< Isaiah 25 >

1 O Yahweh! my God, thou art, I will exalt thee, I will praise thy Name, For thou hast done a wonderful thing, —Purposes of long ago Faithfulness in truth.
Yehova ndinu Mulungu wanga; ine ndidzakukwezani ndi kutamanda dzina lanu, pakuti mwachita zodabwitsa zimene munakonzekeratu kalekale mokhulupirika kwambiri.
2 For thou hast made, of a citadel, a mound, of a defenced city, a ruin, —palaces for foreigners to be no city, To times age-abiding, shall it not be built.
Inu mwasandutsa mzinda uja kukhala mulu wamiyala. Ndipo mzinda wamalinga wasanduka bwinja, linga la anthu achilendo lero si mzindanso ndipo sidzamangidwanso.
3 For this cause! shall glorify thee—a strong people, the city of tyrannous nations shall revere thee;
Nʼchifukwa chake anthu amphamvu adzakulemekezani; mizinda ya mitundu ya anthu ankhanza idzakuopani.
4 For thou didst become A refuge to the weak. A refuge to the needy, when distress was upon him, —A shelter from the storm. A shade from the heat, When the blast of tyrants was like a storm against a wall.
Inu mwakhala ngati populumukira pa anthu osauka, mwakhala ngati kobisalirako munthu wovutika pa nthawi ya masautso ake. Mwakhala ngati pobisalirapo pa nthawi ya mphepo yamkuntho ndi mthunzi pa nthawi ya dzuwa. Pakuti anthu ankhanza ali ngati mphepo yamkuntho yowomba pa khoma,
5 As heat in a desert, the pomp of foreigners, wilt thou subdue, —Heat—with the shade of a cloud, The song of tyrants! become low.
ndiponso ngati kutentha mʼdziko lowuma. Inu mumaletsa phokoso la anthu achilendo. Monga momwe mthunzi wa mtambo umachepetsa kutentha, inu munaletsa nyimbo za anthu ankhanza.
6 Then will Yahweh of hosts prepare for all the peoples in this mountain, A banquet of fat things, A banquet of old wines, —Of fat things full of marrow, Of old wines well refined;
Pa phiri ili Yehova Wamphamvuzonse adzakonzera anthu a mitundu yonse madyerero a zakudya zokoma ndi vinyo wabwino. Phwando la nyama yonona ndi vinyo wabwino kwambiri.
7 And he will swallow up in this mountain, The mask of the veil, the veil that is upon all the peoples, —And the web that is woven over all the nations.
Iye adzachotsa kulira kumene kwaphimba anthu ngati nsalu. Adzachotsa chinsalu chimene chakuta mitundu yonse ya anthu.
8 Having swallowed up death itself victoriously, My Lord, Yahweh, will wipe away, tears from off all faces, —And the reproach of his own people, will he remove from off all the earth, For, Yahweh, hath spoken.
Yehova adzathetsa imfa mpaka muyaya, Ambuye Yehova adzapukuta misozi mʼmaso mwa munthu aliyense; adzachotsa manyazi a anthu ake pa dziko lonse lapansi, Yehova wayankhula.
9 So shall it be said, in that day, Lo! our God, is this! We waited for him, that he might save us, —This, is Yahweh! We waited for him, Let us exult and rejoice in his salvation.
Tsiku limenelo iwo adzati, “Ndithudi, uyu ndiye Mulungu wathu; ife tinamudalira ndipo anatipulumutsa. Uyu ndiye Yehova, ife tinamudalira; tiyeni tikondwe ndi kusangalala chifukwa watipulumutsa.”
10 For the hand of Yahweh will settle down in this mountain, —Then shall Moab be trodden down in its place, Like the treading down of a strawheap in the water of a dunghill;
Yehova adzateteza phiri limeneli ndi dzanja lake; ndipo Amowabu adzawapondereza pomwe alilipo, ngati mmene amapondera manyowa mʼdzenje.
11 Should he spread forth his hands in the midst thereof, As a swimmer spreadeth forth to swim, Then would be laid low his pride, together with the devices of his hands.
Amowabuwo adzatambasula manja awo mʼmenemo, ngati mmene amachitira munthu wosambira. Koma Mulungu adzathetsa kunyada kwawo ngakhale luso la manja awo.
12 Yea, the lofty stronghold of thy walls, Hath he brought down—Laid low—Levelled to the ground even unto the dust.
Iye adzagumula malinga awo ataliatali ndipo adzawagwetsa ndi kuwaponya pansi, pa fumbi penipeni.

< Isaiah 25 >