Yahweh—Again, shall be heard in this place, as to which ye are saying, Deserted, it is without man or beast, In the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, Which are desolate without man or inhabitant or beast
Ke olelo mai nei o Iehova; Ma keia wahi, kahi a oukou i olelo ai, ua mehameha, aohe kanaka, aohe holoholona, ma na kulanakauhale o ka Iuda, a ma na alanui o Ierusalema, ua mehameha, aohe kanaka, aohe mea nana e noho, aohe holoholona;
11 The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness The voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, The voice of them who are saying, Praise ye Yahweh of hosts, For good is Yahweh For age-abiding is his lovingkindness, The voice of them who are bringing a thank-offering into the house of Yahweh, —For I will bring back the captives of the land, as at the first, Saith Yahweh.
E lohe hou ia no ka leo o ka olioli, a me ka leo o ka hauoli; ka leo o ke kanemare, a me ka leo o ka wahinemare; ka leo hoi o ka poe e olelo ana, E hoomaikai ia Iehova o na kaua, no ka mea, ua maikai o Iehova no kona lokomaikai mau loa; o ko ka poe hoi e lawe ana i na mohai hoomana iloko o ka hale o Iehova. No ka mea, e hoihoi no wau i na pio o ka aina, e like me ka wa mamua, wahi a Iehova.
12 Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, Again, shall there be in this place—Which is deserted without man or even beast—And all the cities thereof, —The home of shepherds, causing flocks to lie down.
Ke olelo mai nei o Iehova o na kaua penei; Ma keia wahi mehameha, kanaka ole, a holoholona ole, a ma kona mau kulanakauhale a pau, e loaa hou no kahi noho no na kahuhipa, e hoomoe ana i ka lakou poe hipa.
13 In the cities of the hill country, In the cities of the lowland, and In the cities of the South, and In the land of Benjamin, and In the places round about Jerusalem, and In the cities of Judah, Again shall the flock pass over the hands of the numberer, Saith Yahweh.
Ma na kulanakauhale o na mauna, a ma na kulanakauhale o ke awawa, a ma na kulanakauhale o ke kukuluhema, a ma ka aina o ka Beniamina, a ma na wahi e puni ana ia Ierusalema, a ma na kulanakauhale o ka Iuda, e hele hou ae no na poe hipa malalo iho o ka lima o ka mea helu, wabi a Iehova.
14 Lo! days are coming, Declareth Yahweh, —when I will establish my good word, which I have spoken—As to the house of Israel And concerning the house of Judah:
Aia hoi, e hiki mai ana no na la, wahi a Iehova, e hana aku ai au i ka mea maikai a'u i olelo ai i ko ka hale o ka Iseraela, a i ko ka hale o ka Iuda.
15 In those days and at that time, will I cause to bud unto David A Bud of righteousness, —And he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land:
Ia mau la, a ia manawa, na'u no e houlu no Davida i ka Lala o ka pono; a nana no e hana i ka hoopono, a me ka pololei ma ka aina.
16 In those days, Judah shall be saved, and, Jerusalem abide, securely, —And, this, is that which shall be proclaimed to her—Yahweh, our righteousness!
Ia mau la, e hoolaia o ka Iuda, a e noho maluhia hoi o ka Ierusalema, a o kona e kapaia'i, O Iehova ko kakou pono.
17 For, Thus, saith Yahweh, —There shall not be wanting to David—A man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel;
No ka mea, ke olelo mai nei o Iehova penei; Aole e nelo o Davida i ke kanaka e noho ma ka nohoalii o ko ka hale o ka Iseraela.
18 Nor to the priests the Levites, shall there be wanting—A man, before me, To offer an ascending-sacrifice, or To make a perfume with a gift, or To offer a [peace-] offering, all the days!
Aole hoi e nele imua o'u o na kahuna, o na Levi i ke kanaka e kaumaha aku i ka mohaikuni, a e kuni aku i na mohai makana, a e hana i ka mohai mau.
19 And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah saying:
Alaila hiki mai ka olelo a Iehova io Ieremia la, i mai la,
20 Thus, saith Yahweh, If ye can break, My covenant of the day, and My covenant of the night, That there be not day and night in their season,
Ke i mai nei o Iehova penei; Ina hiki ia oukou ke uhai i ka'u berita o ke ao, a me ka'u berita o ka po, i ole ai he ao, a he po i ko laua manawa;
21 My covenant also, may be broken With David my servant, that he shall not have a son, to reign upon his throne, —And with the Levites the priests, mine attendants:
Alaila e uhaiia no hoi ka'u berita me Davida ka'u kauwa, i loaa ole ia ia ke keiki, e noho aupuni maluna o kona nohoalii; a me na Levi, ka poe kahuna, ko'u poe lawelawe.
22 As, the host of the heavens, cannot be recorded, Nor the sand of the sea, be measured, So, will I multiply, The seed of David my servant, And the Levites who attend upon me.
E like hoi me na hoku o ka lani hiki ole ke helu, a me ke one o ke kai hiki ole ke ana; pela no wau e hoonui ai i ka pua a Davida, a ka'u kauwa, a me na Levi, ka poe lawelawe na'u.
23 And the word of Yahweh came unto Jeremiah, saying:
Alaila hiki mai ka olelo a Iehova io Ieremia la, i mai la,
24 Hast thou not observed what, this people, have spoken saying, The two families which Yahweh did choose, he hath even cast them off? And so, my people, they despise, as though they could not again become a nation in their sight!
Aole anei oe i noonoo i ka mea a keia poe kanaka i olelo ai, i ka i ana'e, O na ohana elua a Iehova i koho ai, ua hoole oia ia lakou? Pela lakou i hoowahawaha'i i ko'u poe kanaka, i pau ae ko lakou noho lahuikanaka ana imua o lakou.
25 Thus, saith Yahweh, If my covenant of day and night, the ordinances of the heavens and the earth, I did not appoint,
Ke i mai nei o Iehova penei; Ina aohe a'u berita me ke ao a me ka po, aole hoi i kau i na kanawai o ka lani a me ka honua;
26 The seed of Jacob also and of David my servant, might I cast off so as not to take of his seed as rulers unto the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, —For I will bring back them of their captivity, and will have compassion upon them.
Alaila, e hoole no wau i ka pua a Iakoba, a me Davida ka'u kauwa, aole hoi e lawe i kana mamo i alii maluna o ka pua a Aberahama, a me Isaaka, a me Iakoba; no ka mea, e hoihoi no wau i ko lakou pio ana, a e lokomaikai aku no hoi au ia lakou.