< Exodus 33 >

1 Then spake Yahweh unto Moses—Get thee away, go up from hence, thou, and the people whom thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt, —into the land of which I sware to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob, saying, To thy seed, will I give it;
Yehowa gblɔ na Mose be, “Kplɔ ame siwo nèkplɔ tso Egipte la, yi anyigba si ŋugbe medo na Abraham, Isak kple Yakob la dzi, elabena megblɔ be, ‘Matsɔ anyigba sia ana miaƒe dzidzimeviwo.’
2 And I will send before thee a messenger, -and will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite;
Madɔ Mawudɔla aɖe ɖa wòakplɔ mi, eye manya Kanaantɔwo, Amoritɔwo, Hititɔwo, Perizitɔwo, Hivitɔwo kple Yebusitɔwo ɖa le anyigba la dzi.
3 into a land flowing with milk and honey, —for I will not go up in thy midst in that a stiff-necked people, thou art, lest I consume thee in the way.
Enye anyigba aɖe si dzi ‘notsi kple anyitsi bɔ ɖo.’ Ke nyemazɔ kpli mi o, elabena mienye dukɔ kɔlialiatɔwo kple setemanɔlawo, eye mava di be matsrɔ̃ mi le mɔa dzi.”
4 And when the people heard these evil tidings, they afflicted themselves, —and they put not, any man, his ornaments upon him.
Esi ameawo se ŋɔdzinya siawo la, wode asi konyifafa me, eye woɖe woƒe sikanuwo kple atsyɔ̃ɖonuwo da ɖi.
5 Then said Yahweh unto Moses—Say unto the sons of Israel, Ye, are a stiff-necked people, in one moment—if I should go up in thy midst, should I make an end of thee, —Now, therefore lay down thine ornaments from off thee, that I may see what I must do with thee.
Yehowa gblɔ na Mose be wòagblɔ na Israelviawo be, “Mienye aglãdzelawo kple kɔlialiatɔwo. Ne menɔ mia dome aɖabaƒoƒo ɖeka pɛ gɔ̃ hã la, matsrɔ̃ mi. Miɖe miaƒe sikanuwo kple atsyɔ̃ɖonuwo da ɖi va se ɖe esime maɖo kpe nu si mawɔ kpli mi la dzi.”
6 So then the sons of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments, [and moved on] from Mount Horeb.
Ale le nu sia megbe la, Israelviwo megado sikanu aɖeke le Horeb.
7 And, Moses, proceeded to take a tent, and pitch it by itself outside the camp, afar off from the camp, and he called it, The Tent of Meeting, —and so it came to pass that whosoever was seeking Yahweh went out unto the tent of meeting, which was on the outside of the camp.
Mose tua agbadɔ la ɣe sia ɣi ɖe adzɔge ʋĩi tso asaɖa la gbɔ. Ena ŋkɔe be, “Agbadɔ Hena Gododo Mawu.” Ame sia ame si di be yeaƒo nu kple Yehowa la yia afi ma.
8 And it came about, that, when Moses went out unto the tent, all the people used to rise up, and station themselves every man at the opening of his tent, —and they watched Moses, until he entered the tent.
Ne Mose yina agbadɔ la gbɔ la, ameawo katã tsia tsitre ɖe woƒe agbadɔwo nu, eye wonɔa Mose kpɔm va se ɖe esime wòaɖo agbadɔ la nu.
9 And it came to pass that when Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud came down, and stood at the opening of the tent, —and spake with Moses.
Ne ege ɖe agbadɔ la me la, lilikpo dodo aɖe ɖiɖina va nɔa agbadɔ la nu le esime Mawu ƒoa nu kple Mose.
10 And when all the people beheld the pillar of cloud, standing at the opening of the tent, then all the people rose up and bowed themselves down, every man at the entrance of his tent.
Ekema ameawo katã doa gbe ɖa eye wodea ta agu na lilikpo la le woƒe agbadɔwo nu.
11 Thus Yahweh used to speak unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend, —and when he returned unto the camp, his attendant Joshua son of Nun, a young man, moved not from the midst of the tent.
Yehowa ƒoa nu kple Mose ŋkume kple ŋkume le Mawu ƒe agbadɔ la me abe ale si xɔlɔ̃ ƒoa nu kple xɔlɔ̃ ene. Le esia megbe la, Mose trɔna vaa asaɖa la me, ke Yosua, Nun ƒe viŋutsu, ɖekakpui si kpena ɖe eŋu la, nɔa agbadɔ la me.
12 Then said Moses, unto Yahweh, See! thou art saying unto me—Take up this people, and yet thou hast no let me know whom thou wilt send with me, —though thou thyself, didst say—I acknowledge thee by name, Yea, moreover, thou hast found favour in mine eyes.
Mose gblɔ na Yehowa le agbadɔ la me be, “Ègblɔna nam be, ‘Kplɔ dukɔ sia yi Ŋugbedodonyigba la dzi.’ Ke mègblɔ ame si nàɖo ɖa kplim la nam o. Ègblɔ be yenyam kple nye ŋkɔ, eye yeƒe amenuveve la li kplim.
13 Now, therefore, if, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, let me know, I beseech thee, thy way, that I may acknowledge thee, to the intent I may find favour in thine eyes, —see thou, therefore, that this nation is thine own people.
Ne esia le eme alea pɛpɛpɛ la, ekema meɖe kuku, fia wò mɔwom ale be mase wò ɖoɖowo gɔme, eye mawɔ nu si adze ŋuwò. Ɖo ŋku edzi be yeƒe dukɔe nye dukɔ sia.”
14 So then he said, —Mine own presence, shall go on thus will I give thee rest.
Yehowa ɖo eŋu be, “Nye ŋutɔ mayi kpli mi, eye mana nu sia nu nadze edzi na mi.”
15 And he said unto him, If thy presence is not going on, do not take us up from hence.
Mose xɔ edzi be, “Ne mèle yiyi ge kpli mí o la, ekema mègana míaɖe afɔ ɖeka tso afi sia o.
16 Whereby, indeed, shall it be known then that I have found favour in thine eyes, I, and thy people? Shall it not be, by thy going on with us? So shall we be more distinguished, I, and thy people, than any people that are on the face of the ground.
Ne mèyi kpli mí o la, ame kae akpɔ be wò amenuveve li kplim kple nye amewo? Ame kae akpɔ be míeto vovo tso dukɔ bubu ɖe sia ɖe si le anyigba dzi la gbɔ?”
17 Then said Yahweh unto Moses: Even this thing, which thou hast spoken, will I do—For thou hast found favour in mine eyes, And I have acknowledged thee by name.
Yehowa ɖo eŋu na Mose be, “Ɛ̃, mawɔ nu si nèbia la na wò, elabena vavã, nye amenuveve le dziwò, eye menya wò kple wò ŋkɔ.”
18 And he said, —Show me, I pray thee, thy glory.
Mose bia Mawu be wòana yeakpɔ eƒe ŋutikɔkɔe.
19 And he said, —I, will cause all my goodness to pass before thee. And will proclaim myself by the name Yahweh, before thee, And will show favour, unto whom I may show favour, And will have compassion on whom I may have compassion.
Yehowa ɖo eŋu be, “Mana nye ŋutikɔkɔe nato wò ŋkume ayi. Maɖe gbeƒã nye ŋkɔ Yehowa kple eƒe gɔmesese le ŋgɔwò. Mevea ame si nu medi be mave la nu, eye mekpɔa nublanui na ame si medi be makpɔ nublanui na.
20 But he said—Thou canst not see my face, For no son of earth can see me, and live
Ke màkpɔ nye ŋkume ya o, elabena ame aɖeke makpɔ nye ŋkume, eye wòaganɔ agbe o.
21 And Yahweh, said, Lo! a place near me, —So then thou shalt station thyself upon the rock:
Tsi tsitre ɖe agakpe sia dzi le gbɔnye.
22 And it shall be while my glory passeth by, I will put thee in the cleft of the rock, —and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
Ne nye ŋutikɔkɔe tso eme va yina la, matsɔ wò ade agakpe la tome. Matsɔ nye asi atsyɔ dziwò va se ɖe esime matso eme.
23 Then will I take away my hand, and thou shalt see behind me, But, my face, must not be seen.
Ekema maɖe nye asi ɖa, eye nàkpɔ yonyeme. Màkpɔ nye ŋkume ya o.”

< Exodus 33 >