< Jeremiah 31 >

1 At that time, Declareth Yahweh, I will become a God, to all the families of Israel; And, they, shall become my people.
Hatnavah, kai teh Isarel imthungnaw pueng hanlah Cathut lah ka o vaiteh, ahnimouh hai ka tami lah o awh han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
2 Thus, saith Yahweh, —There hath found favour in the desert people escaped from the sword, —I must go to cause him, even Israel, to rest.
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, Isarel hah kâhatnae poe hanlah ka cei navah, tahloi dawk hoi kahloutnaw ni kahrawng vah pahrennae a hmu awh.
3 From afar, Yahweh hath appeared unto me, Yea with an age-abiding love, have I loved thee, For this cause, have I prolonged to thee lovingkindness.
Ahlanae koehoi kai koe kamnuek e BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, ka poutthaihoeh e lungpatawnae hoi lung na pataw, hatdawkvah lungmanae dawk na kâenkhai.
4 Again, will I build thee and thou shalt be built, thou virgin, Israel, —Again, shalt thou deck thyself with thy timbrels, And go forth in the dance of them that make merry:
Na kangdue sak vaiteh kangdue e lah na o han, oe tanglakacuem Isarel, kacakcalah kangdue lah na o han. Tâbaw hoi na kamthoup vaiteh a lungkahawinaw lamnae koe na bawk van han.
5 Again, shalt thou plant vineyards in the mountains of Samaria, The planters have planted, and have laid open the vineyards,
Misur takha hah Samaria mon dawk na sak vaiteh hot van kho kasaknaw ni amamouh ngai patetlah a ca awh han.
6 For it is a day the watchmen have proclaimed throughout the hill country of Ephraim, —Arise ye and let us go up to Zion, unto Yahweh our God.
Ephraim mon dawk khokasaknaw ni, thaw awh haw, maimae BAWIPA Cathut onae koe Zion mon koe cet awh sei telah hramnae tueng a pha han, telah a ti.
7 For, thus, saith Yahweh—Shout ye for Jacob with gladness, Make shrill thy voice, as the head of the nations, —Publish ye praise ye and say, Save thou O Yahweh thy people, the remnant of Israel.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, Jakop hanlah lunghawi laihoi la sak awh haw, kalenpounge miphun hanlah hram awh, pathang laihoi pholen awh, oe BAWIPA, kacawirae na tami Isarelnaw rungngang haw, telah dei awh.
8 Behold me bringing them in out of the land of the North, And I will gather them out of the remote parts of the earth, Among them, the blind and the lame The woman with child and she that giveth birth, together, —A great convocation, shall return hither:
Khenhaw! atunglae ram dawk hoi ka thokhai vaiteh, talai poutnae koehoi ka pâkhueng awh vaiteh mitdawn, khokkhem, camo ka vawn e napui hoi ka pataw e taminaw moikapap kamkhueng awh han.
9 With weeping, shall they come in, And with supplications, will I lead them, I will bring them unto rivers of waters By a smooth way, wherein they shall not stumble, —For I have become, to Israel, a father, And as for Ephraim, my firstborn, is he!
Mitphi hoi tho awh vaiteh ngaithoumnae hoi ka hrawi awh han, ka lawng e tui koe, kamthuinae kaawm hoeh e lam kalan dawk ka hrawi han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, kai teh Isarel e a na pa lah ka o teh, Ephraim teh ka camin lah ao.
10 Hear ye the word of Yahweh, O ye nations, And declare ye in the Coastlands, afar off, —And say—He that scattereth Israel, will gather him, And watch over him as a shepherd his flock;
Oe miphunnaw, BAWIPA e lawk thai awh haw, a hlanae ram dawk pâpho awh, Isarel kâkapek sakkung ni bout a pâkhueng han, tukhoumkung ni tuhu a khetyawt e patetlah a khetyawt han.
11 For Yahweh hath ransomed Jacob, —And redeemed him from the hand of one stronger than he.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, Jakop teh BAWIPA ni a ratang teh, ahni hlak thakaawme kut dawk hoi a rungngang.
12 Then shall they come in and shall shout in triumph on the height of Zion, And shall stream unto the goodness of Yahweh To the wheat, and to the new wine, and to the oil, and to the young of the flocks and of the herds, —So shall their soul become like a garden well watered, And they shall not again languish any more.
Zion monsom vah la sak laihoi tho awh vaiteh BAWIPA hawinae dawk lunghawi awh han, cakang, misur hoi satui, tu hoi saringnaw dawk a lunghawi awh han, ahnimae hringnae teh tui awi e takha patetlah ao vaiteh a yungyoe lungmathoenae awm mahoeh toe.
13 Then shall the virgin rejoice, in the dance, And young men and elders [rejoice] together, And I will turn their mourning into gladness and will comfort them, And will make them rejoice from their sorrow;
Tanglakacuem teh lam laihoi a lunghawi vaiteh, thoundoun, hoi minpui, mintawngpanaw hoi a lunghawi awh han. Ahnimae cingounae teh lunghawinae lah coungsak laihoi lung ka mawng sak vaiteh a lungmathoenae dawk hoi lung kahawi sak han.
14 Then will I satiate the soul of the priests with fatness, And my people with my goodness, shall be satisfied, Declareth Yahweh.
Vaihmanaw teh kathâw e moi hoi kaboumcalah ka paca vaiteh, ka hawinae dawk ka taminaw a lungkuep awh han telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
15 Thus, saith Yahweh—A voice, in Ramah, is heard, Wailing, bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, —She refuseth to be comforted for her children, For they are not!
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, Ramah kho dawk kamthang ka thai, tamikadout rabui laihoi kanae kamthang doeh. Rachel ni a canaw a khui teh a canaw o hoeh toung dawkvah lungpahawi thai kawi lah awm hoeh toe.
16 Thus, saith Yahweh—Restrain thy voice from weeping, And thine eyes from tears, —For there is a reward for thy labour, Declareth Yahweh, So they shall return from the land of the enemy:
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, ka hoeh nahanlah na lawk kâpanguep leih, na mitphi hai hui leih, bangkongtetpawiteh, na tawksak e dawk tawkphu a hmu vaiteh, tarannaw e ram dawk hoi bout ban awh han telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
17 Yea there is hope for thy future Declareth Yahweh, —And thy sons shall return to their own boundary.
Nang e tueng poutnae dawk ngaihawinae ao. Na canaw teh bout a ban awh han telah, BAWIPA ni a dei.
18 I have, heard, Ephraim bemoaning himself, Thou hast chastised me and I have been chastised, Like a bullock, not broken in, Suffer me to return that I may return, For thou, art Yahweh my God.
Ephraim na khuikanae lawk ka thai doeh, nang nama ni na yue teh kacuete Maitotan patetlah bout na katha sak haw, bout ka ban han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, nang teh ka BAWIPA Cathut lah na o.
19 Surely after my return, I was filled with regret, And after I came to know myself, I smote upon the thigh, —I turned pale and was even confounded For I had borne the reproach of my youthful days.
Bout ka ban hnukkhu pankângai katang, na yue hnukkhu ka phai ka tabawng teh ka kaya, ka naw nah min mathoenae dawk kaya laihoi duem ka o.
20 Was Ephraim, a very precious son to me? Was he a most delightful child? For as often as I have spoken against him, I have, remembered, him again! For this cause, have my affections been deeply moved for him, I must have, compassion, upon him, Declareth Yahweh.
Ephraim teh ka lungpataw e capa, ka kâuep e camo nahoehmaw. Bangkongtetpawiteh, ahni taranlahoi lawk ka dei eiteh ahni khoeroe ka pahnim thai hoeh. Hatdawkvah ka lungthin ni a rabui teh ka lungma roeroe han telah, BAWIPA ni a dei.
21 Erect thee waymarks Set thee up finger-posts, Apply thy heart to The highway—The road by which thou didst depart, —Return O virgin of Israel, Return unto these thy cities.
Mitnoutnae a vo nateh, ram mitnoutnae hah sak haw. Na cei tangcoungnae lamthungpui dawk na lungthin hrueng haw. Bout ban, oe tanglakacuem Isarel na khopui koe bout ban leih.
22 How long wilt thou turn hither and thither, O apostate daughter? For Yahweh hath created a new thing in the earth, A female defendeth, a strong man!
Oe, nang hnuklah ka ban e canu, bangkongmaw na kâva han rah. Bangkongtetpawiteh BAWIPA ni talai dawk hno katha a sak toe. Napui ni tongpa a kalup han telah, a ti.
23 Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, Again, shall they say this word, in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I cause their captivity to return, Yahweh, bless thee, Thou home of righteousness! Thou mountain of holiness!
Isarel Cathut, ransahu BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, santoungnae thung hoi ka bankhai torei teh, Judah ram hoi khopui dawk hete lawk bout a hno awh han, oe lannae khosaknae hmuen, oe mon kathoung BAWIPA ni yawhawinae poe seh, telah a ti.
24 Then shall there dwell throughout Judah itself and all the cities thereof, together, —Husbandmen, who shall move about with a flock;
Hote Judah taminaw hoi a khopui thung e taminaw pueng hah, hmuen touh koe takhakatawkkungnaw hoi saring ka pacanaw hoi kho rei ka sak awh han.
25 For I have satiated the weary soul, —And every languishing soul, have I filled.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, ka voutthoupnaw ka kawk vaiteh, lung ka mathoutnaw hai ka kawk han telah a ti.
26 Upon this, I awoke and considered, —And, my sleep, had been sweet to me!
Hahoi, ka kâhlaw teh, kahawipoung e mang lah doeh a la o.
27 Lo! days are coming, Declareth Yahweh—That I will sow, The house of Israel, and The house of Judah, With the seed of men, and With the seed of beasts;
Khenhaw! a tueng kuep tawmlei, Isarel imthung hoi Judah imthung dawk tami e cati hoi saring e cati ka tu han telah, BAWIPA ni a dei.
28 And it shall come to pass, that—Just as I watched over them, to root up and to break down and to tear out and to destroy, and to break in pieces, So, will I watch over them, to build and to plant, Declareth Yahweh.
Kai ni ahnimouh ka phawk, ka pakhup pathan, ouk ka rektap e patetlah, ahnimouh bout ka kangdue sak han telah a ti.
29 In those days, shall they say no more, Fathers, did eat sour grapes, —And, children’s teeth, are blunted!
Hatnae tueng dawk a napanaw ni ka thut e misur a nei awh vaiteh a capanaw a hâ kayâ, tet awh mahoeh toe.
30 But, every one, for his own iniquity, shall die, —Any human being who eateth the sour grapes, his own teeth, shall be blunted.
Hatei taminaw pueng mae sak payonnae dawk a due awh vaiteh, kathut e misurtui ka net e hânaw dueng doeh a kayâ han toe.
31 Lo! days are coming, Declareth Yahweh, —When I will solemnize—With the house of Israel and With the house of Judah, A new covenant:
Khenhaw! atueng kuep tawmlei telah, BAWIPA ni a dei, Isarel imthung hoi Judah imthung koe lawkkam katha ka sak toteh,
32 Not like the covenant which I solemnised with their fathers, In the day when I grasped their hand, to bring them forth out of the land of Egypt, —In that, they, brake my covenant Though, I, had become a husband unto them, Declareth Yahweh.
Izip ram dawk hoi tâcokhai hanlah ahnimae kut ka kuet hnin vah a na mintoenaw koe, ahnimae vâ lah ka o eiteh a rapha awh e ka lawkkam patetlah laipalah, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
33 For, this, is the covenant which I will solemnize with the house of Israel after those days Declareth Yahweh, I will put my law within them, Yea, on their heart, will I write it, —So will I become their God, And they shall become my people.
Hatei hetheh, Isarel imthungnaw koe lawkkamnae ka sak han e doeh, telah BAWIPA ni a dei. Ahnimouh koe ka kâlawk ka hruek vaiteh a lungthin dawk ka thut han, kai ahnimae Cathut lah ka o vaiteh, ahnimouh teh ka tami lah o awh han.
34 Then shall they no longer teach Every man his neighbour, and Every man his brother, saying, Know ye Yahweh, —For, they all, shall know me, From the least of them Even unto the greatest of them, Declareth Yahweh, For I will forgive their iniquity, And their sin, will I remember, no more.
Apipatet nihai, BAWIPA teh panuek telah ma hoi imri hoi hmaunawngha cangkhai mahoeh toe. Bangkongtetpawiteh, kathoengca koehoi kalenpoung totouh abuemlahoi kai na panue awh han toe, telah BAWIPA ni a dei. Kâtapoenae naw ka ngaithoum vaiteh yonnae naw hai ka pâkuem pouh mahoeh toe.
35 Thus, saith Yahweh—Who hath given the sun for a light by day, The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, —Who excited the sea, and the waves thereof roared Yahweh of hosts, is his name: —
Hettelah BAWIPA teh khodai ang sak hanlah kanî kapoekung, karum angnae ka poe hanlah thapa hoi âsi hanlah phunglam kapoukpouhkung, tuicapa pawlawk kathosakkung ni a dei. A min teh ransahu BAWIPA doeh.
36 If these ordinances depart from before me, Declareth Yahweh, —the seed of Israel also, may cease from being a nation before me, all the days,
Hete phunglamnaw heh, ka mithmu hoi kahmat pawiteh Isarel catounnaw hai ka mithmu vah miphun buet touh a coungnae dawk hoi a kahma awh han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
37 Thus, saith Yahweh—If the heavens above can be measured, Or the foundations of the earth beneath, be searched out I also, may reject all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, Declareth Yahweh.
BAWIPA ni hettelah a dei, lathueng e kalvan bangnue thai teh, talaidu pâlei thai pawiteh, Isarel catounnaw pueng a tawksak payonnae naw dawk ka raphoe van han telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
38 Lo days, are coming, Declareth Yahweh, That the city shall be built for Yahweh, From the tower of Hananeel, [As far as] the gate of the corner;
Khenhaw! atu a pha tawmlei, Hananel imrasang hoi kamtawng teh khopui takin longkha totouh, khopui hah BAWIPA hanlah sak lah ao han, telah BAWIPA ni a dei.
39 Then shall go forth again the measuring-line straight forward, Over the hill Gareb, And it shall go round to Goah;
A bangnuenae teh Gereb mon dawk kalancalah a cei vaiteh Goah lah a kalup han.
40 And, all the vale of the dead bodies, and of the ashes, and all the fields as far as the Kidron torrent-bed, as far as the horse-gate corner on the east, Shall be holy unto Yahweh, —It shall not be rooted up, nor thrown down, any more, unto times age-abiding.
Tami ro hoi hraba rabawknae tanghlingnaw hoi kahrawngnaw pueng, Kidron palang tanghling totouh. Kanîtholah hoi marang longkha takin totouh BAWIPA hanlah kathounge lah ao han. Hothateh nâtuek hai kapek e hoi raphoe e lah awm mahoeh toe.

< Jeremiah 31 >