< Isaiah 60 >

1 Arise—shine, For thy light, hath come, —And, the glory of Yahweh, on thee, hath beamed;
E ara, kia marama; kua tae mai hoki tou marama, kua whiti te kororia o Ihowa ki a koe.
2 For lo! darkness, covereth the earth, And, deep gloom the peoples, —But, on thee, beameth Yahweh, And, his glory, on thee is seen.
Tera hoki e hipokina te whenua e te pouri, nga iwi e te pouri kerekere; ka whiti ia a Ihowa ki a koe, ka kitea hoki ki a koe tona kororia.
3 So shall nations come to thy light, And kings to the brightness of thy dawning.
A ka haere mai nga tauiwi ki tou marama, nga kingi ki ou hihi, ina whiti mai.
4 Lift up—round about—thine eyes and see, They all, have gathered themselves together—have come to thee, —Thy sons, from afar shall come, And thy daughters, on the side, shall be carried.
Kia ara ou kanohi i tetahi taha, i tetahi taha, titiro atu hoki; kei te huihui ratou katoa, e haere mai ana ki a koe; ka haere mai au tama i tawhiti, ka hikitia hoki au tamahine ki nga ringa.
5 Then, shalt thou see and be radiant, And thy heart, shall throb and be enlarged, —For there shall be turned upon thee the fulness of the sea, The riches of the nations, shall come unto thee;
Ka kite koe i reira, ka whakamaramatia, ka wehi ano tou ngakau, ka nui; no te mea ka tahuri ki a koe nga mea maha o te moana, ka tae ano ki a koe nga taonga o nga tauiwi.
6 The multitude of camels, shall cover thee The young camels of Midian and Ephah, All they of Sheba, shall come, —Gold and frankincense, shall they bring, And, the praises of Yahweh, shall they joyfully tell:
Ka kapi koe i te kamera, he tini, i nga kamera tere o Miriana, o Epa; ka haere mai era katoa i Hepa: me te mau mai ano i te koura, i te whakakakara; ka kauwhautia ano e ratou nga whakamoemiti ki a Ihowa.
7 All the flocks of Kedar, shall be gathered unto thee, The rams of Nebaioth, shall wait upon thee, —They shall come up, with acceptance, on mine altar, And my beautiful house, will I adorn.
Ka huihuia nga hipi katoa o Kerara ki a koe, hei kaimahi mau nga hipi toa o Nepaiota; ka manakohia ratou ina eke ki runga ki taku aata, a ka whakakororiatia e ahau te whare o toku kororia.
8 Who are these that, As a cloud, do fly? and, As doves to their cotes?
Ko wai enei e rere nei ano he kapua, me he kukupa nei, ki o ratou matapihi?
9 Surely for me, shall, Coastlands, wait, And the ships of Tarshish first, To bring in thy sons, from far, Their silver and their gold with them, —Unto the name of Yahweh, thy God, And unto the Holy One of Israel Because he hath adorned thee.
He pono ka tatari nga motu ki ahau, me nga kaipuke o Tarahihi i te tuatahi, ki te kawe mai i au tama i tawhiti: i a ratou, i ta ratou hiriwa, i ta ratou koura hoki, hei mea ki te ingoa o Ihowa, o tou Atua, ki te Mea Tapu o Iharaira, no te mea ka oti koe te whakakororia e ia.
10 So shall the sons of the foreigner, build thy walls, And their kings, shall wait upon thee, —For in my vexation, I smote thee, But in my favour, have I had compassion upon thee.
Ka hanga ano ou taiepa e nga tangata ke, ko o ratou kingi ano hei kaimahi mau: he riri hoki noku i patu ai ahau i a koe, he manako ia naku i atawhai ai ahau i a koe.
11 So shall thy gates be open—continually, Neither day nor night, shall they be shut, —That they may bring unto thee the riches of the nations, And their kings, be led.
Ka tuwhera tonu ano ou kuwaha: e kore e tutakina i te ao, i te po, kia kawea mai ai nga taonga o nga tauiwi ki a koe, kia arahina mai ai hoki o ratou kingi me ratou.
12 For, the nation and the kingdom that will not serve thee, shall perish, —Yea the nations, shall be utterly wasted.
Ko te iwi hoki, me te kingitanga, e kore e mahi ki a koe, ka ngaro; ina, ka moti rawa aua iwi.
13 The glory of Lebanon, unto thee, shall come, The fir-tree the holm-oak, and the sherbin-cedar, together, To adorn the place of my sanctuary, And the place of my feet, will I make glorious.
Ka tae mai te kororia o Repanona ki a koe, te kauri, te rimu, me te ake ngatahi hei whakapaipai, mo te wahi i toku kainga tapu, a ka whakakororiatia e ahau te wahi o oku waewae.
14 Then shall come unto thee bending low, The sons of them who had humbled thee, Then shall bow down, unto the soles of thy feet, All they who had despised thee; And they shall call thee—The city of Yahweh, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
Ka haere mai ano, ka piko ki a koe nga tama a ou kaitukino, a ko te hunga katoa i whakahawea ki a koe, ka piko ki nga kapu o ou waewae; a ka kiia koe, Ko te pa o Ihowa, Ko te Hiona o te Mea Tapu o Iharaira.
15 Instead of thy being forsaken and hated so that none used to pass through thee, I will make of thee—An excellency age-abiding, The joy of generation after generation.
He mea whakarere nei koe i mua, he mea i kinongia, kahore hoki tetahi kia haere i waenganui i a koe, na ka meinga koe e ahau hei mea nui e mau tonu ana, he kaonga ngakau ki nga whakatupuranga maha.
16 And thou shalt derive sweet nourishment from the nations, Yea on the bounty of kings, shalt thou be sustained, —So shalt thou know—That, I, Yahweh, am thy Saviour, and That, thy Redeemer, is the Mighty One of Jacob.
Ka ngotea ano e koe te waiu o nga tauiwi, ka ngotea te u o nga kingi: a ka mohio koe ko ahau, ko Ihowa, tou kaiwhakaora, tou kaihoko, te Mea Nui o Hakaopa.
17 Instead of bronze, I will bring in, gold, and Instead of iron, I will bring in silver, and Instead of wood, bronze, and Instead of stones, iron, —And I will appoint the oversight of thee to Prosperity, And the setting of thy tasks to Righteousness.
Ko te parahi ka whakaputaia ketia e ahau hei koura, ko te rino ka whakaputaia ketia hei hiriwa, ka puta ke te rakau hei parahi, ka puta ke nga kohatu hei rino; ko ou kaitohutohu ka meinga he rongo e mau ana, ko ou kaiakiaki he tika.
18 Violence, shall no more be heard, in thy land, Wasting nor destruction within thy boundaries, —But thou shalt call Thy walls, Victory, and Thy gates, Praise.
E kore e rangona i muri te mahi nanakia ki tou whenua; te whakamoti te wawahi, ki ou rohe; engari ka kiia, ou taiepa, ko te Whakaoranga, ou kuwaha ko te Whakamoemiti.
19 Thou shalt no more have the sun, for light by day, neither for brightness, shall the moon, give light unto thee, —But Yahweh shall become thine age-abiding light, And thy God thine adorning:
E kore te ra e waiho i muri hei whakamarama mou i te awatea; na, ko te marama e tiaho nei, e kore tera e whakamarama i a koe; ko Ihowa hoki hei whakamarama mou ake ake, ko tou Atua hoki hei whakakororia i a koe.
20 No more shall go in, thy sun, Nor thy moon, withdraw itself, —For, Yahweh, will become to thee an age-abiding light, So shall be ended the days of thy mourning.
Heoi ano hekenga o tou ra, e kore ano tou marama e pewa; no te mea ko Ihowa hei whakamarama pumau mou, a ka mutu nga ra o tou tangihanga.
21 And, thy people, shall all of them, be righteous, To times age-abiding, shall they possess, the land, —The sprout of mine own planting, The work of mine own hands, —That I may get myself glory.
Ko tou iwi hoki, tika katoa, ka pumau tonu ki a ratou te whenua; he peka whakato naku, he mahi na oku ringa, kia whai kororia ai ahau.
22 The little one, shall become a thousand, and the small one, a mighty nation: I—Yahweh, in its own season, will hasten it.
To te mea nohinohi putanga ake, he mano, to te mea iti, he iwi kaha: maku, ma Ihowa, e whakahohoro i tona wa e rite ai.

< Isaiah 60 >