< Isaiah 64 >

1 Would that thou hadst rent the heavens, hadst come down,
願你裂天而降; 願山在你面前震動-
2 At thy presence, had mountains, quaked: As fire kindleth brushwood, [As] fire causeth, water, to boil, So if thou wouldst make known thy Name to thine adversaries, At thy presence, nations, would tremble.
好像火燒乾柴, 又像火將水燒開, 使你敵人知道你的名, 使列國在你面前發顫!
3 When thou didst fearful things we could not expect, Thou camest down at thy presence, mountains, quaked.
你曾行我們不能逆料可畏的事。 那時你降臨,山嶺在你面前震動。
4 Although from age-past times It was never heard, It was not perceived by the ear, —Neither did, the eye, ever see—That, a god besides thee, could work for the man who waited for him,
從古以來,人未曾聽見、未曾耳聞、未曾眼見 在你以外有甚麼神為等候他的人行事。
5 Yet didst thou meet Him who was rejoicing and working righteousness, Even them who in thy ways, remembered thee, —Lo! thou, hast been vexed, And truly we had sinned, Among them, was the prospect of an age [to come], That we might be saved.
你迎接那歡喜行義、記念你道的人; 你曾發怒,我們仍犯罪; 這景況已久,我們還能得救嗎?
6 But we have become as one unclean all of us, And, as a garment polluted, were all our righteous doings, —And so we faded like a leaf all of us, And, our iniquity, as a wind, carried us away;
我們都像不潔淨的人; 所有的義都像污穢的衣服。 我們都像葉子漸漸枯乾; 我們的罪孽好像風把我們吹去。
7 And there was none To call upon thy Name, To rouse himself to lay firm hold on thee, —For thou hadst hidden thy face from us, And hadst made us despond, by means of our iniquity.
並且無人求告你的名; 無人奮力抓住你。 原來你掩面不顧我們, 使我們因罪孽消化。
8 But, now, O Yahweh, our father, thou art, —We are the clay, and, thou, art our potter, Yea the work of thy hand, are we all:
耶和華啊,現在你仍是我們的父! 我們是泥,你是窯匠; 我們都是你手的工作。
9 Do not be indignant, O Yahweh so very greatly, Neither perpetually, do thou recall iniquity, —Lo! look around, we pray thee…thy people, are, we all.
耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒, 也不要永遠記念罪孽。 求你垂顧我們, 我們都是你的百姓。
10 Thy holy cities, have become a wilderness, —Zion, a wilderness, hath become, Jerusalem, a desolation!
你的聖邑變為曠野。 錫安變為曠野; 耶路撒冷成為荒場。
11 Our holy and our beautiful house Where our fathers praised thee, Hath become a conflagration, —And, all our delightful places, are in ruins!
我們聖潔華美的殿- 就是我們列祖讚美你的所在被火焚燒; 我們所羨慕的美地盡都荒廢。
12 In view of these things, wilt thou restrain thyself. O Yahweh? Wilt thou hold thy peace and humble us so very greatly?
耶和華啊,有這些事,你還忍得住嗎? 你仍靜默使我們深受苦難嗎?

< Isaiah 64 >