< Ezekiel 39 >

1 Thou therefore son of man. Prophesy against Gog, and thou shalt say, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh: Behold me! against thee O Gog Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
“Epi ou menm, fis a lòm, pwofetize kont Gog pou di: ‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: “Gade byen, Mwen kont ou, O Gog! Prens a Rosch, Méschec ak Tubal la.
2 Therefore will I turn thee about and lead thee on, and cause thee to come up out of the remote parts of the North, - And will bring thee in upon the mountains of Israel;
Epi Mwen va detounen ou, kontinye wout la, pran ou soti nan kote nò ki pi izole a pou mennen ou kont mòn Israël yo.
3 And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, - And thine arrows—out of thy right hand, will I cause to fall.
Mwen va frape banza ou jis li kite men goch ou, e fè flèch yo tonbe kite men dwat ou.
4 Upon the mountains of Israel, shalt thou fall, Thou and all thy hordes, and the peoples who are with thee, — To birds of prey of every wing. and the wild beast of the field, will I give thee for food:
Ou va tonbe sou mòn Israël yo, ou menm, tout sòlda ou yo ak moun ki avèk ou yo. Mwen va bay ou kon manje a tout kalite zwazo kanivò ak bèt nan chan.
5 Upon the, face of the field, shalt thou fall, - For I, have spoken, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.
Ou va tonbe nan chan ouvri, paske se Mwen menm ki fin pale sa,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.
6 And I will send a fire into Magog, And among them who are dwelling in the Coastlands securely, — So shalt thou know that I am Yahweh.
“Epi Mwen va voye dife sou Magog ak sila ki rete ansekirite nan il kot lanmè yo, epi yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a.
7 And my holy Name, will I make known in the midst of my people Israel, And will not suffer my holy Name to be profaned any more, — So shall the nations know that, I am Yahweh, Holy in Israel.
“‘“Non sen Mwen an, Mwen va fè Li vin rekonèt nan mitan pèp Mwen an, Israël. Konsa, Mwen p ap kite non Mwen vin pwofane ankò. Nasyon yo va konnen ke Mwen se Senyè a, Sila Ki Sen an Israël la.
8 Lo! it is coming, and shall be brought to pass, Declareth My Lord. Yahweh, -the same, is the day whereof I had spoken.
Gade byen, sa ap vini e sa va fèt,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a. “Sa se jou nan sila Mwen te pale a.”
9 Then shall go forth the dwellers of the cities of Israel and shall make fires of the weapons and burn them, Both buckler and shield, bow and arrows, and handstaff and spear, - And shall make fires of them seven years;
“‘“Nan lè sa a, sila ki rete nan vil Israël yo va sòti deyò pou limen dife ak zam yo pou brile yo, ni pwotèj yo, ni boukliye yo, banza ak flèch yo, baton lagè ak nepe yo e pandan sèt ane, yo va fè dife ak yo.
10 And they shall not take wood out of the field Neither shall they cut down out of the forests, - For of the armour, shall they make fires, - So shall they spoil those who spoiled them And prey on those who preyed on them, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.
Yo p ap pran bwa nan chan, a ni sanble bwa dife ki soti nan forè yo, paske yo va fè dife ak zam yo. Epi yo va pran piyaj a sila ki te piyaje moun yo, e sezi piyaj a sila ki te fè piyaj yo,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.
11 And it shall come to pass in that day that I will give to Gog a place of memorial for burial in Israel even the valley of them that pass through east of the sea, And it shall be enough to keep back them who would pass through, - and they shall bury there Gog and all his multitude, and shall call it Ge-hamon-gog. [That is "The valley of the multitude of Gog."]
“‘“Nan jou sa a, Mwen va bay Gog yon simityè la an Israël, nan vale kote moun yo pase sou kote lès lanmè a, e li va bloke sila ki ta pase ladan. Konsa, yo va antere Gog ak tout foul li a, e yo va rele la, ‘Vale Moun Gog la’.
12 So shall the house of Israel bury them (that they may cleanse the land) —seven months;
“‘“Pandan sèt mwa, lakay Israël va fè antèman yo, pou netwaye peyi a.
13 Yea all the people of the land, shall bury, and it shall become to them a memorial, —the day that I get myself glory, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.
Menm tout pèp peyi a, va fè antèman yo. Epi sa va fè yo renome pàtou nan jou sa a, pou pwop tèt Mwen ka resevwa glwa,” deklare Senyè BONDYE a.”
14 And, men to keep at it constantly, shall they tell off Men to pass throughout the land, who with the passers-by, shall continue burying, them who have been left on the face of the land to cleanse it, — At the end of seven months, shall they make search.
“Yo va mete apa moun ki anplwaye nèt k ap pase nan peyi a. Sila yo k ap pase ap rive kote y ap antere sa yo ki rete sou sifas tè a, pou yo ka netwaye li. Nan fen sèt mwa yo, yo va fè yon rechèch pou twouve yo.
15 And when any of the passers-by, in going through the land, shall see a human bone, then shall he set up near it a sign, —until the buriers have buried it, in Ge-hamon-Gog.
Pandan sila k ap fè rechèch nan peyi yo ap pase, e nenpòt moun wè zo a yon moun, alò, li va mete yon makè akote l jiskaske ekip antèman an vin antere li nan Vale Moun Gog la.
16 Moreover, the name of a city, shall be Hamonah ["To the multitude"] so shall they cleanse the land.
Pou sa, non vil la menm va Hamona. Konsa yo va netwaye peyi a.”
17 Thou, therefore son of man, Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Say to the bird of every wing. And to every wild beast of the field. Assemble yourselves and come Gather yourselves from every side, unto my sacrifice which I am sacrificing for you A great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, - And ye shall eat flesh and drink blood:
“Pou ou menm, fis a lòm, konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a: ‘Pale a tout kalite zwazo, ak tout bèt nan chan: “Rasanble nou e vini. Rasanble soti tout kote anvè sakrifis Mwen, ke M ap pral fè pou nou an, yon gwo sakrifis sou mòn Israël yo, pou nou ka manje chè ak bwè san.
18 The flesh of mighty men, shall ye eat, And the blood of the princes of the earth, shall ye drink.— Rams well-fed lambs and he-goats bullocks, Fatlings of Bashan all of them;
Nou va manje chè a mesye pwisan yo, e bwè san a prens latè yo, konsi se te belye, jenn mouton, kabrit, ak towo, tout bèt gra a Basan yo.
19 And ye shall eat fat till ye are sated, And drink blood till ye are drunken, Of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you;
Akoz sa, nou va manje grès jiskaske nou vin toufe nèt ak sakrifis Mwen, ke M fin fè pou nou an.
20 So shall ye be sated at my table with horse and chariot team, mighty man and every man of war, — Declareth My Lord, Yahweh.
Nou va toufe nèt sou tab Mwen an ak cheval yo, ak mesye mèt cha yo, mesye pwisan yo ak tout gwo mesye lagè yo”, deklare Senyè BONDYE a.’
21 Thus will I set my glory among the nations, And all the nations, shall see, My judgment which I have executed, —and My hand which I have laid upon them.
“Konsa, Mwen va mete glwa Mwen pami nasyon yo. Tout nasyon yo va wè jijman ke Mwen te egzekite ak men M, ke M te fè poze sou yo a.
22 So shall the house of Israel know that, I Yahweh, am their God, —from that day and forward;
Epi lakay Israël va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye yo a, depi jou sa a, pou rive ale nèt.
23 And the nations shall know That in their iniquity, were the house of Israel exiled because they had committed treachery against me, And so I hid my face from them, — And gave them into the hand of their adversaries, And they fell by the sword all of them.
Nasyon yo va konnen ke lakay Israël te antre an egzil akoz inikite yo. Akoz yo te aji kon trèt ak Mwen, Mwen te kache figi Mwen de yo. Konsa, Mwen te livre yo nan men advèsè yo, e yo tout, te tonbe devan nepe.
24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions, dealt I with them, — And so I hid my face from them.
Selon salte yo e selon transgresyon yo, Mwen te aji avèk yo, e Mwen te kache figi Mwen de yo.”
25 Therefore— Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Now, will I bring back them of the captivity of Jacob, And have compassion upon all the house of Israel, - And will be jealous for my holy Name;
“Pou sa, pale Senyè BONDYE a: ‘Koulye a, Mwen va restore avni a Jacob, e Mwen va gen mizerikòd pou tout lakay Israël, epi Mwen va jalou pou non sen Mwen an.
26 And they shall bear their confusion, and the punishment of all their treachery wherewith they have committed treachery against me, - When they dwell upon their own soil securely, with none to make them afraid;
Yo va bliye wont yo ak tout trèt yo te konn fè kont Mwen yo, lè y ap viv ansekirite nan pwòp peyi pa yo, lè okenn p ap fè yo pè.
27 When I have brought them back from among the peoples, And gathered them out of the lands of their enemies, - So will I hallow myself in them, before the eyes of the many nations;
Lè Mwen mennen yo retounen soti nan lòt pèp yo, e rasanble yo soti nan peyi lènmi yo; nan lè sa a, Mwen va vin sanktifye de yo devan zye a anpil nasyon.
28 And they shall know that, I Yahweh, am their God, When I have carried them into exile among the nations, And shall then gather them upon their own soil, - And shall no more leave any of them there.
Nan lè sa a, yo va konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye yo a, akoz mwen te fè yo antre an egzil pami nasyon yo, e alò, Mwen te rasanble yo ankò nan pwòp peyi yo. Epi Mwen p ap kite okenn nan yo kaptif ankò.
29 Neither will I any more hide my face from them, — In that I have poured out my spirit, upon the house of Israel, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.
Mwen p ap kache figi Mwen de yo ankò, paske M ap gen tan fin vide Lespri m sou lakay Israël,’ deklare Senyè BONDYE a.”

< Ezekiel 39 >