< Exodus 39 >

1 And of the blue and the purple, and the crimson, made they cloths of variegated stuff for ministering in the sanctuary, —and they made the holy garments which were for Aaron, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Le esiawo megbe la, ameawo tsɔ avɔ siwo wolɔ̃ kple aɖabɛ blɔtɔ kple dzĩtɔ ƒe ka, ka dzĩ kple ɖeti ɣi ƒe ka la tɔ awu nyuiwo na nunɔlawo be woado hena woƒe subɔsubɔdɔwo wɔwɔ le Kɔkɔeƒe la. Wotsɔ avɔ sia ke tɔ Aron ƒe awu kɔkɔewo abe ale si Yehowa ɖo na Mose ene.
2 So he made the ephod, —of gold, blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine twined linen,
Wotsɔ avɔ sia ke si wolɔ̃ kple sika, aɖabɛka blɔtɔ, dzĩtɔ kple hẽtɔ kple ɖetika ɣitɔ tɔ kɔmewu la hã.
3 And they did beat out the plates of gold and he proceeded to cut them into threads, to work into the midst of the blue and into the midst of the purple and into the midst of the crimson, and into the midst of the fine linen, —with the work of a skilful weaver.
Bezalel tu sika wòzu falɛe, eye wòfe eme wòzu sikaka suesuewo. Etsɔ wo na aɖaŋuvɔlɔ̃lawo be woalɔ̃ nu ɖe avɔ si wolɔ̃ kple aɖabɛ blɔtɔ kple dzĩtɔ ƒe ka, ka dzĩ kple ɖeti ɣi ƒe ka la me. Enye aɖaŋu nyui aɖe si nya kpɔ ŋutɔ.
4 Shoulder-pieces, made they thereto, for joining, —at its two edges, was it joined.
Wode ka abɔta na kɔmewu la, eye woku wo ɖe kɔmewu la ƒe dzogoe eve ŋuti ale be woate ŋu asae.
5 And as for the curious fastening girdle which was thereon, of the same, it was according to the working thereof, gold blue, and purple, and crimson and fine twined linen, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Alidziblanu si wolɔ̃ kple aɖaŋu la sɔ kplii, wotsɔ sika, ɖetika ɣi, blɔtɔ, dzĩtɔ kple hẽtɔ lɔ̃ wo kple kɔmewu la ɖekae abe ale si Yehowa gblɔ na Mose ene la tututu.
6 And they wrought the onyx stones, enclosed in ouches of gold, —graven with the engravings of a seal-ring, after the names of the sons of Israel.
Wotsɔ sika wɔ kae, eye wotsɔ sikaka la lé onikskpe eve siwo wotɔ ɖe abɔtaka si le kɔmewu la ŋu lae. Woŋlɔ Israelviwo ƒe ŋkɔwo ɖe kpeawo dzi,
7 And he put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, as stones of memorial for the sons of Israel, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
eye wotɔ wo ɖe Kɔmewu la ƒe abɔtawo hena ŋkuɖoɖo Israelviwo dzi, abe ale si Yehowa de se na Mose ene.
8 And he made the breastpiece the work of a skilful weaver like the work of the ephod, —of gold blue and purple and crimson, and fine twined linen.
Akɔtawu la hã nyo abe kɔmewu la ene. Wowɔ eya hã kple sika nyuitɔ, aɖabɛ blɔtɔ kple dzĩtɔ ƒe kawo, ka dzĩ kple ɖeti ɣi ƒe kawo abe kɔmewu la ke ene.
9 Foursquare, it was doubled, made they the breastpiece, —a span, was the length thereof, and, a span, the breadth thereof, doubled.
Edidi sentimita blaeve-vɔ-eve, eye wòkeke nenema ke. Woŋee ɖe akpa eve ale wòzu kotoku aɖe tɔgbi.
10 And they set therein four rows of stones, —one row a sardius, a topaz and an emerald, the first row;
Woɖo kpe xɔasiwo ɖe fli ene me ɖe edzi. Kanelian, krisolit kple beril nɔ fli gbãtɔ me.
11 and the second row, —a carbuncle a sapphire, and a diamond;
Tɔkuɔs lapis lazuli kple emerald nɔ fli evelia me.
12 and the third row, —an opal an agate and an amethyst;
Yasint, agate kple ametist nɔ fli etɔ̃lia me.
13 and the fourth row, a Tarshish stone, a sardonyx, and a jasper, —enclosed in ouches of gold, when they were set
Topaz, oniks kple yaspa nɔ fli enelia me. Wotsɔ sika gbi kae fa ɖe wo ŋuti.
14 And as for the stones, after the names of the sons of Israel, they were twelve, after their names, —with the engravings of a seal-ring, each one, after his name, for the twelve tribes,
Woŋlɔ Israelviwo ƒe to wuieveawo ƒe ŋkɔwo ɖe kpe xɔasiawo dzi.
15 And they made, upon the breastpiece, chains like cords of wreathen work, —of pure gold.
Wotsɔ ka si wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ gbie la ɖo akɔtawu la ŋu.
16 And they made two ouches of gold, and two rings of gold, —and they placed the two rings upon the two ends of the breastpiece;
Sikaka eve tsi ɖe sikanulénu eve ŋu le abɔtawu la ƒe dzogoe eveawo tame;
17 and they placed the two wreathen chains of gold upon the two rings, -upon the ends of the breastpiece;
wosa sikaka eveawo ɖe asigɛ eveawo ŋu
18 and the other two ends of the two wreathen chains, placed they upon the two ouches, —and placed them upon the shoulder-pieces of the ephod in the forefront thereof.
eye wotɔ sikakɔsɔkɔsɔawo ƒe nu eveliawo ɖe onikskpe eveawo ŋu le akɔtawu la ƒe ŋgɔgbe.
19 And they made two rings of gold, and put on the two ends of the breastpiece, upon the border thereof, which is towards the ephod, inwards.
Wogatɔ sikasigɛ eve ɖe abɔtaka eveawo ŋu ɖe Akɔtawu la te, wote ɖe afi si wokpe alidziblanu la le la ŋu.
20 And they made two other rings of gold, and placed them upon the two shoulder-pieces of the ephod below on the front of the face thereof, to match the joining thereof.—above the curious girdle of the ephod,
Wogatɔ sikasigɛ eve ɖe Kɔmewu la ƒe abɔtaka la te, wote ɖe afi si wotsi kɔmewu la ɖe alidziblanu la ŋu la ŋu.
21 And they bound the breastpiece by the rings thereof into the rings of the ephod, with a cord of blue that it might remain upon the curious girdle of the ephod, and the breastpiece not be removed from upon the ephod, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Wotsi Akɔtawu la ɖe Kɔmewu la ŋu sesĩe esi wotsɔ ka blɔtɔ sa ɖe Akɔtawu la ƒe sikasigɛ kple Kɔmewu la ƒe sikasigɛ ŋu. Yehowae ɖo esiawo katã na Mose.
22 And he made the robe of the ephod, the work of a weaver, wholly of blue;
Wotsɔ avɔ blɔtɔ tɔ Kɔmewu lae.
23 with the opening of the robe in the midst thereof, like the opening of a coat of mail, —a border to the opening thereof round about it might not be rent open.
Woɖe teƒe ɖe kɔmewu la titina, afi si ame ƒe ta nato. Woƒo to na teƒe sia ale be mavuvu o.
24 And they made upon the skirts of the robe, pomegranates—of blue and purple and crimson, —twined.
Wotsɔ avɔ si me wotsɔ aɖabɛ blɔtɔ kple dzĩtɔ ƒe ka kple ka dzĩ kple ɖeti ɣi ƒe ka lɔ̃ nu ɖo la wɔ yevuboɖawo ɖe awu la to le ete godoo.
25 And they made bells of pure gold, and placed the bells in the midst of the pomegranates upon the skirts of the robe, roundabout, in the midst of the pomegranates:
Wotsi nyawowoe siwo wotu kple sika nyuitɔ la ɖe yevuboɖa eve ɖe sia ɖe dome le awu la to.
26 a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, upon the skirts of the robe, round about, to minister in—As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Nyawowoe ɖeka nɔ yevuboɖa eve dome; aleae wòle awu ʋlaya la to kpe ɖo. Awu siae woado hena subɔsubɔ abe ale si Yehowa ɖo na Mose ene.
27 And they made the tunics of fine linen the work of a weaver, for Aaron and for his sons:
Azɔ la, wotsɔ avɔ si wolɔ̃ kple ɖeti ɣi la tɔ awu ʋlayawo na Aron kple via ŋutsuwo.
28 and the turban of fine linen, and the ornamental caps of fine linen, —and the linen drawers, of fine twined linen:
Wotsɔ avɔ sia ke tɔ akɔtawuwo, tablanuwo, kukuwo kple awutewuiwo kple alidziblakawoe.
29 and the girdle of fine twined linen, and blue and purple and crimson the work of an embroiderer, —As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Ke wotsɔ aɖabɛka blɔtɔ kple dzĩtɔ kple ka dzĩ lɔ̃ nuwo ɖe alidziblanuawo me abe ale si Yehowa gblɔ na Mose ene.
30 And they made the burnished plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote thereupon a writing, with the engravings of a seal-ring Holy unto Yahweh.
Le esiawo katã megbe la, wotsɔ sika nyuitɔ wɔ ganuvi kɔkɔe si anɔ tablanu la ƒe ŋgonu. Woŋlɔ ɖe ganu sia dzi be, wokɔ eŋuti na Yehowa.
31 And they placed there, upon a cord of blue, to fasten it upon the turban up above, As Yahweh commanded Moses.
Wotsɔ ka blɔtɔ lé ganu sia ɖe tablanu la ƒe ŋgonu abe ale si Yehowa gblɔ na Mose ene.
32 Thus was finished all the work of the habitation of the tent of meeting, —thus did the sons of Israel, according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so, did they.
Wozɔ ɖe ɖoɖo siwo katã Yehowa na Mose la nu. Ale wowu agbadɔ la nu mlɔeba.
33 And they brought in the habitation unto Moses, the tent, and all its furniture, —its clasps, its boards, its bars, and its pillars and its sockets;
Azɔ la, wokɔ agbadɔ blibo la ŋunuwo yi Mose gbɔ: xɔmenuwo, ganuviawo, ʋuƒowo, gametiwo, sɔtiwo, afɔwo;
34 and the covering of rams’ skins dyed red, and the covering of badgers’ skins, and the screening veil;
agbogbalẽ siwo wode ama dzĩi hena agbadɔ la tame kple eƒe axawo kple xɔmenuwo;
35 the ark of the testimony, with its staves, —and the propitiatory;
nubablaɖaka la, Se Ewoawo le eme; atiawo hena nubablaɖaka la kɔkɔ, amenuveteƒe la;
36 the table all its utensils, and the Presence-bread;
kplɔ̃ la kple eŋunuwo katã; ŋkumeɖobolo la;
37 the pure lampstand the lamps thereof the lamps to be put in order, and all the utensils thereof, —and the oil for giving light;
sikakaɖiti la, akaɖigbɛawo, wo ŋunuwo kple ami;
38 and the altar of gold, and the oil of anointing, and the fragrant incense, —and the screen for the opening of the tent;
Sikavɔsamlekpui la, ami sisi la, Dzudzɔdonu ʋeʋĩ la, agbadɔnuvɔ la;
39 the altar of bronze and the grating of bronze which pertaineth thereto, the staves thereof, and all the utensils thereof, —the laver, and its stand,
Akɔblivɔsamlekpui la, akɔblidzrala la; atiawo kple wo ŋunuwo katã; tsileze la kple eƒe zɔ;
40 the hangings of the court its pillars and its sockets, and the screen for the gate of the court, its cords and its pins, —and all the utensils for the service of the habitation for the tent of meeting;
Xɔxɔnu la ŋu ƒe avɔwo kple woƒe tsyotiwo, xɔxɔnu la ƒe agbonuvɔwo, kpɔtiawo; woƒe zɔwo, woƒe kawo kple gatagbadzɛawo; nu siwo katã ŋu dɔ wowɔ le agbadɔ la tutu me.
41 them cloths of variegated stuff, for ministering in the sanctuary, —the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons for ministering as priests.
Emegbe la, wotsɔ awu nyui siwo wotɔ be woado hena subɔsubɔdɔwo wɔwɔ, nunɔla Aron kple via ŋutsuwo ƒe awu kɔkɔewo hena subɔsubɔwo wɔwɔ le Kɔkɔeƒe la.
42 According to all that Yahweh commanded Moses, so, did the sons of Israel make all the work.
Ale Israelviwo wɔ dɔ blibo la pɛpɛpɛ abe ale si Yehowa ɖo na Mose ene.
43 And Moses looked upon all the structure and lo! they had made it, as Yahweh had commanded, so, had they made it, —and Moses blessed them.
Mose lé ŋku ɖe dɔ blibo la ŋu. Eyra ameawo, elabena wowɔ dɔ blibo la ɖe ale si Yehowa ɖo nɛ la nu pɛpɛpɛ.

< Exodus 39 >