< Ezekiel 47 >

1 Then he brought me back unto the entrance of the house, and lo! waters coming forth from under the threshold of the house eastward, because the front of the house, was to the east, —and the waters, were coming down from beneath, from the right side of the house, on the south of the altar.
Munthuyo anabwerera nane ku chipata cha Nyumba ya Mulungu. Ndinaona madzi akutuluka kunsi kwa chiwundo cha Nyumba ya Mulungu chakummawa; poti Nyumba ya Mulungu inayangʼana kummawa. Madziwo ankachokera kunsi kwa mbali yakummwera ya Nyumba ya Mulungu; kummwera kwa guwa lansembe.
2 Then he brought me out by way of the north gate, and took me round by an outer way, unto an outer gate that which looketh eastward—and lo! waters trickling forth out of the right side.
Ananditulutsira pa chipata chakumpoto ndipo anazungulira nane panja mpaka ku chipata chakunja choyangʼana kummawa. Ndipo ndinaona madzi akutuluka chakummwera kwa chipatacho.
3 When the man went forth with a measuring line in his hand, then measured he a thousand, by the cubit, and caused me to pass through the waters—waters reaching to the ankles.
Munthuyo anapita chakummawa ali ndi chingwe choyezera mʼdzanja lake. Iye anayeza mamita 500, ndipo pambuyo pake analowa nane mʼmadziwo amene ankalekeza mʼkakolo.
4 Then measured he a thousand, and caused me to pass through the waters—waters reaching to the knees, —and again measured he a thousand, and caused me to pass through-waters reaching to the loins.
Anayezanso mamita 500 ndipo analowa nane mʼmadzi amene amalekeza mʼmawondo. Iye anayezanso mamita 500 ndipo analowa nane mʼmadzi amene amalekeza mʼchiwuno.
5 Then measured he a thousand—a river which I could not pass through—for the waters had risen-waters to swim in, a river, that could not be forded.
Munthuyo anayezanso mamita 500, ndipo madziwo anasanduka mtsinje woti sindikanatha kuwoloka, pakuti madziwo anakwera, ndipo anali ozama ofunika kusambira pofuna kuwoloka.
6 Then said he unto me Hast thou seen son of man? Then he took me along and caused me to return to the bank of the river.
Munthuyo anandifunsa kuti: “Iwe mwana wa munthu, kodi ukuziona zimenezi?” Kenaka anabwerera nane ku gombe la mtsinjewo.
7 When I returned, then lo! by the bank of the river, trees very many, —on this side and on that side.
Nditafika pa gombepo, ndinaona mitengo yambiri ku mbali iliyonse ya mtsinjewo.
8 And he said unto me, These waters, are going forth unto the region toward the east and shall go down unto the waste plain, and shall enter the sea, unto the sea being led forth, then shall the waters be healed;
Tsono munthuyo anandiwuza kuti, “Madziwa akupita ku chigawo chakummawa ndi kutsikira ku chigwa cha Araba. Kenaka akathira mʼNyanja Yakufa, ndipo akakalowa mʼnyanjayo, madzi a nyanjayo adzasanduka okoma.
9 And it shall come to pass that every living soul that swarmeth whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live, and the fish shall become a very great multitude; for these waters have come thither, that they may be healed so shall everything live whithersoever the river cometh.
Kulikonse kumene mtsinjewo ukuyenda cholengedwa chilichonse chidzakhala ndi moyo. Nsombanso zidzakhala zambiri. Paja madzi amenewa amapita kumeneko kuti akakometse madzi ena. Choncho kulikonse kumene madziwa akuyenda chilichonse chidzakhala ndi moyo.
10 And it shall come to pass that there shall stand by it fishers, from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim, places for spreading out nets, shall they be, —after their kind, shall be their fish, like the fish of the great sea exceeding many.
Asodzi adzayima mʼmbali mwa Nyanja Yakufa. Pakuti kuchokera ku Eni-Gedi mpaka ku Eni Egilaimu kudzakhala malo oponyako makoka. Kudzakhala nsomba zamitundumitundu, monga nsomba za ku Nyanja Yayikulu.
11 the swamps thereof and the pools thereof, shall not be healed to salt, have they been given up.
Koma mathawale ake ndi maiwe ake sadzakhala ndi madzi abwino; adzakhala ndi madzi a mchere.
12 And, by the river, shall grow up on the bank thereof on this side and on that side every tree for food the leaf whereof, shall not fade, neither shall fail the fruit thereof, by its months, shall it break forth, for, as for the waters thereof, out of the sanctuary, are they coming forth, —and the fruit thereof shall be, for food, and, the leaf thereof, for healing.
Mʼmbali zonse za mtsinje mudzamera mitengo ya zipatso zakudya za mtundu uliwonse. Masamba ake sadzafota kapena kulephera kubereka zipatso. Izidzabereka mwezi uliwonse, chifukwa madzi ake adzakhala ochokera ku Nyumba ya Mulungu. Zipatso zake anthu azidzadya ndipo masamba ake azidzachitira mankhwala.”
13 Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, This shall be the boundary whereby ye shall take your inheritances in the land, according to the twelve tribes of Israel, —Joseph shall have portions.
Ambuye Yehova akuti, “Nawa malire amene mudzatsate powagawira dziko mafuko khumi ndi awiri a Israeli aja. Yosefe adzalandire zigawo ziwiri.
14 so shall ye inherit it each man like his brother, as to which I lifted my hand to give it to your fathers, —so shall this land fall to you as an inheritance.
Mudzawagawire dzikolo mofanana. Paja ndinalumbira kwa makolo anu kuti dzikoli lidzakhala lanulanu.
15 This then shall be the boundary of the land, —on the north side, from the great sea by the way of Hethlon to the entering, in of Zedad;
“Malire a dzikolo adzakhala motere: Mbali ya kumpoto adzachokera ku Nyanja Yayikulu kutsata msewu wa ku Hetiloni mpaka ku chipata cha Hamoti ndi kupitirira ku Zedadi,
16 Hamath Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the boundary of Damascus and the boundary of Hamath, —Hazer-hatticon, which is by the boundary of Hauran.
Berota ndi Sibraimu (mizinda imene ili pakati pa malire a Damasiko ndi Hamati mpaka kukafika ku Hazeri Hatikoni mzinda umene uli mʼmalire mwa Haurani.
17 Thus shall there be a boundary, from the sea Hazar-enin the boundary of Damascus, even the north northward and the boundary of Hamath, —even the north, side.
Motero malire akumpoto adzachokera ku nyanja mpaka ku mzinda wa Hazari-Enoni, mʼmalire akumpoto a Damasiko ndi chakumpoto kwa malire a Hamati. Awa adzakhala malire a kumpoto.
18 And for the east side, from between Hauran and Damascus and from between Gilead and the land of Israel the Jordan, from the boundary by the sea eastward, shall ye measure—even the east side.
Mbali ya kummawa malire adzayenda pakati pa Haurani ndi Damasiko, mbali ya ku Yorodani pakati pa Giliyadi ndi dziko la Israeli, ku nyanja ya kummawa mpaka ku mzinda wa Tamara. Awa adzakhala malire akummawa.
19 And for the south side southward, from Tamar as far as the waters of Meriboth-kadesh, towards the torrent bed unto the great sea, —even the south side southward.
Mbali yakummwera malire adzayenda kuchokera ku dziwe la mzinda wa Tamara mpaka ku madzi a ku Meriba Kadesi. Kenaka ndi kutsata chigwa cha ku Igupto mpaka ku Nyanja Yayikulu. Awa adzakhala malire akummwera.
20 And for the west side, the great sea, from the boundary as far as over against the entering in of Hamath— this is the west side.
Mbali ya kumadzulo, malire adzakhala Nyanja Yayikulu mpaka pa malo oyangʼanana ndi Lebo Hamati. Awa adzakhala malire akumadzulo.”
21 So then ye shall apportion this land to you by the tribes of Israel. —
“Mugawane dziko limeneli pakati panu potsata mafuko a Israeli.
22 And it shall come to pass that ye shall divide it by lot as an inheritance, to yourselves and to the sojourners who are sojourning in your midst, who have begotten children in your midst, —so shall they be to you as a native among the sons of Israel with you, shall they cast lots for an inheritance, in the midst of the tribes of Israel.
Muligawe kuti likhale cholowa chanu ndiponso cholowa cha alendo amene akukhala pakati panu, nakhala ndi ana pakati panu. Inu muwatenge monga mbadwa za mu Israeli. Adzapatsidwe cholowa chawo pamodzi ndi inu pakati pa mafuko a Israeli.
23 And it shall be that with whatsoever tribe the sojourner hath become a sojourner, there shall ye give his inheritance, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.
Mu fuko lililonse kumene mlendoyo akukhala mumupatse cholowa chake.” Ndikutero Ine Ambuye Yehova.

< Ezekiel 47 >