< Genesis 26 >
1 And there came to be a famine in the land, besides the first famine which happened in the days of Abraham, —so Isaac went his way unto Abimelech, king of the Philistines towards Gerar;
Og der var Hunger i Landet, foruden den forrige Hunger, som var i Abrahams Tid, og Isak drog til Abimelek, Filisternes Konge i Gerar.
2 and Yahweh appeared unto him, and said, do not go down towards Egypt, —Make thy habitation in the land, which I may name unto thee:
Da aabenbaredes Herren for ham og sagde: Drag ikke ned til Ægypten, bo i det Land, hvilket jeg siger dig.
3 Sojourn in this land, that I may be with thee and bless thee, —for, to thee, and to thy seed, will I give all these lands, So will I establish the oath which I sware to Abraham thy father;
Vær en Udlænding i dette Land, og jeg vil være med dig og velsigne dig; thi dig og din Sæd vil jeg give alle disse Lande og stadfæste den Ed, som jeg har svoret Abraham, din Fader.
4 and will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens, and will give to thy seed, all these lands, —And all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves in thy seed:
Og jeg vil gøre din Sæd mangfoldig som Stjernerne paa Himmelen og give din Sæd alle disse Lande, og i din Sæd skulle alle Folk paa Jorden velsignes,
5 Because that Abraham hearkened unto my voice, —and so kept my charge, my commandments my statutes and my laws.
fordi Abraham lød min Røst og bevarede det, jeg vil have bevaret, mine Bud, mine Skikke og mine Love.
6 So Isaac dwelt in Gerar.
Saa boede Isak i Gerar.
7 Then asked the men of the place as to his wife, and he said, My sister, is she, —For he feared to say My wife, lest [said he] the men of the place should slay me on account of Rebekah, for fair to look on, she is.
Og de Mænd paa samme Sted spurgte om hans Hustru; da sagde han: Hun er min Søster; thi han frygtede at sige: Hun er min Hustru, idet han tænkte, at ikke Mændene paa dette Sted maaske skulle slaa mig ihjel for Rebekkas Skyld, thi hun var dejlig af Anseelse.
8 And it came to pass when the days had lengthened out to him there, that Abimelech king of the Philistines, looked out through the lattice of a window, —and he beheld and lo! Isaac—laughing with Rebekah his wife.
Og det skete, der han havde boet der en Tid lang, saa Abimelek, Filisternes Konge, ud igennem Vinduet og saa, og se, Isak legede med Rebekka, sin Hustru.
9 So Abimelech called for Isaac, and said, But lo she is, thy wife! How then, saidst thou, She is, my sister? And Isaac said unto him, Because, I said, Lest I die on her account.
Da kaldte Abimelek ad Isak og sagde: Visselig, se, hun er din Hustru, og hvorledes har du sagt: hun er min Søster? Og Isak sagde til ham: Thi jeg tænkte: Maaske jeg maatte slaas ihjel for hendes Skyld.
10 Then, said, Abimelech, What is this thou hast done to us? A little more, and one of the people might have lien with thy wife, so shouldst thou have brought upon us, guilt.
Da sagde Abimelek: Hvi har du gjort os dette? En af Folket kunde snart have ligget hos din Hustru, saa havde du ført Skyld over os.
11 And Abimelech commanded all the people saying, —He that toucheth this man or his wife, shall surely be put to death
Saa bød Abimelek alt Folket og sagde: Hvo, som rører ved denne Mand og ved hans Hustru, skal visselig dødes.
12 And Isaac sowed in that land, and found in the same year, a hundredfold, —seeing that Yahweh had blessed him.
Og Isak saaede der i Landet og fik samme Aar hundrede Fold, og Herren velsignede ham.
13 So the man waxed great, —and went on and on waxing great until that he had waxed exceeding great.
Og Manden blev mægtig og gik frem og blev mægtig, indtil han blev saare mægtig.
14 So he came to have possessions of flocks and possessions of herds, and a large body of servants, —and the Philistines envied him.
Og han ejede Faar og ejede Kvæg og mange Tyende; derfor bare Filisterne Avind mod ham.
15 And as for all the wells which the servants of his father digged, in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines stopped them up, and filled them with dust.
Og alle Brøndene, som hans Faders Tjenere havde gravet i Abrahams, hans Faders Tid, dem tilstoppede Filisterne og fyldte dem med Jord.
16 And Abimelech said unto Isaac, —Get thee from us, for thou hast become far mightier than we.
Og Abimelek sagde til Isak: Drag fra os; thi du er bleven os alt for mægtig.
17 So Isaac went from thence, —and encamped in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.
Saa drog Isak derfra og slog Telt i Dalen Gerar og boede der.
18 And Isaac again digged the wells of water which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father, and which the Philistines stopped up after the death of Abraham, —and he called their names, after the names which his father called them.
Og Isak lod igen de Vandbrønde opgrave, som de havde gravet i Abrahams, hans Faders Tid, og som Filisterne havde tilstoppet efter Abrahams Død, og han gav dem Navne efter de Navne, som hans Fader havde kaldet dem.
19 And Isaac’s servants digged in the valley, —and found there a well of living water.
Saa grove Isaks Tjenere i Dalen og fandt der en Brønd med levende Vande.
20 And the herdmen of Gerar disputed with the herdmen of Isaac saying, Ours, is the, water! So he called the name of the well Esek, because they had stirred up a quarrel with him.
Men Hyrderne af Gerar kivedes med Isaks Hyrder og sagde: Vandet hører os til; saa kaldte han den Brønds Navn Esek, thi de kivedes med ham.
21 And they digged another well, and they disputed over that also, —so he called the name thereof Sitnah.
Saa grove de en anden Brønd, og de kivedes og om den; derfor kaldte de dens Navn Sitna.
22 And he moved on from thence and digged another well, and they disputed not for it, —so he called the name thereof. Rehoboth, and said, For, now, hath Yahweh made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.
Da flyttede han derfra og grov en anden Brønd, og de kivedes ikke om den, og han kaldte dens Navn Rekoboth og sagde: thi nu har Herren gjort Rum for os, og vi ere voksede i Landet.
23 And he went up from thence, to Beer-sheba.
Og han drog op derfra til Beersaba.
24 And Yahweh appeared unto him the same night, and said, I, am the God of Abraham thy father, —Do not fear for with thee, am, I, And I will bless thee and multiply thy seed, For the sake of Abraham my servant.
Og Herren aabenbaredes for ham i den samme Nat og sagde: Jeg er din Fader Abrahams Gud; frygt ikke, thi jeg er med dig og vil velsigne dig og formere din Sæd for min Tjener Abrahams Skyld.
25 So he builded there all altar and called on the name of Yahweh, and spread out there, his tent, —and the servants of Isaac cut out there a well.
Saa byggede han der et Alter og paakaldte Herrens Navn og opslog der sit Telt, og Isaks Tjenere grove der en Brønd.
26 And, Abimelech, came unto him from Gerar, with Ahuzzath his friend, and Phicol, commander of his host.
Og Abimelek drog til ham fra Gerar med Akusat sin Ven og Pikol sin Stridshøvedsmand.
27 And Isaac said unto them, Wherefore have ye come in mite me, seeing that, ye, hated me, and sent me away from you?
Da sagde Isak til dem: Hvi komme I til mig, da I dog have hadet mig og drevet mig fra Eder?
28 And they said: We, saw plainly, that Yahweh was with thee, so we said, Let there be we pray thee an oath betwixt us both, betwixt us and thee, —and let us solemnise a covenant with thee: —
Og de svarede: Vi se klarligen, at Herren er med dig; derfor sagde vi: Kære, lad være en Ed imellem os, imellem os og dig, og vi ville gøre et Forbund med dig,
29 That, thou wilt not do wrong by us, according as we touched not thee, and according as we did by thee nothing but good, and then sent thee away in peace, thee who, now, art blessed of Yahweh!
at du ikke skal gøre ondt imod os, ligesom vi ikke have rørt dig, og ligesom vi ikke have gjort dig andet end godt, og vi lode dig fare i Fred; du er nu Herrens velsignede.
30 So he made for them a banquet, and they did eat and drink, —
Saa gjorde han dem et Gæstebud, og de aade og drak.
31 and rose up early in the morning, and took an oath each man to his brother, so Isaac let them go, and they departed from him in peace.
Og de stode tidlig op om Morgenen og tilsvore hinanden gensidig, og Isak ledsagede dem, og de droge fra ham i Fred.
32 And it came to pass, on the same day, that the servants of Isaac came in, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said to him, We have found water!
Og det skete, paa den samme Dag kom Isaks Tjenere og forkyndte ham angaaende den Brønd, som de havde gravet, og de sagde til ham: Vi have fundet Vand.
33 So he called it, Shibah. For this cause, hath the name of the city, been Beer-sheba, unto this day.
Og han kaldte den Skibea, deraf er Stadens Navn Beersaba indtil denne Dag.
34 And when Esau was forty years old, he took to wife Judith, daughter of Beeri. the Hittite; and Basemath, daughter of Elon, the Hittite;
Og Esau var fyrretyve Aar gammel og tog en Hustru, Judith, Beeriden Hethiters Datter, og Basmat, Elon den Hethiters Datter.
35 and they became a bitterness of spirit, to Isaac and to Rebekah.
Og de vare Aands Bitterhed for Isak og Rebekka.