< Galatians 3 >
1 O thoughtless Galatians! who hath bewitched you, —before whose very eyes, Jesus Christ, was openly set forth as a crucified one?
We! Atahori Galatia re! Dꞌalahulun au ufadꞌe mia mata mara, soꞌal Yesus Kristus mamaten sia hau ngganggeꞌ. Te ia naa atahori lelekoꞌ hei no mudꞌaꞌ ena to! Hei nggoa mara seli!
2 This only, am I wishing to learn from you: —by works of law, received ye, the Spirit? or by a believed report?
Au ae utane dalaꞌ saꞌ a. Hei simbo mala Lamatuaꞌ Dula-dꞌalen naa, huu hei tungga agama hohoro-lalanen, do? Hokoꞌ, to! Dula-dꞌalen nema nisi hei, huu hei mimihere Hara-lii Malolen fo hei renaꞌ a.
3 So thoughtless, are ye? Having made a beginning in Spirit, are ye, now, in flesh, to be made complete?
Dadꞌi, taꞌo bee de hei miminggoa seli taꞌo naa, e? Dꞌalahulun hei misodꞌa tungga Dula-dꞌale Meumareꞌ hihii-nanaun ena. Te aleꞌ ia hei misodꞌa tungga baliꞌ atahori hihii-nanaun.
4 Such things, suffered ye, in vain, —if at least [it is] even in vain?
Leleꞌ hei feꞌe mae mimihere neu Kristus, hei hambu doidꞌosoꞌ nae-nae. Afiꞌ losa basa naa ra dadꞌi parsumaꞌ a! (Tao-tao te, tamahere neu Kristus nda bisa parsumaꞌ a sa.)
5 He then who was supplying unto you the Spirit, and energising mighty works among you, by works of law, or by a believed report [did he it]?
Leleꞌ Lamatualain fee Dula-dalen, ma natudꞌu manadadꞌiꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ sia mata mara, hei duꞌa mae Ana tao taꞌo naa huu ama tungga agama hohoro-lalanen, do? Hokoꞌ, to! Ana tao taꞌo naa, huu mimihere Hara-lii Maloleꞌ fo ama renaꞌ a.
6 Even as Abraham—believed in God, and it was reckoned unto him as righteousness.
Misinedꞌa atahori Yahudi ra bꞌei-baꞌi nara, naeni baꞌi Abraham. Te Lamatualain Susura Meumaren suraꞌ nae, “Huu namahere neu Lamatualain, naa de Lamatuaꞌ simbo e no maloleꞌ ma henggenee e nae fee ne atahori rala ndoos.”
7 Be taking note, therefore—that, they who are of faith, the same, are, sons, of Abraham;
Dadꞌi hei musi mihine malolole dalaꞌ ia! Atahori mana namahereꞌ onaꞌ Abraham, sira dadꞌi Lamatualain atahori ndoo-tetun.
8 And, the scripture, foreseeing, that, by faith, God would declare the nations righteous, fore-announced the good news unto Abraham, saying, All the nations shall be blessed in thee.
Lamatuaꞌ nafadꞌe memaꞌ sia Susura Meumaren nae, dei fo Eni simbo atahori mia nusa feaꞌ ra boe, mete ma ara ramahere Eni. Te fai maꞌahulun Ana nafadꞌe memaꞌ Hara-lii Malolen neu baꞌi Abraham nae, “Dei fo basa nusaꞌ sia raefafoꞌ ia hambu papala-babꞌanggiꞌ huu ho.”
9 So then, they who are of faith, are blessed with believing Abraham;
Huu Lamatualain hehelu-fufulin naa, naa de Ana o fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu basa atahori mana ramahere neu E, onaꞌ Ana fee neu Abraham.
10 For, as many as are of works of law, are, under a curse, —for it is written—Accursed, is everyone that continueth not in all things that are written in the book of the law to do them.
Atahori mana tungga agama hohoro-lalanen, naa fo Lamatuaꞌ simbo e no Maloleꞌ, na, ana musi lemba-nasaa basa hohoro-lalaneꞌ naa, onaꞌ eni nene sumba-ndoon ena. Te nenesuraꞌ sia Lamatualain susura Meumaren oi, “Atahori nda mana tungga nakandoo agama hohoro-lalanen losa lutu-leloꞌ sa, ana hambu sumba-ndoon!
11 Moreover, that, in law, no one, is declared righteous with God, [is] evident, —because, The righteous one, by faith, shall live;
Te matetuꞌ ena, Lamatualain nda simbo atahori, huu eni tungga hohoro-lalane agama sa. Te nenesuraꞌ, oi “Atahori musi ramahere Au, dei fo Au feꞌe simbo e onaꞌ atahori rala ndoos, fo ana hambu masodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ.”
12 And, the law, is not of faith, but—he that hath done them, shall live in them,
Naa! Mete ma atahori nau nasodꞌa tungga agama hohoro-lalanen hihii-nanaun, ana musi tao tungga basa-bꞌasaꞌ e losa lutuꞌ-leloꞌ! Te Lamatuaꞌ nafadꞌe memaꞌ sia Susura Meumaren nae, “Atahori mana nae nasodꞌa tungga hohoro-lalaneꞌ a, dei fo batasibu noꞌ a hohoro-lalaneꞌ ra.”
13 Christ, hath redeemed, us, out of the curse of the law, having become, in our behalf, a curse; —because it is written—Cursed, is every one that hangeth upon a tree; —
Huu Kristus bae etu ena, fo mboꞌi hendi hai mia agama hohoro-lalanen mana paꞌa haiꞌ a. Feꞌesaꞌan, hai misodꞌa lemba-misaa agama hohoro-lalanen onaꞌ atahori nene sumba-ndoon e. Te ia naa, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus soꞌu hendi sumba-ndoon naa mia hai ena. Te nenesuraꞌ sia Susura Meumareꞌ a oi, “Atahori mana mate nene londa-ngganggeꞌ sia rii a, eni nene sumba-ndoon.”
14 In order that, unto the nations, the blessing of Abraham, might come about in Jesus Christ, —in order that, the promise of the Spirit, we might receive through means of the faith.
Leleꞌ Yesus Kristus mate fo fee masodꞌaꞌ neu hita, naa papala-babꞌanggiꞌ fo Lamatualain fee neu Abraham ena, o onda nema nusa feaꞌ ra boe. No taꞌo naa, basa atahori mana ramahere neu Kristus bisa simbo Lamatualain Dula-dꞌalen fo Ana helu-fuli memaꞌ a.
15 Brethren! in human fashion, am I speaking: yet still, a man’s confirmed covenant, no one setteth aside or addeth unto:
Toronoo ngga re! Ia naa au ae utudꞌu conto mia hita masodꞌan fais-fais. Mete ma hambu atahori suraꞌ nala susura pusaka, basa ma ana teken basa naran ena, na susura naa nene henggeneeꞌ ena. Atahori laen nda bisa fee eꞌena-aꞌaiꞌ neu saa fo nenesuraꞌ sia susura naa sa, ma nda bisa suraꞌ seluꞌ saa-saa sia naa sa ena.
16 Now, unto Abraham, were spoken the promises—and unto his seed; —He saith not—and unto thy seeds, as of many, but, as of one—and unto thy seed, which is Christ:
Onaꞌ naa boe leleꞌ Lamatualain helu-fuliꞌ no Abraham ma tititi-nonosin. Lamatualain nda nae, “Au Helu-fuli ia o tititi-nonosi mara”, huu Ana nda helu-fuli neu atahori hetar sa. Te Ana helu-fuli fee neu akaꞌ Abraham tititi-nonosin esa, naeni Kristus.
17 And, this, I say—a covenant previously confirmed by God, the law which, after four hundred and thirty years, hath been brought into being, doth not annul, so as to do away with the promise.
Au masud ngga taꞌo ia: Lamatualain helu-fuliꞌ naꞌahuluꞌ no baꞌi Abraham. Boe ma basa too natun haa telu nulu, dei de Ana naꞌondaꞌ agama hohoro-lalanen fee atahori Yahudi ra tungga sira baꞌin Musa. Mae onaꞌ naa o, Lamatuaꞌ nda lea baliꞌ hehelu-fufuli maꞌahulun naa sa.
18 For, if, by law, is the inheritance, it is, no longer, by promise; but, unto Abraham, through promise, hath God favoured it.
Lamatuaꞌ fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ neu Abraham, nda huu ana tao tungga hohoro-lalaneꞌ sa. Te Ana fee papala-babꞌanggiꞌ huu Ana helu-fuli memaꞌ nae fee mudaꞌ Abraham eniꞌ a maꞌahulun. Naa, onaꞌ anaꞌ sa simbo pusaka mia aman. Ana simbo, huu aman helu-fuli memaꞌ, nda huu anaꞌ naa tao tungga atoran sa.
19 Why, then, the law? Because of the transgressions, it was added, until such time as the seed should come, unto whom the promise had been made, and was given in charge through messengers, at the hand of a mediator;
Dadꞌi ia naa au ae utane taꞌo ia: mete ma Lamatualain simbo baꞌi Abraham no maloleꞌ huu nemeheren, taꞌo bee de Lamatuaꞌ fee tamba hohoro-lalaneꞌ neu baꞌi Musa? Ana fee tamba agama hohoro-lalanen fo nenori atahori dꞌala sala nara mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Eni masud na, naa fo atahori rasodꞌa tungga hohoro-lalaneꞌ a hihii-nanaun, losa Abraham tititi-nonosin esa nema. Boe ma, mete ma tititi-nonosiꞌ naa, naeni Kristus, nema, hohoro-lalaneꞌ naa nda parlu sa ena. Leleꞌ Lamatuaꞌ fee agama Yahudi hohoro-lalanen, Ana nda fee mataꞌ sa. Ana pake ate nara mia sorga, de rendi neu baꞌi Musa, dei de Musa fee neu atahori Yahudi ra. No taꞌo naa, Musa dadꞌi neu mana nendi haraꞌ fee Lamatuaꞌ no atahori nara.
20 Now, a mediator, is not [a mediator] of one, but, God, is, one.
Te leleꞌ Lamatualain helu-fuli no Abraham, Ana nda pake mana nendi haraꞌ sa. Ana helu-fuli mataꞌ no mataꞌ aon! No taꞌo naa, hita tahine tae, Lamatuaꞌ helu-fulin manaseliꞌ lenaꞌ hohoro-lalaneꞌ naa ra.
21 Is, the law, then, against the promises [of God]? Far be it! For, if a law had been given, which had been able to give life, verily, in law, would have been our righteousness;
Leleꞌ Lamatuaꞌ fee agama hohoro-lalane nara neu baꞌi Musa, naa, balabꞌan no hehelu-fufulin, do? Hokoꞌ! Huu mete ma hambu hohoro-lalaneꞌ, atahori bisa tao tungga fo Lamatuaꞌ simbo e no maloleꞌ ma nasodꞌa, neꞌo atahori Yahudi ra hohoro-lalanen bisa tao taꞌo naa boe. Tao-tao te nda hambu hohoro-lalaneꞌ esa sa boe fo atahori bisa tao tungga, fo tao maꞌasufu Lamatuaꞌ ralan, fo Ana simbo e no maloleꞌ.
22 But the Scripture, did shut up, all things, under sin, that, the promise by faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to them who have faith,
Huu sia Lamatuaꞌ Susura Meumaren nenesuraꞌ oi, basa atahori nenepaꞌa mates ro salaꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Naa de akaꞌ atahori mana ramahere neu Yesus Kristus, simbo saa fo Lamatualain helu-fuliꞌ a.
23 Before the coming of the faith, however, under law, were we being kept in ward, being shut up unto the faith which should afterwards, be revealed.
Te losa fain, Lamatuaꞌ soi dalaꞌ fo hai nenemboꞌiꞌ mia hohoro-lalaneꞌ ra, sadꞌi hai mimihere neu Kristus.
24 So that, the law, hath proved, our tutor, training us, for Christ, in order that, by faith, we might be declared righteous;
Dadꞌi agama hohoro-lalane nara, onaꞌ mana nanea, mana nanori hita no malolole losa Kristus nema. Mete ma nema ena, hita bisa tamahere E, naa fo tasodꞌa malolole to Lamatualain. Naa de, ia naa hita nda parlu mana naneaꞌ sa ena.
25 But, the faith having come, no longer, are we, under a tutor; —
26 For ye, all, are, sons of God, through the faith in Christ Jesus;
Ia naa hei dadꞌi Lamatualain ana nara ena, huu mimihere Yesus Kristus.
27 For ye, as many as, into Christ, have been immersed, have put Christ, on:
Basa hei mana nenesaraniꞌ fo dadꞌi atahorin, ama nenepaꞌa mates mo E.
28 There cannot be Jew or Greek, there cannot be bond or free, there cannot be male and female, for, all ye, are one, in Christ Jesus:
Basa atahori mana ramahere Kristus, ara ona esaꞌ ena. De mae hei atahori Yahudi, do nda Yahudi sa o, ate do nda ate sa, touꞌ do inaꞌ, basa atahori mana ra ꞌabꞌue ro Yesus Kristus, ona esaꞌ.
29 Now, if, ye, are of Christ, by consequence ye are, Abraham’s seed, according to promise, heirs.
Kristus naa, Abraham tititi-nonosin fo Lamatualain helu-fuli eniꞌ a dꞌalahulun. Huu hei miꞌibꞌue mo Kristus, de hei dadꞌi Abraham tititi-nonosi matetun ena. No taꞌo naa, hei o bisa simbo papala-babꞌanggiꞌ fo Lamatualain helu-fuli maꞌahulun neu Abraham.