< Isaiah 1 >

1 The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, which he saw, concerning Judah and Jerusalem, —in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah—kings of Judah.
Masomphenya wonena za Yuda ndi Yerusalemu, amene Yesaya mwana wa Amozi, anaona pa nthawi ya ulamuliro wa Uziya, Yotamu, Ahazi ndi Hezekiya, mafumu a Yuda.
2 Hear O heavens, And give ear, O earth, for Yahweh, hath spoken: —Sons, have I brought up, and advanced, And, they, have rebelled against me.
Tamverani, miyamba inu! Tchera khutu, iwe dziko lapansi! Pakuti Yehova wanena kuti, “Ndinabala ana ndi kuwalera, koma anawo andiwukira Ine.
3 An ox knoweth, his owner, And an ass his masters crib, —Israel, doth not know, My people doth not consider.
Ngʼombe imadziwa mwini wake, bulu amadziwa kumene kuli gome la mbuye wake, koma Israeli sadziwa, anthu anga samvetsa konse.”
4 Alas! a nation—committing sin, a people—burdened with iniquity, a seed—practising wickedness, sons—acting corruptly. They have forsaken Yahweh despised the Holy One of Israel, —Are estranged and gone back.
Haa, mtundu wochimwa, anthu olemedwa ndi machimo, obadwa kwa anthu ochita zoyipa, ana odzipereka ku zoyipa! Iwo asiya Yehova; anyoza Woyerayo wa Israeli ndipo afulatira Iyeyo.
5 Why should ye be smitten any more? Ye would again turn aside! The whole head is sick, And the whole heart faint:
Chifukwa chiyani mukufuna kuti muzingolangidwabe? Chifukwa chiyani mukupitirira kukhala mʼmoyo wowukira? Mutu wanu wonse uli ndi mabala, mtima wanu wonse wafowokeratu.
6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, —They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.
Kuchokera ku phazi mpaka ku mutu palibe pabwino, paliponse pali mikwingwirima ndi zilonda, mabala ali magazi chuchuchu, mabala ake ngosatsuka, ngosamanga ndiponso ngosapaka mafuta ofewetsa.
7 Your country—is a desolation, Your cities—are consumed with fire, —Your soil—right before your eyes, foreigners are devouring it, And it is a desolation a very overthrow by foreigners;
Dziko lanu lasanduka bwinja, mizinda yanu yatenthedwa ndi moto; minda yanu ikukololedwa ndi alendo inu muli pomwepo, dziko lanu lasanduka bwinja monga ngati lagonjetsedwa ndi alendo.
8 And left is the Daughter of Zion, Like a hut in a vineyard, —Like a lodge in a gourd-plot Like a city besieged.
Mwana wamkazi wa Ziyoni watsala yekha ngati nsanja mʼmunda wampesa, ngati chisimba mʼmunda wa minkhaka, ngati mzinda wozingidwa ndi nkhondo.
9 If, Yahweh of hosts, had not left us a very small remnant, Like Sodom, had we become, Gomorrah, had we resembled.
Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akanapanda kutisiyira opulumuka, tikanawonongeka ngati Sodomu, tikanakhala ngati anthu a ku Gomora.
10 Hear the word of Yahweh, ye rulers of Sodom, —Give ear to the instruction of our God, ye people of Gomorrah: —
Imvani mawu a Yehova, inu olamulira Sodomu; mverani lamulo la Mulungu wathu, inu anthu a ku Gomora!
11 Of what use to me, is your multitude of sacrifices: Saith Yahweh: I am sated with ascending-offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts, —In the blood of bulls and young rams and he-goats, have I no pleasure.
Yehova akuti, “Kodi ndili nazo chiyani nsembe zanu zochuluka?” “Zandikola nsembe zanu zopsereza za nkhosa zazimuna ndiponso mafuta a nyama zonenepa; sindikusangalatsidwanso ndi magazi angʼombe zamphongo ndi a ana ankhosa ndi ambuzi zazimuna.
12 When ye enter to see my face, Who hath required this at your hand trampling my courts?
Ndani anakulamulirani kuti mubwere nazo pamaso panga? Ndani anakuwuzani kuti muzipondaponda mʼmabwalo a nyumba yanga?
13 Ye shall not again bring in an empty, present, Incense, an abomination, is that unto me! New moon, and sabbath calling an assembly—I cannot endure, iniquity and sacred festival!
Siyani kubweretsa nsembe zachabechabezo! Nsembe zanu zofukiza zimandinyansa Ine. Sindingapirire misonkhano yanu yoyipa, kapenanso zikondwerero za Mwezi Watsopano ndi Masabata.
14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts, my soul, hateth, —They have become unto me a burden I am too weary to bear:
Zikondwerero zanu za Mwezi Watsopano ndi masiku anu opatulika ndimadana nazo. Zasanduka katundu wondilemera; ndatopa kuzinyamula.
15 Even when ye spread forth your open palms, I hide mine eyes from you; Yea, though ye multiply prayers, I am not hearkening, —Your hands, with deeds of blood, are filled.
Mukamatambasula manja anu popemphera, Ine sindidzakuyangʼanani; ngakhale muchulukitse mapemphero anu, sindidzakumverani. Manja anu ndi odzaza ndi magazi;
16 Wash you make you clean, Put away the wickedness of your doings from before mine eyes, —Cease to do evil.
sambani, dziyeretseni. Chotsani pamaso panu ntchito zanu zoyipa! Lekani kuchita zoyipa,
17 Learn to do well—Seek justice, Correct the oppressor, —Vindicate the fatherless, Plead the cause of the widow,
phunzirani kuchita zabwino! Funafunani chilungamo, thandizani oponderezedwa. Tetezani ana amasiye, muwayimirire akazi amasiye pa milandu yawo.”
18 Come, I pray you, and let us settle the dispute Saith Yahweh, —Though your sins be found like scarlet, As snow, shall they be made white, Though they appear red like crimson, As wool, shall they become.
Yehova akuti, “Tiyeni tsono tikambe mlandu wanu. Ngakhale machimo anu ali ofiira, adzayera ngati thonje. Ngakhale ali ofiira ngati kapezi, adzayera ngati ubweya wankhosa.
19 If ye be willing—and hearken Of the good of the land, shall ye eat;
Ngati muli okonzeka kundimvera mudzadya zinthu zabwino za mʼdziko;
20 But, if ye refuse and rebel, With the sword, shall ye be devoured, For, the mouth of Yahweh, hath spoken it.
koma mukakana ndi kuwukira mudzaphedwa ndi lupanga.” Pakuti Yehova wayankhula.
21 How hath she become unchaste!—The city that was Faithful, —Full of justice, Righteousness lodged in her, But, now, murderers!
Taonani momwe mzinda wokhulupirika wasandukira wadama! Mzinda umene kale unali wodzaza ndi chiweruzo cholungama; mu mzindamo munali chilungamo, koma tsopano muli anthu opha anzawo!
22 Thy silver, hath become dross, —Thy wine, weakened with water;
Siliva wako wasanduka wachabechabe, vinyo wako wabwino wasungunulidwa ndi madzi.
23 Thy rulers, are unruly, and companions of thieves, Every one of the people, loveth a bribe, and runneth after rewards, —The fatherless, they do not vindicate, And, the plea of the widow, reacheth them not.
Atsogoleri ako ndi owukira, anthu ogwirizana ndi mbala; onse amakonda ziphuphu ndipo amathamangira mphatso. Iwo sateteza ana amasiye; ndipo samvera madandawulo a akazi amasiye.
24 Therefore, Declareth the Lord Yahweh of hosts, The Mighty One of Israel, —Alas! I must appease me on mine adversaries, I must avenge me on mine enemies
Nʼchifukwa chake Ambuye Yehova Wamphamvu, Wamphamvuyo wa Israeli, akunena kuti, “Haa, odana nane ndidzawatha, ndipo ndidzawabwezera ndekha adani anga.
25 That I may turn my hand against thee, And smelt away, as with potash, thy dross, And remove all thine alloy;
Ndidzatambasula dzanja langa kuti ndilimbane nawe; ndidzasungunula machimo ako nʼkuwachotsa, monga mmene amachotsera dzimbiri ndi mankhwala.
26 That I may restore thy Judges as at the first, and thy Counsellors as at the beginning, —After that, shalt thou be called Righteous citadel, Trusty city, —
Ndidzabwezeretsa oweruza ako ngati masiku amakedzana, aphungu ako ndidzawabwezeretsa ngati poyamba paja. Kenaka iweyo udzatchedwa mzinda wolungama, mzinda wokhulupirika.”
27 Zion, with justice shall be redeemed, —And her returning ones, with righteousness;
Ziyoni adzawomboledwa mwa chiweruzo cholungama, anthu ake olapadi adzapulumutsidwa mwachilungamo.
28 And the downfall of transgressors and sinners, shall be, together, —And, they who forsake Yahweh, shall be brought to an end;
Koma owukira ndi ochimwa adzawawonongera pamodzi, ndipo amene asiya Yehova adzatheratu.
29 For they shall turn pale on account of the oaks which ye desired, —And ye shall blush on account of the gardens which ye had chosen;
“Mudzachita nayo manyazi mitengo ya thundu imene inkakusangalatsani; mudzagwetsa nkhope chifukwa cha minda imene munayipatula.
30 For ye shall be as an oak with its leaf faded, And as a garden that hath no, water;
Mudzakhala ngati mtengo wa thundu umene masamba ake akufota, mudzakhala ngati munda wopanda madzi.
31 Then shall the strong one become tow, And his work a spark, —And they shall both blaze together And there be none to quench the fire.
Munthu wamphamvu adzasanduka ngati udzu wowuma, ndipo ntchito zake zidzakhala ngati mbaliwali; motero zonse zidzayakira limodzi, popanda woti azimitse motowo.”

< Isaiah 1 >