< Genesis 30 >
1 And Rachel saw she had borne no children unto Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister, —and said unto Jacob, Come! give me children, or else, I die.
Raahel yommuu akka Yaaqoobiif ijoollee tokko iyyuu hin daʼin argitetti obboleettii isheetti hinaafte. Yaaqoobiinis, “Ijoollee naa kenni, yoo kanaa achii nan duʼa!” jette.
2 Then kindled the anger of Jacob with Rachel, —and he said, Am I, in the place of God, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?
Yaaqoobis isheetti aaree, “Anatu iddoo Waaqa isa ijoollee si dhowwate sanaa jira moo?” jedheen.
3 And she said, Lo! my handmaid, Bilhah. Go in unto her, —that she may bear upon my knees, so that, I also, may be builded up by her!
Isheenis, “Xomboreen koo Bilihaan kunoo ti; akka isheen qooda koo ijoollee naaf deessee anis karaa isheetiin ijoollee argadhuuf dhaqii ishee bira gaʼi” jette.
4 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid, to wife, —and Jacob went in unto her;
Isheenis xomboree ishee Bilihaa akka niitii isaa taatuuf kenniteef. Yaaqoobis ishee bira gaʼe;
5 and Bilhah conceived, and bare unto Jacob a son;
isheenis ulfooftee ilma isaaf deesse.
6 and Rachel said God hath vindicated me. Moreover also he hath hearkened unto my voice, and hath given me a son. For this cause, called she his name Dan.
Kana irratti Raahel, “Waaqni naa murteesseera; kadhannaa koos dhagaʼee ilma naa kenneera” jette. Kanaafuu maqaa isaa Daan jettee moggaafte.
7 And Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid conceived again, and bare a second son to Jacob.
Xomboreen Raahel Bilihaan ammas ulfooftee Yaaqoobiif ilma lammaffaa deesse.
8 Then said Rachel With wrestlings of God, have I wrestled with my sister Yea I have prevailed. So she called his name, Naphtali.
Raahelis, “Ani obboleettii koo walʼaansoo guddaa qabee moʼadheera” jette. Maqaa isaa Niftaalem jettee moggaafte.
9 Then saw Leah, that she had left off bearing, —so she took Zilpah, her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to wife.
Liyaan akka ijoollee daʼuu dhiifte hubatte; xomboree ishee Zilfaa fuutee akka niitii isaa taatuuf Yaaqoobiif kennite.
10 And Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid, bare to Jacob a son:
Xomboreen Liyaa Zilfaanis Yaaqoobiif ilma deesse.
11 and Leah said, Victory hath come! So she called his name Gad.
Liyaan immoo, “Maal milkiin akkanaa!” jettee maqaa isaa Gaad jettee moggaafte.
12 And Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid bare a second son to Jacob;
Xomboreen Liyaa Zilfaan Yaaqoobiif ilma lammaffaa deesse.
13 and Leah said, For my happiness, surely happy have daughters pronounced me. So she called his name, Asher.
Ergasiis Liyaan, “Ani akkaman gammade! Dubartoonnis, ‘Eebbifamtuu’ naan jedhu” jette. Kanaafuu maqaa isaa Aasheer jettee moggaafte.
14 Then went Reuben, in the days of the wheat harvest, and found mandrakes, in the field, and brought them in unto Leah his mother, and Rachel said unto Leah, Pray give me, some of the mandrakes of thy son
Yeroo haamaa qamadiitti Ruubeen gara bakkeetti baʼee ija hudhaa argatee haadha isaa Liyaadhaaf fide. Raahelis Liyaadhaan, “Maaloo ija hudhaa ilma keetii irraa waa naa kenni” jette.
15 And she said to her, Is it, a small thing, that thou hast taken away my husband? And wouldst thou take away, even the mandrakes of my son? Then said Rachel, Therefore, shall he lie with thee to-night, for the mandrakes of thy son.
Liyaan immoo, “Dhirsa koo narraa fudhachuun kee sitti xinnaatee? Hudhaa ilma koos ni fudhattaa?” jetteen. Raahelis, “Qooda hudhaa ilma keetii inni edana si wajjin haa bulu” jetteen.
16 And Jacob came in from the field, in the evening, so Leah went out to meet him and said: Unto me, shalt thou come in, for I have hired, thee, even with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay with her that night,
Gaafa sana galgala yeroo Yaaqoob lafa qotiisaatii galetti Liyaan isa simachuuf gad baatee, “Waan ani hudhaa ilma kootiin si kireeffadheef ati harʼa na wajjin bulu qabda” jetteen. Yaaqoobis halkan sana ishee wajjin bule.
17 And God hearkened unto Leah, —and she conceived and bare to Jacob a fifth son.
Waaqnis Liyaa dhagaʼe; isheenis ulfooftee Yaaqoobiif ilma shanaffaa deesse.
18 Then said Leah. God hath given my hire, in that I gave my handmaid to my husband. So she called his name, Issachar.
Liyaanis, “Waan ani xomboree koo dhirsa kootiif kenneef Waaqni gatii koo naa baaseera” jette. Kanaafuu Yisaakor jettee isa moggaafte.
19 And Leah conceived again and bare a sixth son to Jacob.
Liyaan ammas ulfooftee Yaaqoobiif ilma jaʼaffaa deesse.
20 Then said Leah, God hath dowered me even me with a hand-some dowry, Now! will my husband dwell with me, for I have borne him six sons. So she called his name, Zebulon.
Liyaanis, “Waaqni kennaa gaarii naaf kenneera; sababii ani ilmaan jaʼa isaaf daʼeef dhirsi koo siʼachi ulfina naa kenna” jette. Kanaafuu maqaa isaa Zebuuloon jettee moggaafte.
21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, —so she called her name, Dinah.
Ergasiis intala tokko deessee Diinaa jettee moggaafte.
22 Then God remembered Rachel, —and God hearkened unto her, and granted her to bear.
Waaqnis Raahelin yaadate; kadhannaa ishees dhagaʼee gadameessa ishee baneef.
23 So she conceived and bare a son, —and said, God hath taken away my reproach;
Isheenis ulfooftee ilma deessee, “Waaqni qaanii koo narraa fuudheera” jette.
24 So she called his name Joseph, saying, Yahweh is adding unto me another son.
Isheenis maqaa isaa Yoosef jettee moggaaftee, “Waaqayyo ilma biraa naaf haa dabalu” jette.
25 And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Let me go that I may take my journey, unto my place, and to my land.
Erga Raahel Yoosefin deessee booddee Yaaqoob Laabaadhaan akkana jedhe; “Akka ani biyya dhalootaa kootti deebiʼuuf, gad na dhiisi.
26 Come, give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee and let me take my journey, —for, thou, knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.
Ani nan deemaatii niitota koo fi ijoollee koo warra ani isaaniif jedhee siif tajaajile naa kenni. Akka ani hojii baayʼee siif hojjedhe ati iyyuu beekta.”
27 And Laban said unto him, If, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, …I have divined that Yahweh hath blessed me for thy sake.
Laabaan garuu akkana jedheen; “Maaloo yoo ani fuula kee duratti fudhatama argadhee jiraadhe asuma turi; ani akka Waaqayyo sababii keetiin na eebbise mulʼataan beekeeraatii.”
28 And he said, —Come, fix thy wages for me, that I may give it!
Itti fufees, “Mee mindaa ani siif kaffaluu qabu natti himi; ani siifin kaffalaatii” jedhe.
29 And he said unto him, Thou, knowest how I have served thee, —and how thy cattle have fared, with me.
Yaaqoobis akkana jedheen; “Akka ani hammam siif hojjedhe, horiin kees hammam akka harka kootti baayʼate atuu ni beekta.
30 For it was, little, that thou hadst—before I came and then it brake forth into multitude, and Yahweh blessed thee at my every step. Now, therefore, when am, I, also to do something for my own house?
Wanni xinnaan ati utuu ani hin dhufin dura qabdu sun amma akka malee siif baayʼateera; lafa ani ture kamitti iyyuu Waaqayyo si eebbiseera. Garuu yeroon ani itti maatii kootiif yaadu yoomi ree?”
31 And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said: Thou shall give me, nothing at all, If thou wilt do for me this thing, I will return, I will shepherd thy flock I will keep it:
Innis, “Wanni ani siif kennu maali ree?” jedhee gaafate. Yaaqoob immoo akkana jedhee deebise; “Homaa naaf hin kennin; garuu yoo ati waan kana naaf goote ani ittuma fufee bushaayee kee nan tiksa; nan eegas;
32 Let me pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every young one that is speckled and spotted and every young one that is dark-coloured among the young sheep, and spotted and speckled among the goats, and they shall be my wages.
ani harʼa bushaayee kee hunda keessa baʼee hoolota cocorree fi buburree hunda, hoolaa magaalaa fi reʼoota cocorree yookaan buburree hunda addaan nan baasa; isaan kunneen mindaa koo taʼu.
33 And my righteousness shall answer for me on a future day, when thou shall come in respecting my hire that is before thee, Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and dark-coloured among the young sheep, stolen, shall it be accounted, if found with me.
Yeroo ati mindaa naa kennite sana toʼachuu dhuftutti, amanamummaan koo dhugaa naa baʼa. Hoolotaa fi reʼoota koo keessatti reʼeen cocorree yookaan buburree hin taʼin kam iyyuu, hoolaa keessaa immoo kan gurraacha hin taʼin kam iyyuu yoo argame akka waan hatameetti haa ilaalamu.”
34 Then said Laban, Lo! would it might be according to thy word!
Laabaanis, “Tole, akkuma ati jette haa taʼu” jedhe.
35 So he removed, on that day, the he-goats that were striped and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white in it, and every dark-coloured one among the young sheep, —and delivered them into the hand of his sons;
Guyyuma sana Laabaan korbeeyyii reʼee halluu qaxxaamuroo qabanii fi buburree hunda, goromii reʼee cocorree fi buburree kanneen adaadii qaban hunda, akkasumas hoolota gugurraacha hunda fuudhee ilmaan isaatti kenne.
36 then put he a journey of three days between himself and Jacob, —but, Jacob himself, continued tending the flocks of Laban that were left.
Innis ofii isaatii fi Yaaqoob gidduutti lafa adeemsa guyyaa sadii hambise; Yaaqoob immoo bushaayee Laabaa kanneen hafan tiksuu itti fufe.
37 So then Jacob took him rods of young storax, and hazel and maple, —and peeled in them white stripes, laying bare the white which was on the rods.
Yaaqoobis damee alaltuu, kan looziitii fi hadheessa jiidhaa isaa darbee darbee naannessee qoola isaa irraa quncisuudhaan dhagna mukichaa isa keessaa adii sana mulʼise.
38 And he set the rods which he had peeled, in the channels in the troughs of water, —where the flocks came in to drink straight before the flocks, and the females of the flock used to be in heat when they came in to drink;
Yaaqoobis yeroo bushaayeen sun bishaan dhuguuf dhufanitti damee qolli irraa quncifame sana fuula isaanii dura bidiruu bishaan itti obaasan keessa kaaʼe. Bushaayeen yeroo sun bishaan dhuguu dhufanitti gojomaʼanii
39 and the males of the flock were in heat before the rods, —so the flocks brought forth ring-straked, speckled, and spotted.
ulee sana duratti wal hobobsu turan; isaanis ilmoolee halluu qaxxaamuroo qaban, cocorree fi buburree dhalan.
40 The rams also, did Jacob separate, and then set the faces of the flocks towards the ring-straked and all the dark-coloured, among the flocks of Laban, —and he put his own droves by themselves, and put them not with the flocks of Laban.
Yaaqoobis ilmoolee bushaayee kophaatti baase; bushaayee Laabaa kanneen hafan garuu warra halluu qaxxaamuroo qabanii fi gurraacha dura dhaabe. Akkasitti hoolota isaa addaan baase malee bushaayee Laabaatti hin makne.
41 So it came to pass whensoever the stronger of the flocks were in heat, that Jacob set the rods before the eyes of the flocks in the channels, —that the females might be in heat among the rods;
Yeroo dhaltuuwwan jajjaboon gojomaʼan kam iyyuu, Yaaqoob akka isaan ulee sana biratti wal hobobsaniif jedhee ulee sana fuula isaanii dura bidiruu keessa kaaʼaa ture;
42 but, when the flocks were late in bearing, he did not set them, —and so the late-born were Laban’s, but the strong ones Jacob’s.
dhaltuuwwan dadhaboo dura garuu ulee sana hin keenye. Kanaafuu warri dadhaboon kan Laabaa, warri jajjaboon immoo kan Yaaqoob taʼan.
43 Thus did the man break forth, exceedingly, —thus came he to have flocks in abundance, and maid-servants, and men-servants and camels and asses.
Namichi kun haala kanaan akka malee soorome; innis bushaayee baayʼee, garboota dubartootaatii fi dhiirotaa, gaalawwanii fi harroota qaba ture.