< Genesis 31 >

1 Then heard he the words of the sons of Laban, saying, Jacob hath taken away all that belonged to our father; Yea out of what belonged to our father, hath he made all this wealth.
Yakob tee sɛ Laban mmabarima no reka se, “Yakob afa yɛn agya ho nneɛma nyinaa. Nʼahonya nyinaa fi yɛn agya nneɛma a wafa no.”
2 And Jacob looked upon the face of Laban, —and lo! it was not with him as afore-time.
Yakob huu sɛ afei de, Laban ntew nʼanim nkyerɛ no sɛ kan no.
3 Then said Yahweh unto Jacob, Return unto the land of thy fathers and to thy kindred, —that I may be with thee.
Na Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Yakob se, “San kɔ wʼabusuafo ne wo nkurɔfo asase so, na medi wʼakyi.”
4 So Jacob sent, and called for Rachel and for Leah, to the field unto his flock;
Enti Yakob soma ma wɔkɔfrɛɛ ne yerenom Rahel ne Lea se wɔmmra ne nkyɛn wɔ sare no so, faako a ɔne ne nguankuw no wɔ no.
5 and said to them, Beholding, am I the face of your father, that it is not towards me as aforetime, —nevertheless, the God of my father, hath been with me;
Wɔbae no, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mahu sɛ afei de, mo agya Laban anim nyɛ me fɛ sɛ kan no, nanso Onyankopɔn a mʼagya Isak som no no ka me ho.
6 and, ye, know that with all my vigour, have I served your father.
Munim sɛ mayi me yam de mʼahoɔden nyinaa ayɛ adwuma ama mo agya;
7 But, your father, hath deceived me, and hath changed my wages ten times, —yet God hath not suffered him to deal harmfully with me.
nanso mo agya nam asisi kwan so asesa mʼakatua mu mpɛn du. Nanso eyi nyinaa akyi no, Onyankopɔn amma no kwan amma wanyɛ me bɔne.
8 If thus he saith, The speckled, shall be thy wages, then do all the flock bring forth speckled, —But if thus he saith, The ring-straked, shall be thy wages, then do all the flock bring forth ring-straked.
Sɛ ɔka se, ‘Mmoa a wɔn ho yɛ ntokontrama no bɛyɛ wʼakatua,’ na sɛ mmoa no wo a, na wɔawo mma a wɔn ho yɛ ntokontrama. Sɛ ɔka se, ‘Mmoa a wɔn ho yɛ nsensanee no bɛyɛ wʼakatua’ a, na wɔawowo mma a wɔn ho yɛ nsensanee.
9 So hath God stripped away the herds of your father, and given them to me.
Ɔkwan a Onyankopɔn nam so agye mo agya nsam nyɛmmoa no de wɔn ama me ama mayɛ ɔdefo no ne no.
10 And it came to pass in the season when the flock were in heat, then lifted I mine eyes and beheld in a dream, —and lo! the he-goats that were leaping upon the flock, were ring-straked speckled and dappled.
“Eduu bere a mmoa no hyia mu no, mesoo dae huu sɛ adwennini a wɔforo nguanbere no ho yɛ ntokontrama, nsensanee anaa nsisimu.
11 And the messenger of God said unto me in a dream, Jacob! and I said, Behold me!
Onyankopɔn bɔfo frɛɛ me wɔ dae no mu ka kyerɛɛ me se, ‘Yakob!’ Na migyee so se, ‘Me ni!’
12 Then he said Lift, I pray thee, thine eyes and behold All, the he-goats that are leaping upon the flock are ring-straked, speckled, and dappled, —for I have seen all that Laban, has been doing to thee.
Na ɔsoro abɔfo no ka kyerɛɛ me se, ‘Hwɛ na hu sɛ adwennini a wɔforo nguanbere no nyinaa ho yɛ nsensanee, ntokontrama anaa nsisimu, na mahu ɔkwan a Laban de wo fa so no nyinaa.
13 I, am the GOD of Beth-el, where thou didst anoint a pillar, where thou didst vow to me a vow, —Now, rise, go forth out of this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred.
Mene Onyankopɔn a miyii me ho adi kyerɛɛ wo wɔ Bet-El, faako a wode ɔbo sii hɔ, hwiee ngo guu so, som me, hyɛɛ me bɔ sɛ, wobɛsom me no. Afei, tu fi saa asase yi so ntɛm ara, na san kɔ asase a wɔwoo wo wɔ so no so.’”
14 Then responded Rachel and Leah, and said to him, —Have we any longer a portion or an inheritance in the house of our father?
Na Rahel ne Lea bisae se, “Enti saa tebea a yɛwɔ mu yi, yɛwɔ kyɛfa bi wɔ yɛn agya agyapade mu ana?
15 Are we not accounted, aliens, to him seeing that having sold us, he hath then gone on devouring, our silver?
Yɛn agya mfa yɛn sɛ yɛyɛ ahɔho? Watɔn yɛn, na yɛn ti sika a ogyee no nso, wadi.
16 Surely all the riches which God hath stripped off from our father, unto us, it belongeth, and unto our sons, —Now, therefore, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do.
Ɛyɛ nokware turodoo sɛ yɛn agya ahode a Onyankopɔn gyei no nyinaa yɛ yɛn ne yɛn mma dea. Enti biribiara a Onyankopɔn aka akyerɛ wo sɛ yɛ no, yɛ.”
17 So Jacob arose, —and mounted his sons and his wives on the camels;
Na Yakob de ne mma ne ne yerenom tenatenaa yoma so.
18 and drave away all his herds and all his goods which he had gathered, the gains he had gained, which he had gathered in Padan-aram; that he might go in unto Isaac his father unto the land of Canaan.
Ɔkaa ne mmoa nyinaa, agyapade a wanya nyinaa ne mmoa a onyaa wɔ Paddan-Aram nyinaa dii nʼanim sɛ, ɔrekɔ nʼagya Isak nkyɛn wɔ Kanaan asase so.
19 Now, Laban, had gone, to shear his sheep, —so Rachel stole the household gods that belonged to her father,
Bere a Laban kɔɔ wuram sɛ ɔrekotwitwa ne nguan ho nwi no, Rahel faa nʼakyi kowiaa nʼagya fi abosom.
20 Thus Jacob stole away unawares to Laban, the Syrian, —in that he had not told him that he was about to flee.
Yakob daadaa Aramni Laban a wamma wanhu sɛ ɔreguan.
21 So he fled, he—and all that he had, and he arose, and passed over the River, —and set his face towards the mountain of Gilead.
Yakob de nʼahode nyinaa guanee. Otwaa Asubɔnten Eufrate, de nʼani kyerɛɛ bepɔw asase Gilead no so.
22 And it was told Laban, on the third day, —that Jacob had fled.
Yakob ne nʼabusuafo guanee no, nnansa akyi ansa na Laban tee sɛ wɔkɔ.
23 So he took his brethren with him, and pursued after him a journey of seven days—and overtook him in the mountain of Gilead.
Laban faa ne fifo kaa ne ho, de anibere tiw Yakob. Nnanson akyi ansa na ɔkɔtoo Yakob ne ne nkurɔfo no wɔ bepɔw Gilead so.
24 And God went in unto Laban the Syrian in a dream of the night, —and said to him Take heed to thyself that thou speak not with Jacob either good or bad.
Saa da no ara anadwo, Onyankopɔn yii ne ho adi wɔ dae mu kyerɛɛ Aramni Laban. Ɔka kyerɛɛ no wɔ dae no mu se, “Hwɛ yiye na woankɔka asɛm biara; sɛ ɛyɛ asɛm pa anaa asɛmmɔne ankyerɛ Yakob.”
25 So then Laban came up with Jacob, —Jacob, having pitched his tent in the mountain, Laban, also, with his brethren pitched in the mountain of Gilead.
Bere a Laban ne ne fifo kɔtoo Yakob no, na Yakob asisi ne ntamadan wɔ bepɔw Gilead atifi. Laban ne ne fifo no nso sisii wɔn ntamadan wɔ hɔ.
26 Then said Laban to Jacob, What hadst thou done, that thou shouldst steal away unawares to me, —and shouldst carry off my daughters, as captives of the sword?
Na Laban kɔɔ Yakob nkyɛn kobisaa no se, “Asɛm bɛn na wode adi me yi? Woadaadaa me, akyekyere me mmabea de wɔn reguan te sɛ nnommumfo.
27 Wherefore didst thou secretly flee, and rob me, —and didst not tell me, that I might send thee away with rejoicing and with songs, with timbrel and with lyre;
Adɛn nti na wodaadaa me, na wuguan fii me nkyɛn a woankra? Sɛ wokraa me a, anka mɛto wo pon, na mama nnipa abɛbɔ sanku, ato nnwom wɔ aponto no ase, de agya wo kwan.
28 and didst not suffer me to kiss my sons and my daughters? Now, hast thou done, foolishly.
Woamma mankyiakyia me nenanom ne me mmabea yi nsam annya wɔn kwan mpo. Woadi nkwaseasɛm.
29 It is in the power of my hand, to deal with thee for harm, —but the God of your father, last night, spake unto me, saying, Take heed to thyself that thou speak not with Jacob, either good or bad.
Mewɔ tumi sɛ anka meyɛ wo bɔne, nanso nnɛra anadwo, Onyankopɔn a wo agya som no no ka kyerɛɛ me wɔ dae mu se, ‘Hwɛ yiye na woanka asɛm biara, sɛ ɛyɛ asɛm pa anaa asɛmmɔne ankyerɛ Yakob.’
30 But, now, though thou, didst even take thy journey, because thou, didst sorely long, for the house of thy father, wherefore didst thou steal away my gods?
Esiane sɛ wʼani agyina wʼagya fi nti, na ɛsɛ sɛ wokɔ ara. Na adɛn nti na wuwiaa mʼabosom de kaa wo nneɛma ho?”
31 And Jacob answered and said unto Laban, —Because I was afraid, for I said, Lest thou take by force thy daughters from me!
Yakob buaa Laban se, “Na misuro. Na ɛyɛ me sɛ wode tumi begye wo mmabea no afi me nsam.
32 He with whom thou find thy gods, shall not live! Before our brethren, note thou for thyself what is with me and take what is thine. Neither did Jacob know that, Rachel, had stolen them.
Nanso obiara a wubehu wʼabosom no wɔ ne nkyɛn no, ɔsɛ owu. Wʼankasa hwehwɛ sɛ wubehu biribiara a ɛyɛ wo de wɔ me nneɛma yi mu wɔ yɛn nuanom yi anim. Sɛ wuhu biribiara a ɛyɛ wo de a, fa wʼade.” Bere a Yakob kaa saa asɛm yi no, na onnim sɛ Rahel na wawia nʼagya Laban abosom no.
33 Then entered Laban into the tent of Jacob and into the tent of Leah and into the tent of the two handmaids, and found nothing, —then went he forth out of the tent of Leah, and entered into the tent of Rachel.
Ɛno nti, Laban kɔɔ Yakob, Lea, ne nʼasomfo Bilha ne Silpa ntamadan mu kɔhwehwɛɛ hɔ, nanso wanhu biribiara. Afei, okowuraa Rahel ntamadan mu.
34 Now Rachel, had taken the household gods and put them in the basket-saddle of the camel, and taken her seat upon them. And Laban felt about throughout all the tent, and found them not.
Na Rahel awia abosom no de ahyehyɛ ne yoma no agua ase, atena so. Enti Laban kɔhwehwɛɛ nneɛma a ɛwɔ Rahel ntamadan no nyinaa mu, nanso wanhu abosom no.
35 And she said unto her father, Let it not be vexing in the eyes of my lord that I cannot rise up at thy presence, for, the way of women, is upon me. So he made search, but found not the household gods,
Rahel ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya se, “Agya, mma wo bo mfuw me sɛ mete hɔ wɔ wʼanim na mennsɔre nnyina hɔ, makɔ afikyiri.” Enti Laban toaa so hwehwɛɛ abosom no ara, nanso wanhu.
36 And it was vexing to Jacob and he contended with Laban, —and Jacob responded and said to Laban, What was my trespass, what my sin, that thou shouldst have come burning after me?
Ɛyɛɛ saa no, Yakob bo fuw Laban yiye, bisaa no se, “Bɔne bɛn na mayɛ? Amumɔyɛsɛm bɛn na madi a ɛno nti, woataa me ara yi?”
37 Now that thou hast felt about among all my goods, what hast thou found of the goods of thine own house? Set it out here, right before my brethren and thy brethren, —that they may give sentence betwixt us two.
Wohwehwɛɛ me nneɛma nyinaa mu yi, dɛn ade na wuhuu a ɛyɛ wo ne wo fifo de? Nea wuhuu biara no, fa bɛto gua wɔ me nuanom ne wo nuanom a wɔahyia ha yi nyinaa anim, na wɔnkyerɛ nea ɛyɛ ne de.
38 This twenty years’ time, have, I, been with thee—Thy ewes and thy she-goats, have not cast their young, —And the rams of thy flock, have I not eaten,
“Mfirihyia aduonu a wo ne me tenae, wo nguan ne wo mmirekyi abere no ampɔmpɔn, na mankum wʼadwennini yi bi amfi wo nguankuw yi mu anwe da.
39 The torn, have I not brought in unto thee—I bare the loss, At my hand, didst thou require it, —Stolen by day, or stolen by night.
Mamfa wʼaboa biara a akekaboa bi atetew ne mu ammrɛ wo; wɔn a mmoa kum wɔn no, mʼankasa mehyɛɛ anan mu. Afei sɛ ɛba sɛ wowia wo mmoa no bi, anadwo anaa awia a, woma mitua ka.
40 Thus have I been—By day, drought hath consumed me, And, frost, by, night, —So that my sleep fled away from mine eyes.
Eyi ne tebea a na mewɔ mu: Meyɛɛ wʼadwuma awia maa owia hyee me ne anadwo maa awɔw dee me; nam so maa nna yera fii mʼaniwa mu.
41 This, hath been my lot twenty years in thy house, —I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters, And six years for thy sheep—And thou didst change my wages ten times: —
Tebea a na mewɔ mu mfirihyia aduonu a metenaa wo nkyɛn no nyinaa ni. Mede mfirihyia dunan na ɛyɛɛ adwuma maa wo, de waree wo mmabea baanu no. Na mede mfirihyia asia nso hwɛɛ wo nguan, na wosesaa mʼakatua mpɛn du.
42 But that the God of my father—The God of Abraham, and the Dread of Isaac—Proved to be mine, Surely even now, empty, hadst thou let me go? My humiliation and the wearying toil of my hands, God had seen, And therefore gave sentence last night!
Sɛ ɛnyɛ Onyankopɔn a mʼagya som no, Onyankopɔn a Abraham som no a ɔwɔ mʼafa ne suro a misuro mʼagya Isak a, anka nokware ni, wopam me maa mede me nsa pan kɔe. Nanso Onyankopɔn huu mʼamanehunu ne me nsa ano adwuma nti na nnɛra anadwo ɔkaa wʼanim no.”
43 Then responded Laban and said unto Jacob—the daughters, are my daughters, And the sons, are my sons, And the sheep are my sheep, And, all that, thou, beholdest, To me doth it belong! But to my daughters, what can I do to these this day, Or to their sons whom they have borne?
Laban buaa Yakob se, “Mmea no yɛ me mmabea, mmofra no nso yɛ me nenanom, na nguankuw no nso yɛ me nguankuw. Nneɛma a wuhu yi nyinaa yɛ me de. Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na matumi ayɛ mʼankasa me mmabea ne me nenanom bɔne?
44 Now, therefore, come on! Let us solemnise a covenant, I and thou, —So shall it be a witness betwixt me and thee.
Afei, bra na me ne wo nyɛ apam a ebedi me ne wo ntam adanse. Saa apam no so na yebedi wɔ yɛn asetena nyinaa mu.”
45 So Jacob took a stone, —and set it up as a pillar.
Enti Yakob faa ɔbo de sii hɔ yɛɛ nkaedum.
46 Then said Jacob to his brethren—Gather stones. And they took stones and made a heap, —and they did eat there, by the heap.
Yakob kyerɛɛ ne nuanom no se, “Montase abo!” Enti wɔtasee abo boaa ano, na wɔn nyinaa tenaa ho didii.
47 And Laban called it, Jegar-sahadutha, —but, Jacob, called it, Galeed.
Laban frɛɛ abo kuw no Yegar-Sahaduta a ne nkyerɛase ne Adanse Kuw. Yakob nso frɛɛ saa abo kuw no Gal-Ed, a ne nkyerɛase ne Adanse Kuw saa ara.
48 Then said Laban: This heap, be witness betwixt me, and thee, to-day. For this cause, is the name thereof called Galeed;
Laban kae se, “Abo Kuw yi na edi me ne wo ntam adanse nnɛ!” Ɛno nti na wɔfrɛ no Gal-Ed no.
49 also, The Watch Tower, as to which it is said, Yahweh watch betwixt me and thee, when we are parted one from another.
Na wɔsan frɛ abo nkaedum no nso bio sɛ, “Mispa” efisɛ Laban kae se, “Awurade mmoa yɛn, na sɛ yɛn ntam tetew mpo a, yɛn mu biara bedi saa apam yi so.
50 If thou oppress my daughters, or if thou take wives besides my daughters, —there may be no man with us—see! God, be witness betwixt me, and thee!
Sɛ woanhwɛ me mmabea yi yiye anaasɛ woware mmea foforo ka me mmabea yi ho a, ɛwɔ mu sɛ merenhu, nanso Onyankopɔn de, obehu.”
51 And Laban said to Jacob—Behold this heap, and behold this pillar, which I have set betwixt me, and thee:
Laban san ka kyerɛɛ Yakob se, “Abo Kuw yi ni. Nkaedum a mede asi me ne wo ntam no nso ni.
52 A witness, be this heap, and, a witness, the pillar, —That, I, am not to pass, unto thee, over this heap, And, thou, art not to pass, unto me, over this heap and this pillar for harm.
Abo Kuw yi, ne nkaedum yi nyɛ adanse sɛ, me Laban, merentra saa Abo Kuw yi ne nkaedum yi mma baabi a wowɔ mmɛtoa wo. Na wo Yakob nso, worentra saa Abo kuw yi ne nkaedum yi mma baabi a mewɔ mmɛtoa me.
53 The Gods of Abraham and the Gods of Nahor judge betwixt us—the Gods of their fathers. And Jacob sware by the Dread of his father Isaac:
Ma Abraham Nyankopɔn ne Nahor Nyankopɔn, wɔn agyanom Nyankopɔn nyɛ otemmufo wɔ me ne wo ntam.” Enti Yakob de nʼagya Isak Nyankopɔn ho suro kaa ntam sɛ, ɔrentra ɔhye no.
54 and Jacob offered sacrifice in the mountain, and called on his brethren to eat bread. So they did eat bread, and tarried the night in the mountain.
Yakob bɔɔ Onyankopɔn afɔre wɔ bepɔw no atifi, na ohyiahyiaa ne nnamfonom ma wobedidii. Ɛno akyi no, wɔdaa ne nkyɛn wɔ bepɔw no so.
55 And Laban rose up early in the morning, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them: and Laban went his way and returned to his place.
Laban sɔree anɔpatutuutu few ne nenanom ne ne mmabea no ano, hyiraa wɔn. Na ɔsan nʼakyi kɔɔ ne kurom.

< Genesis 31 >