< Ezekiel 41 >

1 Then he took me unto the temple, —and measured the projection six cubits broad on this side and six cubits broad on that side, the breadth of the tent.
Ɔbarima no de me kɔɔ mfikyiri kronkronbea hɔ na osusuw afadum no; na ne trɛw yɛ anammɔn akron wɔ ne fa biara.
2 And the breadth of the entrance was ten cubits and the sides of the entrance were five cubits on this side and five cubits on that side —and he measured the length thereof, forty cubits, and the breadth, twenty cubits.
Abobow ano no trɛw yɛ anammɔn dunum, na afasu a epuepue wɔ afaanu no trɛw yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa. Afei osusuw mfikyiri kronkronbea a na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn aduosia na ne trɛw yɛ anammɔn aduasa.
3 Then went he inwards, and measured the projection of the entrance, two cubits, —and the entrance itself was six cubits, and the sides of the entrance seven cubits:
Afei ɔkɔɔ mfimfini kronkronbea hɔ kosusuw nʼafadum a ɛwɔ nʼabobow ano no; biara trɛw yɛ anammɔn abiɛsa. Abobow ano no trɛw yɛ anammɔn akron, na afasu a epuepue afaanu no nso trɛw yɛ anammɔn du ne fa.
4 so he measured the length thereof twenty cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits, at the front of the temple.
Na osusuw mfimfini kronkronbea no tenten; na ɛyɛ anammɔn aduasa na ne trɛw kosi mfikyiri kronkronbea no nso yɛ anammɔn aduasa. Ɔka kyerɛɛ me se, “Ɛha ne Kronkron Mu Kronkronbea.”
5 Then said he unto me This! is the holy of holies. Then measured he the wall of the house six cubits, —and the breadth of the side-chamber, four cubits round about on every side of the house round about.
Osusuw asɔredan no fasu; na mu piw yɛ anammɔn akron, na adan a ɛwowɔ nkyɛn nkyɛn a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia no mu biara trɛw yɛ anammɔn asia.
6 And the side-chambers, one over another were three, and that thirty times, and they entered into the wall which pertained to the house for the side-chambers round about on every side that they might have support, -and yet not have support in the wall of the house itself.
Wosisii nkyɛnkyɛn adan wɔ asan abiɛsa a ɛtoa so so. Adan aduasa wɔ ɔsan biara so. Wɔayɛ asan yi a adan no sisi so no ntrantraa te sɛ apa a atwa asɔredan no fasu no ho ahyia. Ɛyɛ nnyinaso ma adan no, nanso ɛnka asɔredan no fasu no.
7 And there was a broadening and a winding about higher and higher to the side-chambers, for the circuit of the house! was higher and higher round about on every side of the house, for this cause was there a broadening of the house upwards, —and from the lower, one ascended to the higher, by that which was in the middle,
Nkyɛnkyɛn adan a ɛwowɔ soro no mu trɛw sen nea ɛwowɔ ase. Asan abiɛsa a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia no, nea ɛwɔ soro biara trɛw sen nea ɛwɔ nʼase, ɛno nti nkyɛnkyɛn adan a ɛwowɔ soro no mu trɛw sen nea ɛwowɔ nʼase. Atrapoe bi fi ɔsan a ɛwɔ fam pa ara no so foro tra mfimfini asan no kɔ ɔsan a ɛto so abiɛsa no so.
8 Then saw I that the house had a height round about on every side, —the foundations of the side- chambers, a full reed, six cubits to the joining.
Mihuu bamma a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia a ɛyɛ nkyɛnkyɛn adan no fapem. Na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn akron.
9 The breadth of the wall which pertained to the side-chamber on the outside was five cubits, - and that which was left vacant between the side-chambers which pertained to the house.
Nkyɛnkyɛn adan afasu a ɛwɔ akyi no mu piw yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa. Ɔkwan a ɛda asɔredan no nkyɛnkyɛn adan no a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia
10 And between the chambers, was a breadth of twenty cubits round about the house round about on every side,
ne asɔfo adan no ntam yɛ anammɔn aduasa.
11 And the entrance of the side-chamber, was at the vacant space, one entrance toward the north, and another entrance, toward the south, —and the breadth of the place left vacant was five cubits round about on every side.
Na apon deda nkyɛnkyɛn adan no ano a ani hwɛ ɔkwan no. Na baako wɔ atifi fam na baako nso wɔ anafo fam; na bamma no anim a ɛkyerɛ ɔkwan no so no mu piw yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa wɔ ho nyinaa.
12 And the building which was toward the front of the secluded place on the side toward the west was in breadth seventy cubits, and the wall of the building was five cubits in breadth round about on every side, -and the length thereof ninety cubits.
Ɔdan a ani hwɛ asɔredan no adiwo wɔ atɔe fam no trɛw yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne anum. Ɔdan no fasu no mu piw yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa wɔ ho nyinaa na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn ɔha aduasa anum.
13 And he measured the house, in length, a hundred cubits, —and the secluded place and the structure and the walls thereof, in length, a hundred cubits.
Osusuw asɔredan no, na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum, afei asɔredan no adiwo ne ɔdan no a nʼafasu ka ho no nso tenten yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum.
14 And the breadth of the front of the house and the secluded place toward the east, a hundred cubits.
Asɔredan no adiwo a ɛwɔ apuei fam, de besi asɔredan no anim yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum.
15 And he measured the length of the building against the front of the secluded place which was over the hinder part thereof and the galleries thereof on this side and on that side a hundred cubits, —with the inner temple and the porches of the court:
Afei osusuw ɔdan a ani hwɛ adiwo a ɛwɔ asɔredan no akyi ne ho abrannaa a ɛwɔ ɔfa biara; na ne tenten yɛ anammɔn ɔha ne aduonum. Mfikyiri kronkronbea, mfimfini kronkronbea ne ntwironoo a ani hwɛ adiwo,
16 the entrance spaces and the latticed windows and the galleries round about their three stories, over against the entrance spaces wainscoted with wood, round about on every side, —and from the ground up to the windows, and the windows, were covered;
ne abobow ano, mfɛnsere nketenkete ne mmrannaa a atwa abiɛsa yi ho ahyia, nea ɛka ho biara ne abobow ano na wɔde nnua aduradura ho. Ɛfam afasu no ho kɔka mfɛnsere no ano ne mfɛnsere no, na wɔde nnua aduradura ho.
17 unto the space above the entrance even unto the inner house and without and against all the wall round about on every side within and without, were the measures
Ɔkwan a ɛda ɔpon a ɛkɔ mfimfini kronkronbea no atifi ne afasu no ho nyinaa, mfimfini ne mfikyiri kronkrommea no ho nyinaa
18 And it was made with cherubim and palm-trees, —with a palm-tree between cherub and cherub, and two faces had each cherub;
na wɔasen kerubim ne mmedua. Mmedua no didi kerubim no akyi. Kerubim biara wɔ anim abien.
19 and, the face of a man, was toward the palm-tree on this side, and, the face of a young lion, was toward the palm-tree on that side, —[thus was it] made unto all the house, round about on every side.
Onipa anim kyerɛ mmedua wɔ ɔfa baako na gyata anim kyerɛ mmedua no wɔ ɔfa baako a aka no. Na wosinsen tetaree asɔredan no ho nyinaa.
20 From the ground as far as the space above the entrance: were the cherubim and the palm-trees made.
Efi fam de kosi ɔkwan a ɛda ɔpon no atifi ne afasu no ho nyinaa no na wɔasen kerubim ne mmedua atetare asa kɛse no fasu ho.
21 As for the wall of the temple, the door-posts were squared, —and as for the face of the holy place, the appearance was like the appearance [of the temple].
Na mfikyiri kronkronbea no wɔ apongua ahannan, na nea ɛwɔ Kronkron Mu Kronkron no anim no nso te saa ara.
22 The altar, was of wood, three cubits in height and the length thereof, two cubits and the corners thereof and the length thereof and the walls thereof were of wood, —then spake he unto me saying, This, is the table, which is before Yahweh.
Na afɔremuka a wɔde dua asen no ahinanan wɔ hɔ a ne sorokɔ yɛ anammɔn anan ne fa a ɔfa biara tenten yɛ anammɔn abiɛsa; wɔde dua na na ayɛ ne ntwea so, ne nnyinaso ne nʼafaafa no. Ɔbarima no ka kyerɛɛ me se, “Saa ɔpon yi na esi Awurade anim.”
23 And there were two doors, to the temple, and to the holy place;
Mfikyiri kronkronbea ne Kronkron Mu Kronkron no nyinaa wowɔ apon a ɛyɛ afaanu.
24 and two leaves to the doors, —two folding leaves, two to the one door and two to the other door.
Ɔpon biara wɔ mmuei abien a biara wɔ mpontare.
25 And there had been made unto them unto the doors of the temple cherubim and palm-trees, like as had been made to the walls, —and thick beams of wood unto the front of the porch without.
Na wɔasen kerubim ne mmedua atetare asa kɛse apon no ho te sɛnea wɔayɛ wɔ afasu no ho no, na wɔabɔ dua nkataso asensɛn ntwironoo no anim.
26 And there were latticed windows and palm-trees on this side and on that side, unto the sides of the porch, —and unto the side chambers of the house and the thick beams.
Na mfɛnsere hiahiaa wowɔ ntwironoo no afasu no afaafa a na wɔasen mmedua atetare ɔfa biara. Na nkyɛnkyɛn adan a ɛwɔ asɔredan no ho nso wowɔ dua nkataso.

< Ezekiel 41 >