< Ezekiel 7 >

1 And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying:
Potom doðe mi rijeè Gospodnja govoreæi:
2 Thou therefore O son of man. Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, To the so of Israel, there is an end, - The end hath come upon the four skirts of the land.
Sine èovjeèji, ovako kaže Gospod Gospod za zemlju Izrailjevu: kraj, doðe kraj na èetiri strane zemlji.
3 Now is the end upon thee, Therefore will I send mine anger against thee, And judge thee according to thy ways, - And lay upon thee all thine abominations;
Doðe ti kraj, i pustiæu gnjev svoj na te, i sudiæu ti po putovima tvojim i obratiæu na te sve gadove tvoje.
4 And mine eye shall not shield thee. Neither will I pity, —. For thy ways—upon thee, will I lay. And thine abominations in thy midst, shall be found, So shall ye know that, I, am Yahweh.
I oko moje neæe te požaliti, niti æu se smilovati, nego æu putove tvoje obratiti na te, i gadovi æe tvoji biti usred tebe, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod.
5 Thus saith My Lord Yahweh: A calamity, a sole calamity, lo! it hath come.
Ovako veli Gospod Gospod: zlo, jedno zlo, evo ide.
6 An end hath come, Come hath the end It hath roused itself up against thee, — Lo! it hath come.
Kraj doðe, kraj doðe, usta na te, evo doðe.
7 The circle hath come round unto thee. O inhabitant of the land, - The time, hath come, The day of consternation, hath drawn near. And not the joyful shout of the mountains.
Doðe jutro tebi, stanovnièe zemaljski, doðe vrijeme, približi se dan, kad æe biti polom a ne jeka gorska.
8 Now shortly, will I pour out mine indignation upon thee, And will bring to an end mine anger against thee, And will judge thee according to thy ways, - And will lay upon thee all thine abominations.
Sada æu odmah izliti jarost svoju na te, i navršiæu gnjev svoj na tebi, i sudiæu ti po tvojim putovima, i obratiæu na te sve gadove tvoje.
9 And mine eye shall not shield thee Neither will I have pity, — According to thy ways, unto thee will I render, And thine abominations, in thy midst shall be found, So shall ye know that I, Yahweh am smiting.
Neæe žaliti oko moje, niti æu se smilovati, daæu ti po putovima tvojim, i gadovi æe tvoji biti usred tebe, i poznaæete da sam ja Gospod, koji bije.
10 Lo! the day, Lo! it hath come, The circle, hath gone forth, The sceptre, hath blossomed, Insolence hath sprouted:
Evo dana, evo doðe, jutro nasta, procvate prut, ponositost napupi.
11 Violence hath risen up as a sceptre of lawlessness, —There are none of them And none of their multitude And none of their throngs And no lamentation over them.
Nasilje naraste prut bezakonja, niko neæe ostati od njih ni od mnoštva njihova ni od buke njihove, niti æe biti naricanja za njima.
12 The time hath come. The day hath arrived, The buyer, let him not rejoice, and The seller, let him not mourn, — For indignation, is against all her multitude.
Doðe vrijeme, prispje dan; ko kupuje neka se ne raduje, i ko prodaje neka ne žali, jer æe doæi gnjev na sve ljudstvo njihovo.
13 For the seller, unto that which is to be sold, shall not return, though yet among the living, were their life, for the vision is against all her multitude. He shall not return, And, no man, by his punishment, shall strengthen, his life.
Jer ko prodaje, neæe opet doæi do onoga što proda, ako i ostane živ; jer utvara za sve mnoštvo njihovo neæe se vratiti natrag, i niko se neæe okrijepiti bezakonjem svojim da saèuva život svoj.
14 They have blown the trumpet, even to make All ready, Yet is there none going to the battle; For mine indignation is against all her multitude.
Zatrubiše u trube, i spremiše sve; ali nema nikoga da izaðe u boj, jer se gnjev moj raspalio na sve ljudstvo njihovo.
15 The sword without, and Pestilence and famine within, — He that is in the field by the sword, shall die, and He that is in the city famine or pestilence shall devour him;
Napolju maè, a unutra pomor i glad; ko bude u polju, poginuæe od maèa; a ko bude u gradu, njega æe glad i pomor proždrijeti.
16 While they who escape of them shall escape and become on the mountains as the doves of the valleys, all of them cooing, —each one in his punishment.
A koji ih uteku, izbaviæe se i biæe po gorama kao golubovi iz dolina, svi æe uzdisati, svaki za svoje bezakonje.
17 All hands shall be unnerved; and All knees shall be weak as water,
Sve æe ruke klonuti i sva æe koljena postati kao voda.
18 Therefore shall they gird themselves with sackcloth, And shuddering shall cover them, -And in all faces, shall be paleness, And in all their heads, baldness.
I pripasaæe oko sebe kostrijet, i drhat æe ih popasti, i na svakom æe licu biti stid, i sve æe im glave biti æelave.
19 Their silver into the streets, shall they cast and Their gold for throwing away, shall serve, Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Yahweh, Their craving, shall they not satisfy, and Their belly, shall they not fill, For a stumbling-block, hath their iniquity become.
Srebro æe svoje pobacati po ulicama, i zlato æe njihovo biti kao neèistota; srebro njihovo i zlato njihovo neæe ih moæi izbaviti u dan gnjeva Gospodnjega; neæe nasititi duše svoje niti æe napuniti trbuha svojega, jer im je bezakonje njihovo spoticanje.
20 When, the beauty of his own ornament, he had, in majesty, placed, Then, the images, of their abominations Their detestable things, Made they therein, — For this cause have I delivered it up to them for removal;
Jer slavni nakit svoj obratiše na oholost, i naèiniše od njega likove gadova svojih, gnusobe svoje; zato uèinih da im je neèistota.
21 Yea I will deliver it Into the hand of foreigners for a prey, And to the lawless ones of the earth for a spoil, And they will profane it;
I daæu ga u ruke inostrancima da ga razgrabe, i bezbožnicima na zemlji da je plijen, i oskvrniæe ga.
22 And I will turn away my face from them, And they will profane my cherished place, —Yea there will enter it violent men Who will profane it.
I odvratiæu lice svoje od njih, i oskvrniæe svetinju moju, i uæi æe u nju lupeži i oskvrniæe je.
23 Prepare thou a chain, — For, the land, is full of the crime of bloodshed, And, the city, is full of violence.
Naèini verige, jer je zemlja puna krvnoga suda, i grad je pun nasilja.
24 So then I will bring in the wicked ones of the nations, And they shall take possession of their houses, —And I will cause to cease the pomp of the strong ones, And their holy places shall be profaned.
Zato æu dovesti najgore izmeðu naroda da naslijede kuæe njihove, i ukinuæu oholost silnijeh, i sveta mjesta njihova oskvrniæe se.
25 Destruction, hath entered, - And they shall seek welfare and there be none.
Ide pogibao; oni æe tražiti mira, ali ga neæe biti.
26 Disaster upon disaster, shall come, And report after report shall arise, Therefore shall they seek a vision from prophet, And law shall perish from priest. And counsel from elders.
Nevolja za nevoljom dolaziæe, i glas za glasom stizaæe; i oni æe tražiti utvaru od proroka; zakona æe nestati u sveštenika i svjeta u staraca.
27 The king, shall mourn and, The chief, shall clothe himself with astonishment, and, the hands of the people of the land, shall be wrung in anguish, — After their own way, will I deal with them and, With their own sentences, will I sentence them, And they shall know that, I, am Yahweh.
Car æe tužiti, i knezovi æe se obuæi u žalost, i ruke narodu zemaljskom drktaæe; uèiniæu im po putovima njihovijem i sudiæu im prema sudovima njihovijem; i poznaæe da sam ja Gospod.

< Ezekiel 7 >