< Hosea 6 >

1 Come, and let us return unto Yahweh! for, he, hath torn, that he might heal us, —smitten, that he might bind us up.
來れわれらヱホバにかへるべし ヱホバわれらを抓劈たまひたれどもまた醫すことをなし我儕をうち給ひたれどもまたその傷をつつむことを爲したまふ可ればなり
2 He will bring us to life, after two days, —on the third day, will he raise us up, that we may live before him.
ヱホバは二日ののちわれらむ活かへし三日にわれらを起せたまはん 我らその前にて生ん
3 Then let us know—let us press on to know—Yahweh, Like the dawn, is his coming forth assured, —that he may come like a down-pour upon us, like the harvest-rain, [and] the seed-rain of the land.
4 What can I do unto thee, O Ephraim? What can I do unto thee, O Judah? for, your lovingkindness, is like a morning cloud, yea, like the dew, early departing!
5 For this cause, have I hewn them in pieces by the prophets, I have slain them by the sayings of my mouth, —and, my justice, as a light goeth forth.
6 For, lovingkindness, I desired, and not sacrifice, —and the knowledge of God, more than ascending-offerings.
7 But, they, like Adam, have transgressed a covenant, —There, have they dealt treacherously with me.
8 Gilead, is a city of workers of iniquity, —tracked with blood.
9 And, like liers in wait for a man, in troops, is a band of priests, on the road, will they murder towards Shechem, —because, a shameful deed, they have done.
10 In the house of Israel, have I seen a horrible thing, —there, the unchastity of Ephraim, defiled is Israel.
11 Judah too! a harvest is appointed for thee, —in that I will bring back the captivity of my people.

< Hosea 6 >