< Isaiah 10 >

1 Alas! for them who ordain iniquitous decrees, —And, busy writers, who make a business of writing mischief:
Vonhlamrinci hoi kaawm naw rektap nahanelah thoseh,
2 Turning aside from judgment, the poor, And robbing, of justice, the oppressed of my people, —So that, widows, become, their spoil, And of the fatherless, they make prey.
ka taminaw thung dawk e ka mathoenaw ni a coe awh hane kawi hah lawp hanelah thoseh, lahmainunaw rektap hane, naranaw e hnopai lawp hanelah kalanhoehe lah lawk katâtuengkung, caretkacailah ca kathutkungnaw, nangmouh teh na yawthoe awh.
3 What, then, will ye do for the day of visitation, And for the devastation, which from afar, shall come? Unto whom, will ye flee for help? And where will ye leave your gory?
Runae na kâhmo hane hnin, rawknae ahlanae koehoi a tho navah, na kabawm hanelah, api koe maw na yawng awh han. Na hnopai tawnta e naw teh namamouh ni na pâtung awh han.
4 Without me, one hath bowed under a prisoner Yea under the slain, do they fall! For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.
Taran tuknae koe na due awh han, hoehpawiteh, san lah na hrawi awh han. Hatei, a lungkhueknae teh roum hoeh, a kut teh pou a dâw rah.
5 Alas! for Assyria, the rod of mine anger, —Yea, the very staff in their hand, is, my displeasure:
Aya! Assiria teh ka lungkhueknae bongpai lah ao. Ahni ni a patuep e sonron teh, runae ka poe nahanelah ao.
6 Against an irreligious nation, will I send him, Yea against the people with whom I am wroth, will I command him, —To capture spoil And lay hold on prey, And cause them to be trodden down as the mire of the lanes.
Cathut banglah ka ngâi hoeh naw onae koe ahni hah ka patoun. Ka lungkhueknae ka khang hane taminaw hah a lawp vaiteh, a raphoe vaiteh, lam dawk e tangdong patetlah a coungroe nahanlah lawk ka thui han.
7 But as for him, not so, doth he deem, And in his heart, not so, doth he think, —For, to destroy, is in his heart, And to cut off nations, not a few;
Hatei, ahni teh, amae a lung thung vah, alouke pouknae hoi alouke ngainae a tawn. Ahni ni raphoenae hoi miphun moikapap hah thei hanelah a ngainae ao.
8 For he saith: —Are not, my generals, all alike, kings?
Ahni ni hettelah a dei: Kaie ransabawinaw teh siangpahrangnaw nahoehmaw.
9 Is not, Calno, like Carchemish? Is not, Hamath, like Arpad? Is not, Samaria, like Damascus?
Kalno kho teh Kakhemish kho patetlah Hamath kho teh Arpad kho patetlah nahoehmaw, Samaria kho teh Damaskas kho patetlah nahoehmaw ao vaw.
10 As my hand hath reached unto the kingdoms of idols, —whose images did excel them of Jerusalem and Samaria,
Samaria meikaphawk hoi Jerusalem meikaphawk ka talue e meikaphawk ka bawk e uknaeramnaw hah ka lawp e patetlah thoseh,
11 Shall I not as I have done to Samaria and her idols, so, do to Jerusalem and her images?
Samaria kho hoi a meikaphawknaw koe ka sak e patetlah thoseh, Jerusalem hoi ahnie meikaphawknaw koe ka sak han nahoehmaw.
12 Wherefore it shall come to pass—When My Lord shall finish his whole work upon Mount Zion and upon Jerusalem, I will bring punishment—Upon the fruit of the greatness of heart of the king of Assyria. And upon the vainglory of his uplifted eyes,
Hatei, BAWIPA ni Zion mon hoi Jerusalem vah thaw a cum hnukkhu, Assiria siangpahrang e a lungthin hoi a kâoupnae hoi, a mit hoi a kâlennae dawkvah, runae ka poe han.
13 For he hath said—By the strength of mine own hand, have I effectually wrought, And by my wisdom—for I have discernment, —That I might remove the bounds of peoples, Yea their treasures, have I plundered That I might lay prostrate as a mighty one the inhabitants;
Hote siangpahrang ni, kai teh kama e kut thao thasainae hoi, ka lungangnae hoi ka panue thai. Taminaw e khorinaw hah ka tahruet pouh toe. Ahnimae hnopai pueng ka lawp toe. Siangpahrangnaw hah maitotan patetlah beng ka sawn toe.
14 And my hand hath found as a nest the wealth of the peoples, And as the gathering of eggs that are forsaken, all the earth, have, I, gathered, —And there was none to flap a wing, or open a mouth or chirp.
Ka kut ni tava tabu a kasum e patetlah ahnimae hnopainaw teh ka kasum pouh toe. A ceitakhai e tava tadui ka lae patetlah talai hno kaawm e pueng hah ka la toe. Apihai a rathei kâhuen sak hoeh. A pahni ang hoeh. Cairing hoeh ati.
15 Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Or, the saw, magnify itself, against him that wieldeth it? As if a rod, could wield, them who lift it up! As if a staff, could raise, what is, not wood!
Bongpai ni tami tawm hoeh, tami ni doeh a sonron a tawm e patetlah Cakâ ni ka hno kung lathueng a kâoup thai maw. Hlaw ni ka hno kung koe a kâoup kawi na maw.
16 Therefore, shall the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, Send, among his fat ones, leanness, And under his glory, shall he kindle a kindling, like the kindling of fire;
Hatdawkvah, ransahu Bawipa Jehovah ni, kingking kaboumlah ka cat ka net e siangpahrang koe, pheng kamsoenae hah a patoun pouh han. A bawilennae rahim vah, hmai ka kang e patetlah a kak han.
17 So shall, the Light of Israel, become, a fire, And his Holy One, a flame, Which shall burn and consume his thorns and his briars, in one day;
Isarelnaw e angnae teh hmai lah ao han. Kathounge Cathut teh hmaipalai lah ao han. Hnin touh hoiyah, ahnimae pâkhing buruk hoi rapan pueng teh mueng ka yawng lah a kak han.
18 And the glory of his forest and of his garden land, both soul and body, shall it bring to an end, —And it shall be like the wasting away of a consumptive.
BAWIPA ni, ratu bawilennae hoi, caticamu a pawnae laikawk bawilennae hai a raphoe pouh han. A tak hoi muitha hai a tha baw vaiteh, ka ngouk e patetlah ao han.
19 And, the remnant of his forest-trees, few in number, shall become, —yea, a child, might describe them!
Camo ni a touk thai nahanelah, ratu youn touh a cawi han.
20 And it shall come to pass in that day, That the remnant of Israel. And the escaped of the house of Jacob Shall, no more again, lean upon him that smote them, —But shall lean upon Yahweh the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
Hat hnin toteh, runae ka hlout ni teh kacawie Isarelnaw hoi Jakop imthungnaw teh, amamouh karektapkungnaw koe bout kâuep awh toung laipalah, Isarelnaw e Kathounge BAWIPA koe atangcalah a kâuep awh han.
21 A remnant, shall return, The remnant of Jacob, —unto the mighty GOD;
Kacawiraenaw bout a ban awh han. Jakop miphun dawk kacawiraenaw teh, athakaawme Cathut koe bout a ban awh han.
22 For though thy people, O Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, A [mere] remnant, shall return of them, —A full end decreed, bringeth in, justice, like a flood;
Oe Isarelnaw, nange taminaw teh, tuipui rai e sadi yit touh ka phat ei nakunghai, kacawie naw duengdoeh bout ka ban awh han. Rawknae teh sut hmoun e lah ao dawkvah, lannae lahoi ahnimouh teh a ramuk han.
23 For, a full end and that a decreed one, is My Lord Yahweh of hosts executing in the midst of all the earth.
Rasahu Bawipa Jehovah ni, talai van lungui vah a hmoun tangcoung e runae teh a sak han.
24 Therefore, thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh of hosts, Do not fear O my people dwelling in Zion, because of Assyria, —When with his rod, he would smite thee, And when his staff, he would lift up against thee in the manner of Egypt;
Hatdawkvah, ka Bawipa ransabawi Jehovah ni a dei e teh, Oe ka taminaw, Zion vah kaawm e naw, Assiria siangpahrang hah taket awh hanh. Izip siangpahrang ni a sak e patetlah ahnie bongpai hoi sonron hoi na hem awh han.
25 For, yet a very little while, and displeasure shall end, Yea, mine anger, over their destruction.
Hatei, ahnimouh rawknae koe a pha e lahoi, dongdeng ca dawk ka lungkhueknae teh a roum han.
26 And Yahweh of hosts, will brandish over him, a scourge—Like the smiting of Midian at the rock Oreb, —And his staff being over the sea, He will lift it up in the manner of Egypt;
Rasahu BAWIPA ni Oreb lungsong teng Midiannaw a hem e patetlah thoseh, tuipui van sonron dâw e patetlah thoseh, Izipnaw koe a sak e patetlah thoseh, ahnimanaw hah a hem han.
27 And it shall come to pass, in that day, That his burden shall remove from off thy shoulder, And his yoke from off thy neck, —Yea, the yoke shall be broken because of fatness.
Hatnae hnin dawkvah, ahnie hnokari teh na loung dawk hoi thoseh, na lahuen dawk hoi thoseh takhoe lah ao han. Thâwnae kecu dawk na lahuen dawk e yawcu teh a rek han.
28 He hath come in unto Ayyath, Hath passed through Migron, —At Michmash, storeth his baggage:
Aiath kho dawk a pha toe. Migron a tapoung toe. Mikmash kho vah hnopainaw teh a ta awh toe.
29 They have passed over the pass, Geba is his halting-place, —Terror-stricken is Ramah, Gibeah of Saul, hath fled!
Sanengnaw a tapuet awh toe. Geba kho vah a tungpup awh toe. Ramah kho teh a taki toe. Sawl onae Gibeah kho teh a yawng toe.
30 Make shrill thy voice, O daughter of Gallim! Hearken, O Laishah, Answer, O Anathoth!
Oe Gallim canu, hramki haw. Oe Laish kho na hnâpakeng haw. Anathoth kho a temdeng toe.
31 Madmenah, hath fled, —The inhabitants of Gebim, have gone into safety:
Madmenah kho teh a kampuen toe. Gebim khocanaw teh hloutnae koe a yawng awh toe.
32 While yet to-day, in Nob, he tarrieth, He brandisheth his hand toward The mount of the daughter of Zion, The hill of Jerusalem.
Nob kho vah sahnin ao awh teh, Zion canu e mon lah kaawm e Jerusalem mon hah, a kut hoi a kahuet han.
33 Behold! the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, is about to lop off a tree-crown, with a crash, —Then shall, they who are lifted on high, be hewn down, And, the lofty, be laid low;
Rasahu Bawipa Jehovah ni thingkangnaw rabat e patetlah takikathopounge bahu hoi, a kangnaw hah bouk vaiteh, ka rasang e a kangnaw hah reprep a satut han.
34 Then will he fell the thickets of the forest with iron, —And, Lebanon by a majestic one shall fall.
Ratu kathapounge hah cakâ hoi tâtueng vaiteh, Lebanon teh, athakaawme kut dawk hoi a rawp awh han. Kaie lung hai a roum han.

< Isaiah 10 >