< Hebrews 12 >

1 Therefore, indeed, seeing that, we also, have encircling us, so great a cloud of witnesses, stripping off every incumbrance and the easily entangling sin, with endurance, let us be running, the race that is lying before us,
Ndava tivii na msambi uwu uvaha wa vandu vevakumsadika Chapanga lelikutilola, hinu tiwusa chidivililu chechikutidivalila na kubuda kula kwekutikamula kanyata. Tijumba changali kufwa mtima mumkinu wa kujumba weuvi palongolo yitu.
2 Looking away unto our faith’s Princely-leader and perfecter, Jesus, —who, in consideration of the joy lying before him, endured a cross, shame, despising! And, on the right hand of the throne of God, hath taken his seat.
Timuhutusila mihu Yesu mweayitumbwili sadika na yati akuyitimilisa. Ndava ya luheku lweluvikiwi palongolo yaki, akangamili lifwa pamsalaba hati ngati lavili lijambu lelileta soni, hinu mwene atamili pandu pa utopesa neju mchiwoko cha kulyelela wa chigoda cha Unkosi wa Chapanga.
3 For take ye into consideration—him who hath endured, such contradiction, by sinners against themselves, lest ye be wearied, in your souls becoming exhausted.
Ndava yeniyo mumholalela Yesu, cheahengiwi ngati likoko na vandu vevakumbudila Chapanga wa kuhakaliwa neju. Hinu, mkoto kutotokela na kudenyeka mtima.
4 Not yet unto blood, have ye resisted, against sin, waging a contest;
Muni mukutovana ngondo yemwikita kuyihotola mukumbudila Chapanga, mwakona mtovini lepi mbaka kufwa.
5 And ye have quite forgotten the exhortation which, indeed, with you as with sons, doth reason: —My son! be not slighting the discipline of the Lord, neither be fainting, when by him, thou art reproved;
Wu, mkosiwi gala malovi ga kukangamalisa mtima geiluwula Chapanga kuvya nyenye ndi vana vaki? “Mwana vangu, koto kuvevesa mbunu wa Bambu, kavili peakuhakalila kotoka kudenyeka mtima.
6 For, whom the Lord loveth, he doth, discipline, and scourgeth every son whom he doth welcome home.
Muni Bambu akumkita kila mweakumgana atama cheyiganikiwa, na akumbuna kila mundu mweakumyidakila kuvya mwana waki.”
7 For the sake of discipline, persevere! As towards sons, God, beareth himself, towards you; for who is a son whom a father doth not discipline?
Msindimalayi mbunu muni ndi muwuliwa, Chapanga akuvahengela ngati vana vaki. Wu, ndi mwana yoki mwangabuniwa na dadi waki?
8 If however ye are without discipline, whereof, all, have received a share, then, are ye, bastards, and, not sons.
Ngati mbuniwi lepi ngati vana vangi voha, hinu, nyenye lepi vana vaki, nambu vana va makunja.
9 Furthermore, indeed, the fathers of our flesh, we used to have, as administrators of discipline, and we used to pay deference: shall we not, much rather, submit ourselves to the Father of our spirits and, live?
Neju pa ago, tete tikuvatopesa vadadi na vanyina vitu vevativeliki hati pevakutibuna. Wu, chabwina lepi tikamyidakila njwe Dadi witu wa kunani muni tipewa wumi?
10 For, they, indeed, for a few days, according to that which seemed good to them, were administering discipline; but, he, unto that which is profitable, with view to our partaking of his holiness:
Vadadi vitu vevativeliki vatibunili magona gadebe, ngati chavawene vene yifwaya, nambu Chapanga akutibuna kwa kutitangatila tete muni tihotola kuvya vamsopi ngati mwene cheavili msopi.
11 But, no discipline, for the present, indeed, seemeth to be of joy, but of sorrow: afterwards, however—to them who thereby have been trained, it yieldeth peaceful fruit, of righteousness.
Nambu hinu kubuniwa lepi chindu chakuhekesa nambu chindu cha kuvinisa mtima. Nambu mwanakandayi kubuniwa kwileta mabenu ga uteke na kutama kwa kumganisa Chapanga kwa vala vevawuliwi nayu.
12 Wherefore, the slackened hands and paralysed knees, restore ye,
Hinu, msopa makakala mawoko ginu gegalendili kangi mgolosa mafugamilu ginu gegalendili.
13 And, straight tracks, be making for your feet—that the lame member may not be dislocated, but, be healed rather.
Muyendelela kugenda mu njila yeyivi selede, muni chila chechigogodili chikoto kulemaswa, nambu chilamayi.
14 Peace, be pursuing, with all, and the obtaining of holiness, —without which no one shall see the Lord:
Mkangamalayi kutama kwa uteke na vandu voha na kutama kwa usopi, ndava muni kawaka mundu mweakumlola Bambu, ngati mundu mwenuyo lepi wa msopi.
15 Using oversight—lest any one be falling behind from the favour of God, —lest any root of bitterness, springing up above, be causing trouble, and, through it, the many, be defiled:
Mjiyangalila neju mundu yeyoha akotoka kuyagisa ubwina wa Chapanga, akotoka kuvya mundu mweavi ngati liina livavanu lelitupuka na kuvaletela mang'ahiso na kuhalabisa wumi vandu vamahele.
16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, like Esau, —who, for the sake of one meal, yielded up his own firstborn rights;
Mujiyangalila pagati yinu akotoka kuvya mundu mkemi amala angamyopa Chapanga ngati Esau, mweagulisi uhali waki wa kuvya mwana mtumbulanu kwa mlyelu umonga.
17 For ye know that, afterwards—when he even wished to inherit the blessing, he was rejected; for, place of repentance, found he none, even though, with tears, he diligently sought it.
Ndava mwimanya kuvya hati mwanakandahi peaganili kupata kangi mota kuhuma kwa dadi waki abeleliwi, muni avi lepi na fwasi ya kung'anamusa geagakitili, pamonga alondili kwa maholi.
18 For ye have not approached—unto, a searching and scorching fire, and gloom, and mist, and tempest,
Nyenye mwahikili lepi kuchitumbi cha Sinai, ngati vandu va Isilaeli chevahikili. Chitumbi chechihotola kupamiswa kuni uyaka motu mulihundi lyohi litopa amala chimbungululu,
19 And a trumpets peal, —and a sound of things spoken: —from which they who heard excused themselves, lest there should be added to them, a word;
na lwami lwa lipenenga na vayuwini Chapanga ijova. Vala vevayuwini lwami lwenulo vayupili neju Chapanga akotoka kuyendela kulongela nawu lilovi lingi neju,
20 For they could not bear, that which was being enjoined, —and, should a beast be touching the mountain, it shall be stoned;
ndava vahotwili lepi kukangamala lilagizu lelawusiwi, “Hati chinyama ngati chikapamisa chitumbi chenichi chitovewa maganga mbaka kufwa.”
21 And, so fearful was that which was showing itself, Moses, said—I am terrified, and do tremble!
Na vindu vila vyawonikini ga kuyogofya neju, hati Musa ajovili, “Niyogopa na kuvagaya.”
22 But ye have approached—unto Zion’s mountain, and unto the city of a Living God, a heavenly Jerusalem, —and unto myriads of messengers,
Nambu nyenye mhikili kuchitumbi cha Siyoni, pa muji wa Chapanga mweavi mumi. Mhikili Yelusalemu muji wa kunani kwa Chapanga pamonga na vamitumu vamahele vangavalangika va kunani kwa Chapanga veviselebuka.
23 in high festival, —and unto an assembly of firstborn ones, enrolled in the heavens, —and unto God, judge of all, —and unto the spirits of righteous ones made perfect, —
Mhikili kumkonganiku wa msambi uvaha wa vandu vevakumsadika Kilisitu ndi vachiveleku vatumbulanu va Chapanga na mahina gavi gayandikwi kunani. Mbwelili kwa Chapanga mweavi muhamula wa voha, na palongolo ya mipungu ya vandu vevamganisa Chapanga, vevakitiwi kuvya vakamilifu.
24 And unto the mediator of a new covenant, Jesus, —and unto the blood of sprinkling, more excellently speaking, than, Abel.
Nyenye mbwelili kwa Yesu mweavi mtepulanisi mu lilaganu la mupya, na ngasi yaki yeyinyunyusiwi yijova mambu gabwina kuliku yila ya Abeli.
25 Beware, lest ye excuse yourselves from him that speaketh; for, if, they escaped not, who excused themselves from him who on earth was warning, how much less, shall, we, who from him that warneth from the heavens, do turn ourselves away:
Hinu, mujiyangalila mkoto kubela kumuyuwanila mwenuyo mweijova na nyenye. Ngati Vaisilaeli vevabelili kumyuwanila Musa pamulima mweavajovili ujumbi kuhuma kwa Chapanga vasanguliwi lepi, wu tete tihola wuli kusanguliwa ngati tikabelayi kumyuwanila?
26 Whose voice shook the earth, then, but, now, hath he promised, saying—Yet once for all, I, will shake—not only the earth, but, also the heaven.
Lukumbi Chapanga pealongili kuchitumbi cha Sinai andendemisi mulima, nambu hinu alagini, ajovili, “Yati nindendemesa lepi mulima ndu, nambu mewawa kunani kwa Chapanga.”
27 But, the saying, Yet once for all, maketh clear the removal of the things which can be shaken, as of things done with, —that they may remain, which cannot be shaken.
Lilovi lenili, “Mala yimonga kangi” likutilangisa kuvya vindu vyoha vyeviwumbiki yati vindendemeswa na kuwusiwa muni visigalila vila vyangandendemeswa.
28 Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitude—whereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe;
Hinu muni tipokili unkosi wanganyugusika timsengusa Chapanga, timfugamila kwa njila yeyikumganisa na kwa kuyogopa na kwa utopesa uvaha,
29 For, even our God, is a consuming fire.
muni Chapanga witu ndi ngati motu weutinyisa njwe.

< Hebrews 12 >