< Ezekiel 37 >

1 The hand of Yahweh, being upon me, he carried me forth in the spirit of Yahweh, and set me down in the midst of a plain, —and the same was full of bones;
Dzanja la Yehova linali pa ine, ndipo Mzimu wa Yehova unandinyamula nʼkukandikhazika pakati pa chigwa. Chigwacho chinali chodzaza ndi mafupa.
2 and he caused me to pass near them. round about on every side, —and lo! they were very many on the face of the plain, and lo! they were very dry.
Yehova anandiyendetsa uku ndi uku pakati pa mafupawo. Mafupawo anali ochuluka kwambiri mʼchigwa monsemo ndipo anali owuma kwambiri.
3 Then said he unto me, Son of man. Can these bones, live? And I said My Lord Yahweh, thou, knowest!
Tsono Yehova anandifunsa kuti, “Iwe mwana wa munthu, kodi mafupa amenewa angakhalenso ndi moyo?” Ndinayankha kuti, “Inu Ambuye Yehova, Inuyo nokha ndiye mukudziwa.”
4 Then said he unto me, Prophesy, over these bones, —and thou shalt say unto them, Ye bones so dry! hear ye the word of Yahweh!
Pamenepo anandiwuza kuti, “Lengeza kwa mafupa amenewa ndi kuwawuza kuti amve mawu a Ine Yehova!
5 Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Unto these bones, — Lo! I am about to bring into you— spirit, and ye shall live;
Uwawuze kuti zimene Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikunena kwa mafupa ndi izi: Ndidzawuzira mpweya mwa inu, ndipo mudzakhalanso ndi moyo.
6 Yea I will lay upon you—sinews, And bring up over you flesh. And cover over you—skin, And put in you—spirit And ye shall live, Then shall ye know that I, am Yahweh.
Ndidzakupatsani mitsempha ndi mnofu. Ndiponso ndidzakukutani ndi khungu. Pambuyo pake ndidzawuzira mpweya mwa inu ndipo mudzakhalanso ndi moyo. Pamenepo mudzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.”
7 And when I prophesied as I was commanded, then was there a noise, as I prophesied and lo! a rattling, and the bones came near, each bone unto its own bone.
Ndipo ndinanenera monga anandilamulira. Ndipo pamene ndinkanenera, ndinamva gobedegobede, ndipo mafupa aja anayamba kulumikizana, fupa ku fupa linzake.
8 And when I looked, then lo! upon them were sinews, and flesh had come up, and there had spread over them skin above, but spirit, was there none within them.
Ine ndinayangʼana, ndipo mitsempha ndi mnofu zinabwera pa mafupawo ndipo khungu linaphimba pamwamba pake, koma munalibe mpweya mwa iwo.
9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the spirit, Prophesy, Son of man. and thou shalt say unto the spirit. Thus saith My Lord Yahweh- From the four winds, come thou, O spirit, And breathe into these slain That they may live.
Tsono Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Nenera kwa mpweya, nenera iwe mwana wa munthu ndi kuwuza mpweya mawu a Ine Ambuye Yehova kuti, ‘Bwera kuno iwe mpweya. Bwera kuchokera ku mbali zonse zinayi ndi kudzawuzira anthu ophedwawa kuti akhalenso ndi moyo.’
10 And when I prophesied as he commanded me, then came into them the spirit, and they lived and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
Choncho ndinanenera monga anandilamulira ndipo mpweya unalowa mwa iwo; apo anthu akufawo anakhala ndi moyo, nayimirira ndipo linali gulu lalikulu lankhondo.”
11 Then said he unto me, Son of man. These bones, are all the house of Israel, — Lo! they are saying. Dried are our bones, and lost is our hope We are quite cut off!
Kenaka Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Iwe mwana wa munthu, mafupa awa ndi nyumba yonse ya Israeli. Iwo amanena kuti, ‘Mafupa athu awuma ndipo chiyembekezo chathu chatayika, ife tawonongeka!’
12 Therefore prophesy and thou shalt say unto them Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Lo I myself am going to open your graves And will cause you to come up out of your graves. O my people, — And will bring you upon the soil of Israel.
Nʼchifukwa chake nenera ndi kuwawuza kuti, ‘Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: Inu anthu anga, ndidzafukula manda anu, ndipo ndidzakutulutsanimo ndi kukubwezerani ku dziko la Israeli.
13 So shall ye know that I, am Yahweh, — When I open your graves. And cause you to come up out of your graves O my people,
Ndipo inu, anthu anga, mudzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova, pamene ndidzafukula manda anu ndikukutulutsanimo.
14 And I will put my spirit within you and ye shall live, And I will settle you upon your own soil, So shall ye know that I, Yahweh have spoken and have performed. Declareth Yahweh.
Ine ndidzayika Mzimu wanga mwa inu ndipo mudzakhalanso ndi moyo. Pambuyo pake ndidzakulowetsani mʼdziko lanulanu. Choncho mudzadziwa kuti Ambuye Yehova ndayankhula zimenezi, ndipo ndidzazichitadi. Ndikutero Ine Yehova!’”
15 And the word of Yahweh came unto me saying:
Yehova anandiyankhula kuti:
16 Thou therefore Son of man Take thee one stick, and write upon it For Judah, and for the sons of Israel his companions, Then take thou another stick, and write upon it For Joseph the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel his companions.
“Iwe mwana wa munthu, tenga ndodo ndipo ulembepo kuti, ‘Ndodo ya Yuda ndi Aisraeli oyanjana nawo.’ Utengenso ndodo ina ndipo ulembepo kuti, ‘Ndodo ya Efereimu, ndiye kuti fuko la Yosefe ndi Aisraeli onse oyanjana nawo.’
17 Then bring them near—the one to the other —for thee into one stick, - And they shall become united in thy hand.
Ulumikize ndodo ziwirizi kuti zikhale ndodo imodzi mʼdzanja lako.
18 And when the sons of thy people speak unto thee, saying, - Wilt thou not tell us what these things are to thee?
“Anthu a mtundu wako akadzakufunsa tanthauzo la zimenezi
19 speak unto them Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, Lo! I, myself, am going to take the stick of Joseph. which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions, — And I will place them upon it even upon the stick of Judah. And will make of them one stick, And they shall become one in my hand.
iwe udzawawuze mawu awa a Ine Ambuye Yehova akuti, ‘Ine ndidzatenga ndodo ya Yosefe imene ili mʼdzanja la Efereimu, ndi ya mafuko a Aisraeli oyanjana naye, ndi kuyilumikiza ku ndodo ya Yuda, kuti zikhale ndodo imodzi, ndipo zidzakhaladi ndodo imodzi mʼdzanja langa!’
20 And the sticks whereon thou shalt write shall remain in thy hand before their eyes.
Ndodo ziwiri zimene udzalembepozo zikadzakhala mʼmanja mwako pamaso pa anthu onse,
21 Therefore speak thou unto them Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Lo! I myself, am going to take the sons of Israel, from among the nations whither they have gone, — And I will gather them from every side, And will bring them in upon their own soil;
udzawawuze kuti Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: Ndidzawachotsa Aisraeli pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina kumene anapita ku ukapolo. Ndidzawasonkhanitsa kuchokera ku mbali zonse ndi kubwera nawo ku dziko lawolawo.
22 And will make of them one nation in the land. among the mountains of Israel, And one king, shall they all have for king, —And they shall remain no longer two nations, Nor shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more.
Ndidzawasandutsa mtundu umodzi mʼdzikomo, pa mapiri a Israeli. Padzakhala mfumu imodzi yowalamulira, ndipo sadzakhalanso mitundu iwiri kapena kugawikana maufumu awiri.
23 Neither shall they defile themselves any more With their manufactured gods or With their detestable things, or With any of their transgressions, - But I will save them out of all their dwelling- places, wherein they have sinned, And I will cleanse them And they shall become my people, And I, will become their God.
Sadzadziyipitsanso ndi mafano awo, kapena ndi zinthu zawo zonyansa, kapenanso ndi ntchito zawo zoyipa zilizonse. Ndidzawapulumutsa ku machimo awo onse ndi kuwayeretsa. Choncho adzakhala anthu anga, ndipo Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wawo.
24 And my servant David shall be king over them, And one shepherd, shall they all have, And in my regulations, shall they walk, And my statutes, shall they observe and do them.
“‘Mtumiki wanga Davide adzakhala mfumu yawo, motero onsewa adzakhala ndi mʼbusa mmodzi. Iwo adzatsatira malamulo anga ndipo adzasamalira kusunga malangizo anga.
25 And they shall dwell upon the land. which I gave to my servant- to Jacob, Wherein your fathers dwelt, — Yea they shall dwell thereupon. They, and their children and their children’s children Unto times age-abiding, And David my servant shall be prince unto them Unto times age-abiding.
Iwo adzakhala mʼdziko limene ndinalipereka kwa mtumiki wanga Yakobo, dziko limene makolo anu ankakhalamo. Iwo ndi ana awo pamodzi ndi zidzukulu zawo adzakhala kumeneko ndipo Davide adzakhala mfumu yawo kwa muyaya.
26 And I will solemnise to them a covenant of prosperity, A covenant age-abiding, shall it be with them, — And I will place them. And multiply them, And set my sanctuary in the midst of them. Unto times age-abiding.
Ndidzachita nawo pangano lamtendere; lidzakhala pangano lamuyaya. Ndidzawakhazikitsa ndi kuwachulukitsa, ndipo ndidzayika malo anga opatulika pakati pawo kwamuyaya.
27 And my habitation shall be over them, And I will become their God, - And they, shall become my people,
Nyumba yanga yokhalamo idzakhala pakati pawo; Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wawo, ndipo iwo adzakhala anthu anga.
28 So shall the nations know that I, Yahweh, am hallowing Israel, - When my sanctuary is in the midst of them Unto times age-abiding.
Pamenepo anthu a mitundu ina adzadziwa kuti Ine Yehova ndiye amene ndimasandutsa Israeli kukhala woyera, pamene malo anga opatulika adzakhala pakati pawo kwamuyaya!’”

< Ezekiel 37 >