< Jeremiah 27 >

1 In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah, came this word unto Jeremiah, from Yahweh, saying:
Judah lengpa Josiah chapa, Zedekiah lengchan kipattil in, Pakaiya kon in Jeremiah henga thu ahunglhunge.
2 Thus, said Yahweh unto me, Make thee, bonds and bars, and put them upon thine own neck.
Pakaiyin hitin aseiye, ‘Nangman namkol kisem inlang, apohna ding savun khao jong kisem inlang, anngong’a pon.
3 Then shalt thou send them unto the king of Edom and unto the king of Moab and unto the king of the sons of Ammon, and unto the king of Tyre and unto the king of Zidon, —by the hand of messengers coming into Jerusalem, unto Zedekiah king of Judah.
Chutengle, nangman Jerusalem a Zedekiah lengpa kimupi dinga hungji leng palai ho khut a, hiche Pakai thusei hohi, Edom lengpa, Moah lengpa, Ammon lengpa, Tyre leh Sidon lengte kom’a thot in.
4 And thou shall give them charge unto their lords saying, —Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts God of Israel, Thus shall ye say unto your lords: —
Hiche thuhi amaho chu penlang, amahon a lengte hou seipih uhen. Hatchungnung Pakaiyin hitin aseiye.
5 I, made The earth—The man and the beast that are on the face of the earth—By my great power, And by mine outstretched arm, —And gave it to whomsoever was right in mine own eyes.
Kathaneina jouse leh kaban thahat pan’a, keiman leiset leh asunga mihem jouse chuleh ganhing jouse abon’a kasem ahi. Hijeh’a chu keiman kicheng se hi, koi hijongle kanop nop kapeh jeng ahi.
6 Now, therefore, I, have given all these lands, into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon my servant, —Moreover also, the wild beast of the field, have I given him, to serve him.
Tua hi, keiman hiche gam pumpi hi, kasohpa Babylon lengpa Nebuchadnezzar khut a kapeh ding, chule gamlah’a gamsa ho jong, ama kin bol’a pang dinga kapeh ahitai.
7 Therefore shall all the nations serve him, and his son, and his son’s son, —until the time even of his own land, itself arrive, when many nations and great kings, shall use him as a slave.
Hitia chu, namtin vaipin ama ajendiu, achapa jong chule atupa khang geiya jopng akin bol’a pang ding ahiuve. Chujoutengle namtin vaipi thahattah ho leh leng lentah hon, ama leh agamsung chu gal’a ajouva, achunguva vai ahomdiu ahi.
8 And it shall come to pass that, the nation or kingdom which will not serve him, even Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and that will not put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon, —with sword and with famine, and with pestilence, will I bring punishment upon that nation, Declareth Yahweh, until I have consumed them by his hand.
Hijeh’a chu, nangho Babylon lengpa khut’a nakipehlut diu, ama kin bol’a napandiu ahi. Ijemtia koi nam ham khattouvin, Babylon lengpa soh’a panding da aumle, amaho chu talent kamatsah ding ahi. Keiman achung'uva gal kalhut khum ding, kel kalhah sah ding chule natna hise kalan sah ding ahi. Amaho chu Babylon lengpan asuhmang hel kahseuva, talen kamatsah ding ahiuve, tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
9 Ye, therefore do not ye hearken unto your prophets, nor unto your diviners, nor unto your dreams, nor unto your users of hidden arts nor unto your mutterers of incantations, —in that, they, are speaking unto you saying, Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon;
Hijeh chun themgao lhemho thusei tahsan hih un, chuleh mang Lethem ho, phunsan thenho leh doi themho thusei ngaidauvin. Ajeh chu amahon, Babylon lengpan nachunguva ima boltheiponte pou, atiuve.
10 for falsehood, are they prophesying unto you, that ye may be far removed from off your own soil, and I drive you out, and ye be destroyed
Amaho chu apumpiuva joule nal’a thusei ngen ahiuvin, amaho thusei jal a nangho nagamsung uva kon’a delmang’a naumlo teidiu ahi. Hitia chu, keiman nangho gamla tah’a kadel mang diu, chuche mun’a chu nathi dendiu ahi.
11 But the nation that shall bring its neck into the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will let them remain in quietness upon their own soil, Declareth Yahweh, and they shall till it, and dwell therein.
Amavang, koi nam hijongle Babylon lengpan namkol noiya angong hindo jenga, kipelut ho vang chu, agamsung dalha louva umden diu, lou akiboluva, chengden diu ahiuve, tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
12 Also unto Zedekiah king of Judah, spake I, according to all these words saying, -Bring your necks into the yoke of the king of Babylon, and serve him and his people and live!
Chuin, keiman Judah lengpa Hezekiah henga chun, Pakai thusei hijat pihi, asei tobang bang in kaga sei kitin, hitin kati. “Nahin nadin, Babylon lengpa namkol noiya nangong do cheh uvin, chule ama leh amite kin bol in panguvin.
13 Wherefore, should ye die, thou, and thy people, by sword, by famine, and by pestilence, —as Yahweh hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?
Ibol’a nang nahin namite ahiuvin, Pakaiyin aphondohsa Babylon lengpa kinbol nomlou mite chunga chuding – chemjam gilkel, chule natna hise hoa chu thidinga kigo jeng nahiu hitam?
14 Do not, then hearken unto the words of the prophets who are speaking unto you, saying—Ye shall not serve the king of Babylon, —for falsehood, are they prophesying unto you.
Themgao lhemho thusei tahsan hih un. Amahon Babylon lengpa kin boldauvin, aman ima nalothei pouvinte, atiu chu ngaidauvin. Amaho chu joule nal’a gaothu sei ngan ahiuve.
15 For I have not sent them, Declareth Yahweh, but they are prophesying in my name, falsely, —to the end I may drive you out and ye be destroyed, ye and the prophets who are prophesying unto you.
Pakaiyin hitin aseiye, “Keiman hiche themgao ho hi kasol khapoi. Amahon kamin in jouthu jeng agaovun, hijeh’achu keiman hiche gamsunga kon’a hi, nangho nabonuva kadelmang ding nahiuve. Nangho jong chule na themgao hou jong, na bonchauva nathigam soh diu ahi.
16 Also unto the priests, and unto all this people, spake I, saying, Thus! saith Yahweh, Do not hearken unto the words of your prophets, who are prophesying unto you saying, Lo! the vessels of the house of Yahweh, are to be brought back out of Babylon now, quickly; for falsehood, are they prophesying unto you.
Chuin keiman thempu ho leh mipiho heng’a chun, Pakai thusei chu kahil in, hitin kaseiye. Na themgao houvin, Pakai houin sunga kon’a kipodoh gou ho, hung kinung pohlut loidinga aseiyu chu, ngaidauvin. Amahon jouthu jeng aseiyu ahibouve.
17 Do not hearken unto them, serve the king of Babylon land live! wherefore, should this city become a desolation?
Athuseiyu khu ngaipih hih un. Babylon lengpa khutnoiya kipelut uvin, chutileh nahinjoh diu ahi. Ibol a hiche khopi hi kimoh suhset jeng ding ham?
18 But, if prophets, they are, and if the word of Yahweh is with them, let them intercede, I pray you, with Yahweh of hosts, that the vessels which are left remaining in the house of Yahweh and the house of the king of Judah and in Jerusalem, come not into Babylon.
Amaho chu themgao dihtah ahiuva, Pakaiya kon thupeh seiding nei ahiuleh, Hatchung nung Pakai henga taovu hen. Chule Pakai Houin sunga kidalha goulu ho, leng inpia gouho, chule Jerusalem a umden gou ho jouse, Babylon gam’a pohmanga aumlou nadia Hatchung nung Pakai heng a, taovuhen.
19 For Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts—Concerning the pillars, and concerning the sea, and concerning the stands, —and concerning the residue of the vessels that remain in this city
Ajeh chu Hatchungnung Pakaiyin hitin aseiye, ‘Houin maiya inkhom ho, kisilna sum-eng kong lent ah, kangtalai ho, chuleh thil chom chom ho jouse,
20 which Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took not when he carried away captive Jeconiah son of Jehoiakim king of Judah from Jerusalem to Babylon, —with all the nobles of Judah and Jerusalem,
Babylon leng Nebuchadnezzar in, Judah lengpa Jehoiakim chapa Jehoiachin chuleh Judah leh Jerusalem a vaipo milen milal ho abonchauva Babylon gam’a sohchang’a ana kaimang pet’a, ana dalhah chengse
21 Yea—Thus, saith Yahweh of hosts God of Israel Concerning the vessels that are left in thee house of Yahweh and the house of the king of Judah, and Jerusalem,
Hatchungnung Pakai, Israel Pathen in, Houin sunga goulu kidalha ho leh Judah leng inpia kidalha ho, thua hitin aseiye.
22 Into Babylon, shall they be taken And there, shall they remain, Until the day that I visit them, Declareth Yahweh, When I will bring them up, and restore them unto this place.
Hiche thilho jouse hi abon’a, Babylon gam’a kipolutsoh ding, keiman kagelkhoh kahsea chukom’a umjing ding; Chujouteng le keiman kahin nungpoh kit a, hiche mun’a hi kakoi ding ahibouve, ati.

< Jeremiah 27 >