< Genesis 12 >
1 And Yahweh said unto Abram: Come thou on thy way, Out of thy land and out of the place of thy birth and out of the house of thy father, —Unto the land that I will show thee;
I OLELO mai o Iehova ia Aberama, E hele aku oe mai kou aina aku, a mai kou poe hoahanau aku, a mai ka hale o kou makuakane aku, a hiki i ka aina a'u e kuhikuhi aku ai ia oe.
2 That I may make thee into a great nation, And bless thee and make great thy name, And become thou a blessing;
A e hoolilo au ia oe i lahuikanaka nui, e hoomaikai aku hoi au ia oe, e hookaulana hoi au i kou inoa, a e lilo oe i mea e pomaikai ai.
3 That I may bless them who bless thee, But him who maketh light of thee, will I curse, —So shall be, blessed in thee, all the families of the ground.
E hoopomaikai aku hoi au i ka poe hoomaikai ia oe, a e hoino aku au i ka mea hoino ia oe, a ia oe e pomaikai ai na ohana a pau o ka honua.
4 And Abram came on his way, according to that which Yahweh had spoken unto him, and Lot came with him, —now, Abram, was seventy-five years old, when he came forth out of Haran.
Hele aku la o Aberama e like me ka Iehova i olelo mai ai ia ia; a hele pu o Lota me ia. He kanahiku kumamalima na makahiki o Aberama, i kona wa i hele mai ai mai Harana mai.
5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, with all the goods that they had gathered and the souls that they had gained in Haran, —and they came forth to go towards the land of Canaan, and came in to the land of Canaan.
Lawe ae la o Aberama i kana wahine ia Sarai, a me Lota ke keiki a kona kaikuaana, a me ka waiwai a pau a lakou i hoiliili ai, a me na ohua a pau i loaa ia lakou ma Harana; a puka mai la lakou e hele mai i ka aina o Kanaana; a hiki mai la lakou i ka aina o Kanaana.
6 And Abram passed along throughout the land, as far as the place of Shechem as far as the Teacher’s Terebinth, the Canaanite being then in the land.
Kaahele ae la o Aberama i ka aina, a hiki aku la i kahi o Sikema, i ka laau oka o More. E noho ana no na mamo a Kanaana ma ia aina ia manawa.
7 And Yahweh appeared unto Abram, and said: To thy seed, will I give this land, —And he built there an altar, unto Yahweh who appeared unto him.
Ikea ae la o Iehova e Aberama, i mai la ia, E haawi aku no wau i keia aina no kau poe mamo: malaila oia i hana'i i kuahu no Iehova, ka mea i ikea e ia.
8 And he moved on from thence towards the hill country, on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, —with Bethel on the west, and Ai on the east, and built there an altar to Yahweh, and called on the name of Yahweh.
Hele aku la ia mai ia wahi aku a ka puu ma ka hikina o Betela, a kukulu iho la i kona halelewa, o Betela ma ke komohana, a o Hai ma ka hikina: malaila oia i hana'i i kuahu no Iehova, a hea aku la ia i ka inoa o Iehova.
9 Thus Abram brake up, again and again, towards the South.
Hele hou aku la o Aberama e neenee ana i ke kukuluhema.
10 And it came to pass that there was a famine, in the land, —so Abram went down towards Egypt, to sojourn there, because grievous, was the famine in the land.
He wi ma ia aina; a hele aku la o Aberama ilalo i Aigupita e noho malihini malaila, no ka mea, ua nui loa ka wi ma ka aina.
11 And it came to pass when he had come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife: Behold! I beseech thee I know that a woman fair to look on, thou art:
A kokoke aku la ia e komo i Aigupita, i aku la ia i kana wahine ia Sarai, Eia hoi ke ike nei au he wahine maikai oe ke nanaia'ku:
12 so will it come to pass when the Egyptians behold thee, that they will say, His wife, this! and will slay me while thee, they preserve alive.
Nolaila, a ike mai ko Aigupita ia oe, e olelo auanei lakou, Eia kana wahine; a e pepehi mai lakou ia'u, a e hoola ae lakou ia oe.
13 Say, I beseech thee that my sister, art thou, —to the end it may be well with me for thy sake, so shall my soul be preserved alive because of thee.
Ke nonoi aku nei au ia oe, e i aku oe, he kaikuwahine oe no'u, i pomaikai ai au ia oe, a e malamaia kuu ola nou.
14 And so it was when Abram entered into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman, that fair, was she exceedingly.
A hiki aku la o Aberama i Aigupita, ike mai la ko Aigupita i ka wahine he maikai loa.
15 And the princes of Pharaoh beheld her, and praised her unto Pharaoh, —so the woman was taken to the house of Pharaoh;
A ike mai la na luna a Parao ia ia, hoomaikai lakou ia ia imua o Parao, a ua laweia aku la ua wahine la ma ka hale o Parao.
16 and with Abram, dealt he well for her sake, —so that he came to have flocks and herds and he-asses, and men-servants, and maid-servants, and she-asses and camels.
Lokomaikai mai la oia ia Aberama no Sarai: a ia ia na hipa, na bipi, na hoki, na kauwakane, na kauwawahine, na hokiwahine, a me na kamelo.
17 And Yahweh plagued Pharaoh with great plagues, also his house, —for the matter of Sarai, wife of Abram.
Hooeha mai la o Iehova ia Parao a me kona poe ohua i na mai eha loa, no Sarai ka wahine a Aberama.
18 And Pharaoh called out to Abram, and said, What is this thou hast done to me? Wherefore didst thou not tell me, that she was, thy wife?
Kahea mai la o Parao ia Aberama, i mai la, Heaha keia mea au i hana mai ai ia'u? No ke aha la i hai ole mai oe ia'u o kau wahine ia?
19 Wherefore saidst thou My sister, she; and so I was about to take her to me, to wife? But now, lo! thy wife take her and go thy way.
No ke aha la oe i olelo mai ai, O ko'u kaikuwahine ia, i mea e lawe ai au ia ia i wahine na'u? Eia hoi kau wahine, e lawe oe ia ia, a e hele aku.
20 And Pharaoh gave command concerning him unto certain men, —and sent him away, with his wife and all that he had.
Kauoha aku la o Parao i kona poe kanaka nona, a hoihoi mai la lakou ia ia, me kana wahine, a me kana mau mea a pau.