< Jeremiah 3 >

1 He hath said, If a man send away his wife, and she go from him and become another man’s, will he return unto her, again? would not that land be, utterly defiled? And, thou, hast been unchaste with many neighbours, and yet [thinkest] to return unto me! Declareth Yahweh.
E korerotia ana, kite whakarerea e te tangata tana wahine, a ka haere atu ia i tona taha, ka riro i te tane ke, e hoki ano ranei ia ki a ia? E kore ianei taua whenua e poke rawa? Ko koe ia kua kairau ki nga hoa tokomaha: na, hoki mai ki ahau, e a i ta Ihowa.
2 Lift up thine eyes unto the bare heights and see—where thou hast not been unchastely embraced! beside the ways, hast thou sat to them, like the Arabian in the desert, —and hast defiled the land with thine unchastities, and with thy wickedness.
Kia ara ou kanohi ki nga pukepuke moremore, tirohia; ko tehea te wahi i kore ai koe e puremutia? Nohoia atu ana ratou e koe i nga ara, pera ana me te Arapi i te koraha; a poke iho i a koe te whenua i ou kairautanga, i tau mahi kino.
3 Therefore have been withholden the showers, And, the latter rain, hath not come, —Yet the forehead of an unchaste woman, hast thou, Thou hast refused to be ashamed.
Na reira i kaiponuhia ai nga ua, kahore hoki he ua o muri; engari he rae tou no te wahine kairau, e whakakahore ana ki te whakama.
4 Hast thou not from this time, cried unto me, My father! the friend of my youth, art, thou?
E kore ianei koe e karanga ki ahau i nga wa a muri nei, E toku papa, ko koe te kaiarahi o toku taitamarikitanga?
5 Will he maintain his anger to times age-abiding? Will he keep it perpetually? Lo! thou hast spoken thus but hast done wicked things and had thy way!
E mau ranei tona riri a ake ake? E whakapumautia tonutia ranei e ia? Nana, kua korerotia e koe, kua mahia nga mea kino, kua rite ki tau.
6 And Yahweh said unto me, in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen what apostate Israel, did? She used to go upon every high mountain and beneath every green tree, and commit unchastity there.
I ki mai ano a Ihowa ki ahau i nga ra o Kingi Hohia, Kua kite ranei koe i nga mahi a Iharaira tahuri ke? kua haere ia ki runga ki nga maunga tiketike katoa, ki raro i nga rakau kouru nui katoa, ki reira kairau ai.
7 And I said, after she had been doing all these things, Unto me, shall thou return? and she returned not, —and her treacherous sister Judah saw it!
I mea ano ahau i muri i tana meatanga i enei mea katoa, Ka hoki mai ia ki ahau; heoi kihai ia i hoki mai, me te titiro ano tona tuakana tinihanga, a Hura.
8 Though she saw that for all this, apostate Israel having committed adultery, I had sent her away, and had given a scroll of divorcement unto her, yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but, she also, went and committed unchastity.
A i kite ahau, i taku peinga atu i a Iharaira tahuri ke mo taua take nei ano, mo tona puremutanga, a i taku hoatutanga he pukapuka whakarere ki a ia, na kihai tona tuakana, a Hura tinihanga i wehi; heoi haere ana ano ia, kairau ana.
9 Yea though it had come to pass that through the levity of her unchastity, she had defiled the land, —and committed adultery with Stone and with Tree,
Na, ko te otinga, kua poke te whenua i te rongo o tona puremutanga, puremu ana ia ki te kohatu, ki te rakau.
10 yet, in spite of all this, her treacherous sister Judah returned not unto me, with all her heart, —but, falsely, Declareth Yahweh.
Na ahakoa ko tenei katoa, kihai i whakapaua te ngakau o tona tuakana tinihanga, o Hura, ki te hoki ki ahau; he hoki teka kau ia, e ai ta Ihowa.
11 Then said Yahweh unto me, —Apostate Israel, hath justified herself, —more than treacherous Judah.
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki ahau, A Iharaira tahuri ke, nui atu tana whakatika i a ia i ta Hura, i ta te mea tinihanga.
12 Go, and proclaim these words, towards the North and say—Return! thou apostate—Israel, Urgeth Yahweh, I will not lower my face against you, —for full of lovingkindness, I am, Declareth Yahweh, I will not maintain [mine anger] unto times age-abiding.
Haere, karangatia enei kupu whaka te raki, mea atu, Hoki mai, e Iharaira tahuri ke, e ai ta Ihowa; e kore ahau e mea i toku riri kia tau ki a koutou; he atawhai hoki ahau, e ai ta Ihowa, e kore ahau e mauahara tonu.
13 Only, acknowledge thine iniquity, that against Yahweh thy God, hast thou transgressed, —and hast gone hither and thither unto foreigners under every green tree, and unto my voice, ye have not hearkened Declareth Yahweh.
Whakina kautia tou he, ara kua kino koe ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua, kua whakamararatia atu e koe ou ara ki nga tangata ke i raro i nga rakau kouru nui katoa, kihai ano i rongo ki toku reo, e ai ta Ihowa.
14 Return, ye apostate sons, Urgeth Yahweh, for, I, am become your husband, —therefore will I take you one of a city, and two of a family, and will bring you to Zion;
Hoki mai, e nga tamariki tahuri ke, e ai ta Ihowa; kua marenatia hoki koutou e ahau: a ka tangohia koutou e ahau, tetahi i roto i te pa, tokorua hoki i roto i te hapu, ka kawea ano koutou e ahau ki Hiona.
15 and will give you shepherds according to mine own heart, —who will feed you with knowledge and discretion.
A ka hoatu e ahau he hepara mo koutou, ko aku i pai ai, ka whangaia ano koutou e ratou ki te matauranga, ki te whakaaro pai.
16 And it shall come to pass when ye shall be multiplied and become fruitful in the land, in those days, Declareth Yahweh, They shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of Yahweh, Neither shall it come up on the heart, Neither shall they remember it, Neither shall they miss it, Neither shall it be made any more.
A tenei ake, ina nui, ina hua koutou ki te whenua i aua ra e ai ta Ihowa, heoi ano a ratou kianga ake, Ko te aaka o te kawenata a Ihowa; e kore ano e puta ake ki te ngakau; e kore hoki e maharatia taua mea e ratou, e kore ano ratou e haereere ki reira, kahore hoki he mahinga pera i muri iho.
17 At that time, shall they call Jerusalem, The throne of Yahweh, and there shall be gathered unto her all the nations—to the Name of Yahweh, to Jerusalem; and they shall walk no more after the stubbornness of their own wicked heart.
I taua wa ka kiia e ratou a Hiruharama, ko te torona o Ihowa; a ka huihuia nga iwi katoa ki reira, ki te ingoa o Ihowa, ki Hiruharama; a heoi ano to ratou haere i runga i te maro o o ratou ngakau kino.
18 In those days, shall the house of Judah go unto the house of Israel, —that they may enter together out of the land of the North, upon the land which I gave as an inheritance unto your fathers.
I aua ra ka haere tahi te whare o Hura raua ko te whare o Iharaira, ka huihuia ano to ratou haere mai i te whenua i te raki, ki te whenua i hoatu e ahau hei kainga tupu ki o koutou matua.
19 Though, I myself, had said, —How can I put thee among the sons, And give thee a land to be coveted, An inheritance of beauty, of the hosts of nations? Yet I said, My father, shalt thou call me, And away from me, shalt thou not turn.
I mea ano ahau, Me pehea e oti ai koe te whakauru e ahau ki nga tamariki, e hoatu ai e ahau ki a koe he whenua e minaminatia ana, he kainga tupu, he wahi ataahua no nga mano o nga iwi? i mea ano ahau, ka karangatia ahau e koe, E toku papa, e kor e ano koe e tahuri atu i te whai i ahau.
20 But indeed [as] a wife goeth treacherously from her husband, so, have ye acted treacherously with me, O house of Israel, Declareth Yahweh.
Rite rawa ki ta te wahine i whakarere tinihanga i tana tahu ta koutou mahi tinihanga ki ahau, e te whare o Iharaira, e ai ta Ihowa?
21 A voice on the bare heights, is heard, The weeping of the supplications of the sons of Israel, —Because they have perverted their way, Have forgotten Yahweh their God.
E rangona ana he reo i runga i nga puke moremore, ko te tangi, ko nga inoi hoki a nga tama a Iharaira; mo ratou i whakaparori ke i to ratou ara, wareware ake i a ratou a Ihowa, to ratou Atua.
22 Return ye apostate sons, I will heal your apostasies! Behold us! we have come unto thee, For thou, art Yahweh our God.
Hoki mai, e nga tamariki tahuri ke, maku e rongoa o koutou tahuritanga ketanga. Tenei matou te haere atu nei ki a koe; ko koe hoki a Ihowa, to matou Atua.
23 Surely, to falsehood, pertain the hills The noisy throng on the mountains, —Surely, in Yahweh our God, is the salvation of Israel!
He pono, he hori kau te awhina e taria ana mai i nga pukepuke, te nge i runga i nga maunga: tika rawa kei a Ihowa, kei to tatou Atua te whakaora mo Iharaira.
24 But, the Shameful thing, hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth: Their flocks, and their herds, their sons and their daughters.
Kua pau hoki i te mea whakama te mauiui o o tatou matua, no to tatou tamarikitanga ake ano; a ratou hipi, a ratou kau, a ratou tama, me a ratou tamahine.
25 We must lie down in our shame And our reproach, be our covering, For, against Yahweh our God, have we sinned, We and our fathers, from our youth even until this day, —Neither have we hearkened unto the voice of Yahweh our God.
Takoto tatou i roto i to tatou whakama, ma to tatou matangerengere tatou e hipoki: kua hara hoki tatou ki a Ihowa, ki to tatou Atua, tatou ko o tatou matua, no to tatou tamarikitanga ake ano a mohoa noa nei; kihai hoki tatou i rongo ki te reo o Ihowa, o to tatou Atua.

< Jeremiah 3 >