< Genesis 45 >

1 And Joseph could not restrain himself before all who were stationed near him, so he cried out—Have forth every man from me! And there stood no man with him, when Joseph made himself known unto his brethren,
Joseph teh a teng kaawm e pueng hmalah kâsum thai hoeh toung dawkvah, tami pueng kai koehoi koung tâcawt awh, telah a hram. Hottelah Joseph ni a hmaunawnghanaw koe a kâpanuesak nah yunglam apihai ahni teng kangdout awh hoeh.
2 Then gave he forth his voice in weeping, —and the Egyptians heard, and the house of Pharaoh heard.
Kacaipounglah a ka teh, Izipnaw ni a thai awh, Faro imthungkhu ni hai a thai awh.
3 Then said Joseph unto his brethren: I, am Joseph, is my father yet alive? But his brethren could not answer him, for they were terrified because of him.
Joseph ni a hmaunawnghanaw koe kai teh Joseph doeh, apa atu sittouh a hring rah maw, telah ati. Hatei pato thai laipalah a hmaunaw roumkalue awh teh a hmalah sut a kangdue awh.
4 Then said Joseph unto his brethren—Draw near I pray you, unto me. And they drew near. And he said—I, am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
Joseph ni a hmaunawnghanaw koe, pahren lahoi na hnai awh haw, telah ati. Hateh a hnai awh. Ahni ni na hmaunawngha Joseph, Izip ram vah na yo awh e hah ma.
5 But, now, do not grieve, neither let it be vexing in your eyes, that ye sold me hither, —for, to save life, did God send me before you.
Hatei, hivah cei hanelah na yo awh dawkvah, na lungmathout hanh awh, namamouh hoi namamouh hai kâhmuhma hanh awh, bangkongtetpawiteh, hringnae rungngang hanelah Cathut ni nangmouh hmalah na patoun e doeh.
6 For these two years, hath the famine been in the midst of the land, —and, yet five years, are there, in which there shall be neither ploughing, nor harvest.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, kum hni touh thung hete ram dawk takang a tho. Kum panga touh a ngai rah. Hat nah thung pueng teh laikawk kanawk awm mahoeh. Canga e hai awm mahoeh.
7 So then God sent me before you, to plant for you a remainder in the earth, —and to save you alive, by a great deliverance,
Hottelah talai van catoun ka tawn hanelah karingkung hoi rungngangnae kalen hoi na hringsakthai awh nahanlah, Cathut ni ahmaloe hoi nangmouh hmalah na patoun toe.
8 Now, therefore it was not ye, who sent me hither, but, God, himself, —who also appointed me to be a father to Pharaoh, and a lord to all his house, and a ruler over all the land of Egypt.
Hottelah hie hmuen koe na kacetsakkung hah nangmouh laipalah Cathut doeh. Ahni ni Faro hanelah na pa lah, imthungkhu kahrawikung, hoi Izip ram pueng kaukkung lah na coung sak.
9 Haste ye and go up unto my father, then shall ye say unto him—Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath appointed me lord to all Egypt, —come down unto me do not delay;
Karanglah apa koe cet awh nateh, ahni koe na capa Joseph ni hettelah a dei, Cathut ni Izip ram pueng dawk bawi lah na sak, kai koe tho awh, uet awh hanh leih.
10 so shalt thou dwell in the land of Goshen, and shalt be near unto me, thou, and thy sons, and thy sons’ sons, —and thy flocks and thy herds and all that is thine;
Goshen ram vah na o han. Nang nama hoi, na capanaw hoi na mincanaw hoi, na tuhunaw, na maitohu hoi na tawn e puenghoi kai koe roeroe vah na o han.
11 so will I sustain thee, there, for there are yet five years of famine, —lest thou come to poverty—thou and thy house and all who are thine.
Hawvah kai ni na kawk han. Bangkongtetpawiteh hawvah takang kum panga touh ao han rah. Hatdawkvah, na roedeng payon vaih nang hoi na imthung hoi na tawn e pueng hoi telah na ti pouh awh han.
12 Now lo! your own eyes do see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, —that it is my own mouth, that doth speak unto you.
Hahoi khenhaw! nangmae mit roeroe hoi ka nawngha Benjamin e mit roeroe ni kaie ka pahni ni a dei lahun e hah na hmu awh.
13 As soon as ye have told my father all my honour in Egypt, and all that ye have seen, so soon shall ye hasten and bring down my father hither.
Izip ram e ka bawilennae pueng hoi na hmu awh e hno pueng hah apa koe na dei awh vaiteh, apa teh karang poung lah na thokhai awh han, telah ati.
14 Then fell he upon the neck of Benjamin his brother, and wept, —and Benjamin wept on his neck.
Hahoi a lungtabue hoi Benjamin lungtabue rekkâbet lah a tapam teh a ka. Benjamin ni hai a tapam teh a ka.
15 Then kissed he all his brethren, and wept upon them, —and, thereafter, his brethren spake with him.
A hmaunawngha pueng a paco hnukkhu, a hmaunawnghanaw ni lawk a dei awh.
16 Now, the report, was heard by the house of Pharaoh, saying, The brethren of Joseph have come in, And it was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his servants.
Joseph e hmaunawnghanaw a tho awh tie kamthang teh Faro im vah a thai awh teh, hote kamthang ni Faro hoi a sannaw a lunghawi sak.
17 So then Pharaoh said unto Joseph—Say unto thy brethren This, do, —lade your asses, and go enter into the land of Canaan;
Faro ni Joseph koe, na hmaunawnghanaw koe, hettelah dei pouh, na saringnaw teh cakang phu sak hoi tâcawt awh nateh, Kanaan ram vah cet awh.
18 and fetch your father and your households and come in unto me, —that I may give you the best of the land of Egypt, and eat ye the fat of the land.
Hahoi na pa hoi a imthung hah kaimouh koe thokhai awh. Izip ram e hnokahawi na poe awh vaiteh, hete ram dawk kaawm e hnokahawipoung hah na ca awh han telah dei pouh awh.
19 Thou, therefore command them, This, do ye, —Take you out of the land of Egypt, waggons for your little ones and for your wives, so shall ye bring your father and come in.
Kâ na poe, hettelah dei pouh. Na canaw hoi na canunaw hane hoi na yunaw hanelah Izip ram hoi lengnaw sin awh nateh, na pa hah thokhai awh.
20 Your eye, moreover, let it not look with pity upon your goods, —for, the best of all the land of Egypt, is, yours.
Na hnopai kong dawk lungpuen hanh awh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, Izip ram e hnokahawi pueng teh nangmae doeh, telah ati.
21 And the sons of Israel did so, and Joseph gave them waggons, at the bidding of Pharaoh, —and gave them provisions for the way:
Hahoi teh, Isarel canaw ni hottelah a sak awh. Joseph ni Faro kâpoe e patetlah leng hah ahnimouh koe a poe. Lam vah a ca awh hane hai a poe.
22 to all of them, gave he to each man changes of raiment, —but, to Benjamin, he gave three hundred pieces of silver, and five changes of raiment.
Ahnimouh abuemlah koe khohna kâthung hanelah a poe. Benjamin koe teh tangka cumthum touh hoi khohna kâthung hane panga touh a poe.
23 Moreover, to his father, sent he as followeth—ten he-asses, laden from the best of Egypt, —and ten she-asses laden with corn and bread and nourishing food for his father for the way.
Hahoi a na pa koevah, la hra touh, Izip ram hnokahawi kapawtkung hoi lamanu hra touh, lam vah a na pa hane cakang hoi vaiyei hoi canei han kaphawtkung lah a patoun.
24 Thus sent he forth his brethren and they departed, —and he said unto them, Do not fall out by the way.
Hottelah a hmaunawnghanaw hah a patoun teh a ceisak. Ahni ni lam vah na kâyue awh hoeh nahanlah kâhruetcuet awh telah ati.
25 And they went up out of Egypt, —and came into the land of Canaan, unto Jacob their father.
Izip hoi a tâco awh teh a na pa Jakop koe a pha awh.
26 And they told him saying—Joseph: is, yet alive, yea, indeed, he, is ruler in all the land of Egypt. And his heart became faint, for he believed them not.
Hatei, Joseph a hring rah Izip ram pueng ukkung lah ao telah a dei pouh awh. Jakop a lungmit teh, ahnimouh ni dei e tang thai hoeh.
27 So they spake unto him all the words of Joseph which he had spoken unto them h then saw he the waggons, which Joseph had sent to carry him, —and the spirit of Jacob their father revived.
Hatei, ahni koe Joseph ni lawk dei e pueng hah a dei pouh awh. Hahoi a kâcui hane leng Joseph ni a patawn e hah a hmu toteh, a na pa Jakop e lungthin bout a kâhlaw.
28 And Israel said, Enough! Joseph my son is, yet alive, I must go and see him before I die!
Isarel ni a khout toe, ka capa Joseph teh a hring doeh rah, ka cei vaiteh, ka due hoehnahlan ka hmu han telah ati.

< Genesis 45 >