< Genesis 32 >

1 When, Jacob, had gone on his way, there met him, messengers of God.
A Jakov otide svojim putem; i sretoše ga anðeli Božiji;
2 And Jacob said, when he saw them, the camp of God, is this! So he called the name of that place, Mahanaim.
A kad ih ugleda Jakov, reèe: ovo je oko Božji. I prozva ono mjesto Mahanaim.
3 Then did Jacob send messengers before him unto Esau his brother, to the land of Seir, the field of Edom.
I Jakov posla pred sobom glasnike k Isavu bratu svojemu u zemlju Sir, krajinu Edomsku.
4 And he commanded them, saying, Thus, shall ye say to my lord to Esau, Thus, saith thy servant Jacob, With Laban, have I sojourned, and tarried until now:
I zapovjedi im govoreæi: ovako kažite gospodaru mojemu Isavu: sluga tvoj Jakov ovako kaže: bio sam došljak kod Lavana i bavio se dosad.
5 And I have oxen and asses, flocks and men-servants, and maid-servants, So I must needs send to tell my lord, that I might find favour in thine eyes.
A imam volova i magaraca, ovaca i sluga i sluškinja, i poslah da javim tebi gospodaru svojemu, eda bih našao milost pred tobom.
6 And the messengers returned unto Jacob, saying, —We came in unto thy brother unto Esau, moreover also he is on his way to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
I vratiše se glasnici k Jakovu i rekoše mu: idosmo do brata tvojega Isava, i eto on ti ide na susret s èetiri stotine momaka.
7 Then was Jacob greatly afraid, and in distress. So he divided the people that were with him and the flocks and the herds and the camels into two camps,
A Jakov se uplaši jako i zabrinu se; pa razdijeli svoje ljude i ovce i goveda i kamile u dvije èete.
8 And he said. Should Esau come upon the one camp, and smite it, yet shall the camp that is left escape.
I reèe: ako Isav udari na jednu èetu i razbije je, da ako druga uteèe.
9 And Jacob said, God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, —Yahweh, who wast saying unto me, —Return to thy land and to thy kindred that I may deal well with thee:
I reèe Jakov: Bože oca mojega Avrama i Bože oca mojega Isaka, Gospode, koji si mi kazao: vrati se u zemlju svoju i u rod svoj, i ja æu ti biti dobrotvor!
10 I am too small for all the lovingkindnesses and for all the faithfulness, which thou hast done unto thy servant, —For with my staff, passed I over this Jordan, But, now, have I become two camps.
Nijesam vrijedan tolike milosti i tolike vjere što si uèinio sluzi svojemu; jer samo sa štapom svojim prijeðoh preko Jordana, a sada sam gospodar od dvije èete.
11 Deliver me I pray thee out of the hand of my brother out of the hand of Esau, for I, am afraid of him, lest he come in and smite mother as well as sons
Izbavi me iz ruke brata mojega, iz ruke Isavove, jer se bojim da ne doðe i ubije mene i mater s djecom.
12 But, thou thyself, saidst, —I will deal well with thee. So will I make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which is not to be counted, for multitude.
A ti si kazao: zaista ja æu ti biti dobrotvor, i uèiniæu sjeme tvoje da ga bude kao pijeska morskoga, koji se ne može izbrojiti od množine.
13 And he tarried there that night, and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother:
I zanoæi ondje onu noæ, i uze što mu doðe do ruke, da pošlje na dar Isavu bratu svojemu,
14 She-goats, two hundred; And he-goats, twenty; Ewes, two hundred; And rams, twenty;
Dvjesta koza s dvadeset jaraca, dvjesta ovaca s dvadeset ovnova,
15 Milch camels, with their colts, thirty; Cows, forty; And bulls, ten; She-asses, twenty; And young he asses ten.
Trideset kamila dojilica s kamiladma, èetrdeset krava s desetoro teladi, dvadeset magarica s desetoro magaradi.
16 And he gave them into the hand of his Servants, each drove by itself, and said unto his servants—Pass over before me, and, a breathing-space, shall ye put betwixt drove and drove.
I predade ih slugama svojim, svako stado napose, i reèe slugama: idite naprijed preda mnom, ostavljajuæi dosta mjesta izmeðu jednoga stada i drugoga.
17 And he commanded the first one saying: When Esau my brother shall fall in with thee, and shall ask thee, saying Whose art thou? and whither wouldst thou go? and to whom belong these before thee?
I zapovjedi prvomu govoreæi: kad sreteš Isava brata mojega, pa te zapita: èiji si? i kuda ideš? i èije je to što goniš pred sobom?
18 then shalt thou say, To thy servant Jacob: It is, a present, sent to my lord, to Esau; And behold he himself also is behind us,
A ti reci: sluge tvojega Jakova, a ovo šalje na dar gospodaru svojemu Isavu, a eto i sam ide za nama.
19 And he commanded the second also, and the third yea all that were going on behind the droves, saying, —According to this word, shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find him.
Tako zapovjedi i drugomu i treæemu i svijema koji iðahu za stadom, i reèe: tako kažite Isavu kad naiðete na nj.
20 Then shall ye say, Also, lo! thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he said: I must pacify him with the present that goeth on before me. And, after that, will I see his face: Peradventure he will accept me.
I još kažite: eto, Jakov sluga tvoj ide za nama. Jer govoraše: ublažiæu ga darom koji ide preda mnom, pa æu mu onda vidjeti lice, da ako me lijepo primi.
21 So the present passed over before him, —whereas he himself tarried that night in the camp.
Tako otide dar naprijed, a on prenoæi onu noæ kod èete svoje.
22 And he arose in that night and took his two wives, and his two handmaids, and his eleven sons, —and passed over the ford of Jabbok.
I po noæi usta, i uze obje žene i dvije robinje i jedanaestoro djece svoje; i prebrodi brod Javok.
23 So he took them, and sent them over the brook, —and sent over that which he had.
A pošto njih uze i prevede preko potoka, preturi i ostalo što imaše.
24 And Jacob was left alone, —and there wrestled a man with him, until the uprisings of the dawn.
A kad osta Jakov sam, tada se jedan èovjek rvaše s njim do zore.
25 And when he saw, that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh, —and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was put out of joint, as he wrestled with him.
I kad vidje da ga ne može svladati, udari ga po zglavku u stegnu, te se Jakovu išèaši stegno iz zglavka, kad se èovjek rvaše s njim.
26 Then said he—Let me go, for uprisen hath the dawn. And he said: I will not let thee go, except thou have blessed me
Pa onda reèe: pusti me, zora je. A Jakov mu reèe: neæu te pustiti dokle me ne blagosloviš.
27 Then he said unto him—What is thy name? And he said—Jacob.
A èovjek mu reèe: kako ti je ime? A on odgovori: Jakov.
28 Then he said—Not Jacob, shall thy name be called any more, but Israel, —For thou hast contended with God and with men and hast prevailed.
Tada mu reèe: otsele se neæeš zvati Jakov, nego Izrailj; jer si se junaèki borio i s Bogom i s ljudma, i odolio si.
29 Then asked Jacob and said, Do, I pray thee, tell me thy name! And he said—Wherefore now, shouldest thou ask for my name? And he blessed him there,
A Jakov zapita i reèe: kaži mi kako je tebi ime. A on reèe: što pitaš kako mi je ime? I blagoslovi ga ondje.
30 So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel; For I saw God face to face; and my soul was delivered,
I Jakov nadjede ime onomu mjestu Fanuil; jer, veli, Boga vidjeh licem k licu, i duša se moja izbavi.
31 And the sun rose on him as soon as he had passed over Penuel, —he, moreover was halting upon his thigh,
I sunce mu se rodi kad proðe Fanuil, i hramaše na stegno svoje.
32 For this cause, the sons of Israel eat not of the nerve of the large hip-sinew, which is by the hollow of the thigh, until this day, —because he touched the hollow of the thigh of Jacob, in the nerve of the hip-sinew.
Zato sinovi Izrailjevi ne jedu krajeva od mišiæa na zglavku u stegnu do današnjega dana, što se Jakovu povrijediše krajevi od mišiæa na zglavku u stegnu.

< Genesis 32 >