< Ezekiel 9 >
1 Then cried he in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, Draw near ye that have charge of the city, -even every man with his weapon of destruction in his hand.
Eka ne awinjo koluongo gi dwol maduongʼ niya, “Kel jorito mag dala maduongʼ kae, ka moro ka moro nigi gir kedo lweny e lwete.”
2 And lo! six men coming in out of the way of the upper gate which looketh toward the north even every man with his destructive weapon in his hand, and one man in their midst clothed with linen, having a scribe’s ink holder by his side, —so they came in and stood beside the altar of bronze.
Eka ne aneno ji auchiel kabiro koa yo rangach mamalo, ka moro ka moro kuomgi otingʼo gir lweny mager e lwete. Ne nitie ngʼato kodgi morwako law mayom mane otingʼo gir ndiko e bathe. Negidonjo mi gichungʼ e bath kendo mar misango mar nyinyo.
3 And the glory of the God of Israel lifted itself up from off the cherub whereon it had been, unto the threshold of the house, —and he called unto the man clothed with linen, who had the scribe’s ink holder by his side.
To duongʼ mar Nyasaye mar Israel nodar oa ewi kerubi kama ne osebetie, mi ohuyo modhi obet ewi kama idonjogo ei hekalu. Bangʼe Jehova Nyasaye noluongo ngʼat mane orwako law mayom-cha, mane otingʼo gir ndiko e bathe,
4 Then said Yahweh unto him. Pass along through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, —and set thou a mark upon the foreheads of the men who are sighing and crying over all the abominations that are being done in her midst.
mi owachone niya, “Dhi e dala Jerusalem duto mondo iket kido e lela wangʼ joma okuyo kendo ma chunygi chandore kuom gik mamono mitimonigi.”
5 But unto these, said he in mine ears, Pass along through the city after him and smite, —let not your eye, shield, neither have ye pity:
Nowachone joma moko ka awinjo niya, “Luweuru kamoro amora modhiye e dalano kendo uneg ngʼato angʼata ma ok ukechogi kata ngʼwononegi.
6 elder, young man and virgin and little ones and women, shall ye slay utterly, but unto any man who hath upon him the mark, do not ye come near, and at my sanctuary, shall ye begin. So they began with the elder men. who were before the house.
Neguru jomadongo gi jomatindo, jotich ma nyiri gi ma yawuowi, mon kod nyithindo, to kik umul ngʼato angʼata man-gi kido e lela wangʼe. Chakuru timo kamano e kara maler mar lemo.” Kuom mano negichako gi jodongo mane ni e nyim hekalu.
7 And he said unto them Defile ye the house and fill the courts with the slain, —go ye forth! So they went forth and smote in the city.
Eka nowachonegi niya, “Dhiuru mondo udwany hekalu kendo pongʼuru laru mage gi ringre joma onegi. Dhiuru!” Omiyo ne giwuok mi gidhi kendo negichako nego ji e dalano duto.
8 And it came to pass, while they were smiting them—I being left remaining, that I fell upon my face and made outcry, and said Alas! My Lord. Yahweh art thou about to destroy all the remnant of Israel, in that thou art pouring out of thine indignation upon Jerusalem?
E kinde mane gineko, kane adongʼ kenda, ne apodho piny auma, mi aywagora niya, “Yaye Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto, bende dineg mitiek pep oganda jo-Israel manok modongʼ e thuolo miolee mirimbi kuom Jerusalem?”
9 And he said unto me the iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, is exceeding, great, and the land is filled with shed blood, and the city is full of over-reaching, —for they have said. Yahweh hath forsaken the land, — and Yahweh doth not see.
Nodwoka niya, “Richo mar dhood Israel gi dhood Juda duongʼ mokalo apima; piny opongʼ gi remo michwero kendo dala maduongʼ opongʼ gi timbe mobam. Giwacho ni, ‘Jehova Nyasaye osejwangʼo piny kendo; Jehova Nyasaye ok ne gik matimore.’
10 Therefore as for even me, Mine eye shall not shield. Neither will I pity, — Their way upon their own head, have I rendered.
Omiyo ok abi kechogi kata ngʼwononigi ma ok akumogi, to abiro kumogi kuom gik magisetimo.”
11 And lo! the man clothed in linen, having the ink-holder by his side, bringing back word saying, — I have done according to all which thou didst command me.
Bangʼe ngʼat mane orwako law mayom-cha mane otingʼo gir ndiko e bathe noduogo wach kawacho niya, “Asetimo kaka ne ichiko.”