< Genesis 30 >
1 And Rachel saw she had borne no children unto Jacob, so Rachel became envious of her sister, —and said unto Jacob, Come! give me children, or else, I die.
Ary rehefa hitan-dRahely fa tsy mba niteraka tamin’ i Jakoba izy, dia nialona ny rahavaviny izy, ka hoy izy tamin’ i Jakoba: Mba omeo zaza aho, fa raha tsy izany, dia ho faty aho.
2 Then kindled the anger of Jacob with Rachel, —and he said, Am I, in the place of God, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?
Dia nirehitra tamin-dRahely ny fahatezeran’ i Jakoba, ka hoy izy: Solon’ Andriamanitra, Izay nahamomba anao tsy hiteraka, va aho?
3 And she said, Lo! my handmaid, Bilhah. Go in unto her, —that she may bear upon my knees, so that, I also, may be builded up by her!
Ary hoy izy: Indro Bila ankizivaviko, vadio izy; dia hiteraka eo am-pofoako izy, mba hahazoako zaza aminy.
4 And she gave him Bilhah her handmaid, to wife, —and Jacob went in unto her;
Dia nomeny azy Bila ankizivaviny ho vadiny; ary dia novadin’ i Jakoba koa izy.
5 and Bilhah conceived, and bare unto Jacob a son;
Dia nanan’ anaka Bila ka niteraka zazalahy tamin’ i Jakoba.
6 and Rachel said God hath vindicated me. Moreover also he hath hearkened unto my voice, and hath given me a son. For this cause, called she his name Dan.
Ary hoy Rahely: Andriamanitra efa nanome ahy ny rariny sady efa nihaino ny feoko, ka nomeny zazalahy aho; izany no nanaovany ny anarany hoe Dana.
7 And Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid conceived again, and bare a second son to Jacob.
Dia nanan’ anaka indray Bila, ankizivavin-Rahely, ka niteraka zazalahy faharoany tamin’ i Jakoba.
8 Then said Rachel With wrestlings of God, have I wrestled with my sister Yea I have prevailed. So she called his name, Naphtali.
Ary hoy Rahely: Fitolomana mafy dia mafy no nitolomako tamin’ ny rahavaviko, ka nahery aho; dia nataony hoe Naftaly ny anarany.
9 Then saw Leah, that she had left off bearing, —so she took Zilpah, her handmaid, and gave her to Jacob to wife.
Ary rehefa hitan’ i Lea fa efa nitsaha-jaza izy, dia naka an’ i Zilpa ankizivaviny izy, ka nomeny ho vadin’ i Jakoba koa.
10 And Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid, bare to Jacob a son:
Ary Zilpa, ankizivavin’ i Lea, dia niteraka zazalahy tamin’ i Jakoba.
11 and Leah said, Victory hath come! So she called his name Gad.
Ary hoy Lea: Manan-jara re aho! dia nataony hoe Gada ny anarany.
12 And Zilpah, Leah’s handmaid bare a second son to Jacob;
Ary Zilpa, ankizivavin’ i Lea, dia niteraka zazalahy faharoany tamin’ i Jakoba.
13 and Leah said, For my happiness, surely happy have daughters pronounced me. So she called his name, Asher.
Ary hoy Lea: Sambatra aho, fa hataon’ ny zanakavavin’ ny olona hoe sambatra aho; dia nataony hoe Asera ny anarany.
14 Then went Reuben, in the days of the wheat harvest, and found mandrakes, in the field, and brought them in unto Leah his mother, and Rachel said unto Leah, Pray give me, some of the mandrakes of thy son
Ary nivoaka nitsangantsangana Robena tamin’ ny andro fijinjam-bary ka nahita dodaima naniry tany an-tsaha, dia nitondra azy ho any amin’ i Lea reniny. Ary hoy Rahely tamin’ i Lea: Veloma ianao, mba anomezo ahy kely ny dodaiman’ ny zanakao.
15 And she said to her, Is it, a small thing, that thou hast taken away my husband? And wouldst thou take away, even the mandrakes of my son? Then said Rachel, Therefore, shall he lie with thee to-night, for the mandrakes of thy son.
Ary hoy izy taminy: Moa zavatra kely va ny nakanao ny vadiko? Dia halainao koa va ny dodaiman’ ny zanako? Ary hoy Rahely: Aoka handry aminao ihany ary izy anio alina noho ny dodaiman’ ny zanakao.
16 And Jacob came in from the field, in the evening, so Leah went out to meet him and said: Unto me, shalt thou come in, for I have hired, thee, even with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay with her that night,
Ary nony hariva, rehefa tonga avy tany an-tsaha Jakoba, dia nivoaka nitsena azy Lea ka nanao hoe: Ho ato amiko no halehanao; fa ny dodaiman’ ny zanako no efa nakaramako anao tokoa. Dia nandry taminy izy tamin’ iny alina iny.
17 And God hearkened unto Leah, —and she conceived and bare to Jacob a fifth son.
Ary Andriamanitra nihaino an’ i Lea, dia nanan’ anaka izy ka niteraka zazalahy fahadiminy tamin’ i Jakoba.
18 Then said Leah. God hath given my hire, in that I gave my handmaid to my husband. So she called his name, Issachar.
Ary hoy Lea: Efa nomen’ Andriamanitra ny karamako, satria nomeko hovadin’ ny vadiko ny ankizivaviko; dia nataony hoe Isakara ny anarany.
19 And Leah conceived again and bare a sixth son to Jacob.
Dia nanan’ anaka indray Lea ka niteraka zazalahy faheniny tamin’ i Jakoba.
20 Then said Leah, God hath dowered me even me with a hand-some dowry, Now! will my husband dwell with me, for I have borne him six sons. So she called his name, Zebulon.
Ary hoy Lea: Efa nanome anjara soa ho ahy Andriamanitra; amin’ izao vao hitoetra amiko ny vadiko, fa efa niteraka zaza enin-dahy ho azy aho; dia nataony hoe Zebolona ny anarany.
21 And afterwards she bare a daughter, —so she called her name, Dinah.
Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia niteraka zazavavy izy, ka nataony hoe Dina ny anarany.
22 Then God remembered Rachel, —and God hearkened unto her, and granted her to bear.
Ary Andriamanitra nahatsiaro an-dRahely, dia nihaino azy ka nampanan’ anaka azy.
23 So she conceived and bare a son, —and said, God hath taken away my reproach;
Ary nanan’ anaka izy ka niteraka zazalahy; dia hoy izy: Efa nahafa-tondromaso ahy Andriamanitra.
24 So she called his name Joseph, saying, Yahweh is adding unto me another son.
Dia nataony hoe Josefa ny anarany, ka hoy izy: Jehovah anie mbola hanampy zazalahy iray ho ahy koa.
25 And it came to pass, when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Let me go that I may take my journey, unto my place, and to my land.
Ary rehefa niteraka an’ i Josefa Rahely, dia hoy Jakoba tamin’ i Labana: Alefaso aho hankany amin’ ny fonenako sy ny taniko.
26 Come, give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee and let me take my journey, —for, thou, knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.
Omeo ahy ny vadiko aman-janako, izay nanompoako anao, dia handeha aho; fa fantatrao ny fanompoana izay nanompoako anao.
27 And Laban said unto him, If, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, …I have divined that Yahweh hath blessed me for thy sake.
Ary hoy Labana taminy: Masìna ianao, raha nahita fitia eo imasonao aho, mitoera eto amiko, efa namantatra aho, ka fantatro fa avy taminao no nitahian’ i Jehovah ahy.
28 And he said, —Come, fix thy wages for me, that I may give it!
Ary hoy koa izy: Tonony izay ho karamanao, dia homeko anao.
29 And he said unto him, Thou, knowest how I have served thee, —and how thy cattle have fared, with me.
Ary hoy Jakoba taminy; Fantatrao ny nanompoako anao sy ny toetry ny omby aman’ ondrinao tato amiko.
30 For it was, little, that thou hadst—before I came and then it brake forth into multitude, and Yahweh blessed thee at my every step. Now, therefore, when am, I, also to do something for my own house?
Fa kely ny fanananao, fony tsy mbola tonga aho, fa efa nitombo be dia be izy; ary efa nitahy anao Jehovah tamin’ ny diako rehetra; ary ankehitriny, rahoviana kosa aho no mba hihary ho an’ ny ao an-tranoko?
31 And he said, What shall I give thee? And Jacob said: Thou shall give me, nothing at all, If thou wilt do for me this thing, I will return, I will shepherd thy flock I will keep it:
Ary hoy izy: Inona ary no homeko anao? Ary hoy Jakoba: Tsy hanome ahy na inona na inona ianao; raha hataonao amiko izao zavatra izao, dia mbola handrasako sy hotandremako ihany ny ondry aman’ osinao:
32 Let me pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every young one that is speckled and spotted and every young one that is dark-coloured among the young sheep, and spotted and speckled among the goats, and they shall be my wages.
Handeha hitety ny ondry aman’ osinao rehetra aho anio ka hanavaka ny mara sy ny sada rehetra, ary ny mainty rehetra eo amin’ ny ondry ary ny sada sy ny mara eo amin’ ny osy; koa ireny no ho karamako.
33 And my righteousness shall answer for me on a future day, when thou shall come in respecting my hire that is before thee, Every one that is not speckled and spotted among the goats and dark-coloured among the young sheep, stolen, shall it be accounted, if found with me.
Ny fahamarinako no ho vavolombeloko amin’ ny andro ho avy, raha tonga ianao handinika ny karamako: izay rehetra tsy mara ary tsy sada eo amin’ ny osy, ary izay tsy mainty eo amin’ ny ondry, dia ho halatro izany.
34 Then said Laban, Lo! would it might be according to thy word!
Ary hoy Labana: Eny, aoka ho araka ny teninao ary.
35 So he removed, on that day, the he-goats that were striped and spotted and all the she-goats that were speckled and spotted, every one that had white in it, and every dark-coloured one among the young sheep, —and delivered them into the hand of his sons;
Dia navahany tamin’ izany andro izany ny osilahy sadika sy sada, ary izay osivavy rehetra mara sy sada, dia izay rehetra nisy fotsy, ary ny mainty rehetra teo amin’ ny ondry; dia natolony teo an-tanan’ ny zananilahy ireny.
36 then put he a journey of three days between himself and Jacob, —but, Jacob himself, continued tending the flocks of Laban that were left.
Ary nasiany lalan-kateloana teo anelanelan’ izy sy Jakoba; ary Jakoba niandry ny ondry aman’ osin’ i Labana sisa.
37 So then Jacob took him rods of young storax, and hazel and maple, —and peeled in them white stripes, laying bare the white which was on the rods.
Ary Jakoba dia naka tsorakazo maro tamin’ ny hazo popola maitso sy tamin’ ny hazo lozy sy tamin’ ny hazo platana; ka nataony ofy vandana ireny hisehoan’ ny fotsy izay teo amin’ ny tsorakazo.
38 And he set the rods which he had peeled, in the channels in the troughs of water, —where the flocks came in to drink straight before the flocks, and the females of the flock used to be in heat when they came in to drink;
Ary ireny tsorakazo voaofiny ireny dia napetrany teo anoloan’ ny ondry aman’ osy, teo anatin’ ny tavin-drano, dia teo amin’ ny fisotroan-drano, izay nalehan’ ny ondry aman’ osy hisotro, ka nikambana teo ny lahy sy ny vavy, raha avy hisotro rano izy.
39 and the males of the flock were in heat before the rods, —so the flocks brought forth ring-straked, speckled, and spotted.
Dia nikambana tandrifin’ ny tsorakazo ny ondry aman’ osy ka niteraka sadika sy mara ary sada.
40 The rams also, did Jacob separate, and then set the faces of the flocks towards the ring-straked and all the dark-coloured, among the flocks of Laban, —and he put his own droves by themselves, and put them not with the flocks of Laban.
Ary ny zanak’ ondry navahan’ i Jakoba, ary ny ondry sisa dia nataony manatrika ny sadika sy ny mainty rehetra teo amin’ ny ondry aman’ osin’ i Labana; ary natokany izay ondry aman’ osy ho azy ka tsy navelany hiharo tamin’ ny ondry aman’ osin’ i Labana.
41 So it came to pass whensoever the stronger of the flocks were in heat, that Jacob set the rods before the eyes of the flocks in the channels, —that the females might be in heat among the rods;
Ary na oviana na oviana no hikambanan’ ny ondry aman’ osy matanjaka, dia napetrak’ i Jakoba teo anatin’ ny tavin-drano teo anoloan’ ny mason’ ny ondry aman’ osy ireny tsorakazo ireny, mba hikambanany eo anilan’ ny tsorakazo.
42 but, when the flocks were late in bearing, he did not set them, —and so the late-born were Laban’s, but the strong ones Jacob’s.
Fa raha osaosa kosa ny ondry aman’ osy, dia tsy mba napetrany teo ireny; ka dia ny osaosa no an’ i Labana, fa ny matanjaka kosa no an’ i Jakoba.
43 Thus did the man break forth, exceedingly, —thus came he to have flocks in abundance, and maid-servants, and men-servants and camels and asses.
Dia nitombo harena indrindra ralehilahy ka nanana ondry aman’ osy betsaka ary andevovavy sy andevolahy ary rameva sy boriky.