< Isaiah 51 >

1 Hearken unto me, Ye that pursue righteousness, Ye that seek Yahweh, —Look well unto the rock whence ye were hewn, And unto the quarry whence ye were digged:
Lannae ka pâlei niteh, BAWIPA ka tawng e taminaw ka lawk thai awh haw, nangmouh na kâdêinae lungsong hoi na tai awh e tangkom kâko khenhaw.
2 Look well unto Abraham your father, And unto Sarah who gave you birth, —For he was, alone, when called I him, And, I blessed him that I might make him, many.
Nangmae na pa Abraham hoi nangmouh na kakhekung Sarah hah khenhaw. Bangtelamaw tetpawiteh, ahni dueng doeh ka kaw, yawkahawi sak teh, tami moikapap lah ka coung sak.
3 For Yahweh hath comforted Zion, He hath comforted all her waste places, And hath made her wilderness like Eden, And her waste plain like the garden of Yahweh, —Joy and gladness, shall be found in her, Thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
Hahoi BAWIPA ni Zion kho lung a pahawi han. Ahnie tami kingdinae hmuen pueng, lung a pahawi vaiteh, kahrawngum hah Eden hmuen patetlah ka sak vaiteh, ramkenae hah BAWIPA takha patetlah ka sak han. Lunghawilawkdeinae hoi nawmnae, lunghawilawk deinae hoi la saknae lawknaw athung vah hmu lah ao han.
4 Attend unto me, O my people, And, O, my nation unto me give ear, —For, instruction, from me, shall go forth, And, my justice—for a light of peoples, will I establish:
Ka taminaw ka dei e thai awh haw. Ka miphunnaw na hnâpakeng awh haw. Kai koehoi kâlawk a tâco vaiteh, lawk ka tâtueng e teh taminaw hanelah, angnae lah ao han.
5 At hand is my righteousness. Gone forth hath my salvation, And, mine own arms, unto the peoples, shall give justice, —Upon me, Coastlands, shall wait, And for mine arm, shall they hope.
Ka lannae teh a hnai toe. Kaie rungngangnae teh a tâco toe. Ka kut ni tamipueng lawk a ceng awh han. Tuilum ramnaw ni a panue awh vaiteh, ka kut a kâuep awh han.
6 Lift up—to the heavens—your eyes, And look around to the earth beneath Though, the heavens, like smoke, should have vanished And, the earth, like a garment, should fall to pieces, And, her inhabitants, in like manner, should die, Yet, my salvation, unto times age-abiding, shall continue, And, my righteousness, shall not be broken down.
Kalvan lah radoung awh haw, a rahim lae talai hai khenhaw. Kalvan teh hmaikhu patetlah a kahma teh, talai teh khohna patetlah a pawn han. Talai taminaw teh, tangkarang patetlah a due awh han. Hatei, rungngangnae teh a yungyoe a kangning vaiteh, lannae hai pahnawt thai lah awm mahoeh.
7 Hearken unto me ye who discern righteousness, The people in whose heart is my law, —Do not fear the reproach of frail men, Nor at their revilings, be dismayed;
Lannae phung ka panuek niteh, kaie kâlawk a lungthin dawk katatnaw, ka lawk thai awh haw. Taminaw e pathoenae taket awh hanh. Hnephnapnae hai taket awh hanh.
8 For like a garment, shall they be eaten of the moth, And like wool, shall they be eaten of the larva; But, my righteousness, unto times age-abiding shall continue, And, my salvation, unto the remotest generation.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, ahnimanaw teh, khohna patetlah hmonae ni koung a ca awh han. Tumuen patetlah ahnimanaw teh pâri ni a ca awh han. Hatei, ka lannae teh a yungyoe a cak vaiteh, ka rungngangnae teh a se buet touh hnukkhu buet touh a kangning han.
9 Awake, awake put on strength, O arm of Yahweh, Awake, As in days of old, The generations of bygone ages: Art not thou that which—Hewed down Rahab, Piercing the Crocodile?
Kâhlaw leih, kâhlaw leih, thaonae kâmahrawk leih. Ayan e tueng dawk palang na kâhlaw e patetlah kâhlaw leih. Rahab ka rek niteh, khorui hah patawnae kapoekung teh, BAWIPA nang nahoehmaw.
10 Art not thou that which dried up—The Sea, The waters of the mighty Deep, —That which made of the abysses of the sea a road for the passing over of the redeemed?
Nang teh, kadung ni teh ka kaw e tuipui kahaksakkung, na rungngang e taminaw a cei nahanelah, tuipui a dungpoungnae koe lamthung na ka sak pouh kung teh nang nahoehmaw.
11 Therefore, the ransomed of Yahweh, shall again come unto Zion, with shouts of triumph, With gladness age-abiding on their head, —Joy, and gladness, shall overtake [them]. Sorrow and sighing have fled away.
Hot patetlah a ratang e taminaw ni, BAWIPA koelah a ban awh vaiteh, amamae lû dawk a yungyoe lunghawinae la sak nalaihoi Zion lah a ban awh nahan, lunghawinae hoi a nawmnae a hmu awh vaiteh, lungmathoenae hoi khuikanae teh, koung a kahma han toe.
12 I—I, am he that comforteth you, —Who art, thou, that thou hast feared Frail man that dieth, and A son of the earthborn, who, as grass, shall be delivered up?
Na lung ka mawng sak kung teh kai kama roeroe doeh. Tami capa pho patetlah kasakkung hoi kadout hane tami ka taket e tami teh apimaw.
13 That thou hast forgotten Yahweh thy maker, Who stretched out the heavens And founded the earth? That thou hast dreaded continually, all the day, by reason of the fury of the oppressor, in that he was ready to destroy? Where then is the fury of the oppressor?
Talaidu adu ka ung niteh, kalvannaw kasakkung hoi nang na kasakkung BAWIPA na pahnim teh, pacekpahlek e tami ni kai na raphoe tawmlei toe telah na pouk teh ahnie lungkhueknae pou na taki. Ka pacekpahlek e tami a lungkhueknae teh atu nâmaw ao.
14 The captive hath hastened to be loosed, —That he might not die in the pit. Neither should, his bread, be cut off.
Tangkom thung dout mahoeh. Rawca hai pout mahoeh, Karang lah hloutnae koe a pha han.
15 But, I—Yahweh, am thy God, Who threw into commotion the sea And the waves thereof roared, —Yahweh of hosts, is his name.
Kai teh, tuipui ka yue ni teh tuicapa kahramsakkung nangmae Jehovah na Cathut doeh. A min teh ransahu BAWIPA doeh.
16 Therefore have I put my words in thy mouth, And with the shadow of my hand, have I covered thee, —To plant the heavens, and To lay the foundations of the earth, and To say unto Zion My people, thou art!
Kalvan ka kangdout sak niteh, talai adu ka ung e ni Zion koevah, ka tami lah na o telah ka ti thai nahanelah, ka lawk na pahni dawk ka hruek toe. Ka kut e tâhlip hoi nang teh na ramuk toe telah ati.
17 Rouse thee—rouse, thee stand up, O Jerusalem, Who hast drunk, at the hand of Yahweh, his cup of indignation: The goblet-cup of confusion, hast thou drunk—hast thou drained.
Oe, Jerusalem, BAWIPA e kut dawk e lungkhueknae manang kanetkung napui, kâhlaw leih, thaw nateh kâhlaw leih. nang ni tâluengsaknae manang hai koung na nei toe. A radue hai koung na nei toe.
18 There is none to guide her, Among all the sons she hath borne, —There is none to grasp her hand, Among all the sons she hath brought up.
Na khe e na capanaw thung dawk, nama lam kapâtuekung buet touh hai awm hoeh. Na kawk e capanaw thung dawk nama kut hoi na ka hrawi hane tami buet touh hai awm hoeh.
19 Twain, are the things befalling thee, Who will lament for thee? Wasting and destruction and famine and sword By whom shall I comfort thee?
Takang a tho vaiteh tami kingdinae hoi, tahloi hoi theinae, hete runae kahni touh nange lathueng a pha toe. Apinimaw na ka khai vaiteh, lung na pahawi han.
20 Thy sons, have fainted, They lie at the head of all the streets like a gazelle in a net, —Who, indeed, are full of The indignation of Yahweh The rebuke of thy God.
Na capanaw ni kângai a ru awh han. Tangkhek dawk kâman e Atha patetlah lam tangkuem dawk ayan awh vaiteh, BAWIPA e lungkhueknae hoi Cathut e yuenae teh a boum awh han.
21 Therefore, hear, I pray thee, this, thou humbled one, —And drunken but not with wine: —
Hatdawkvah, pacekpahlek e ka khang e tami, misurtui hloilah alouke paruinae hoi ka parui e tami thai awh haw.
22 Thus, saith Thy Lord, Yahweh, Even thy God who pleadeth the cause of his people: —Lo! I have taken, out of thy hand, the cup of confusion, —As for the goblet-cup of mine indignation, Thou shalt not again drink it, any more;
Na BAWIPA, a taminaw lawk ouk ka kâpankhai e, na Bawipa Jehovah ni a dei e teh, khenhaw! pâyawnae manang, ka lungkhueknae manang dawk e a taisawm hah na kut dawk e ka la vaiteh, nang teh bout na net mahoeh toe.
23 But I will put it into the hand of thy tormentors, Who said to thy soul, Bow down that we may pass over, —And so thou didst place as the ground, thy back, Yea as the street to such as were passing along.
Hatei, nang koe vah na tak van coungroe thai nahanelah, tabawk haw telah a titeh, na lathueng kacetnaw hanelah, lamthung patetlah na tak a phai teh, patawnae na kapoekungnaw e kut dawk, hote yamu manang ka hruek han.

< Isaiah 51 >