< Exodus 22 >

1 When a man stealeth an ox or a sheep, and slayeth it, or selleth it, with five of the herd, shall he make good—for the ox, or with four of the flock, for the sheep.
Kama mwanaume akiiba ng'ombe aua kondoo na kumuua au kumuuza, kisha lazima alipe ng'ombe watano au ng'ombe mmoja, na kondoo wanne kwa mmoja.
2 If, in the place of breaking in, the thief be found and he is smitten so that he dieth, there is due for him no shedding of blood:
Kama mwizi akikutwa anavunja ndani, na kama akipigwa na kufa, hakutakuwa na hatia ya mauaji hayatakuwa juu ya mtu yeyote.
3 should the sun have arisen upon him, there would be shedding of blood due for him, —he is surely to make restitution, if he hath nothing, then is he to be sold, for his theft.
Lakini kama jua limechomoza kabla ya yeye kuvunja ndani, hatia ya mauaji itakuwa juu ya aliyemuua. Mwizi lazima afanya alipe alichoiba. Kama hana chochote, kisha lazima auzwe kwa uwizi wake.
4 If the thing stolen is found in his hand—whether ox or ass or sheep, alive, with two, shall he make restitution.
Kama mnyama amekutwa hai eneo lake, kama ni ng'ombe, punda, au kondoo, lazima alipe mara mbili.
5 When a man causeth a field or a vineyard to be depastured, or hath sent in his own cattle and stripped the field of another, he shall, surely make restitution, out of his own field, according to the yield thereof; or if, all the field, he depasture, with the best of his own field, or with the best of his own vineyard, shall he make restitution.
Kama mwanaume akiwapeleka malishoni mifugo yake au shamba la mizabibu na akawaachia wanyama wake, na kawa wanakula shambani mwa mwanaume mwengine, lazima afanye malipo bora kutoka shambani mwake na shamba lake la mizabibu.
6 When a fire breaketh out and hath come upon thorns and so there is consumed a stack of sheaves, or the standing corn, or the field, he that kindled the fire, shall surely make restitution.
Kama moto ukitokea na kusambaa kwenye miba hadi mbegu, au mimea, au shamba kuteketezwa, yeye aliye anzisha moto lazima afanye malipo.
7 When a man giveth unto his neighbour silver or jewelry, to keep, and it is stolen out of the house of the man:
Kama mwanaume akitoa pesa au mali kwa jirani yake amtunzie, na kama itaibiwa nyumbani mwa huyo mwanaume, kama mwizi akipatikana, huyo mwizi lazima alipe mara mbili.
8 if the thief be found, he shall give in restitution double, if the thief be not found, then shall the owner of the house be brought near unto God to swear that he hath not laid his hand on the property of his neighbour.
Lakini kama mwizi asipo patikana, kisha mmiliki wa nyumba ata kuja mbele za waamuzi kuona kama ameeka mkono wake kwenye mali za jirani yake.
9 For any affair of trespass—for an ox, for an ass, for a sheep, for a mantle for anything lost as to which one could say—This is it, unto God, shall come the affair of them both, —he whom God shall condemn, shall make restitution of double to his neighbour.
Kwa kila lumbano kuhusu jambo, kama ni ng'ombe, punda, kondoo, nguo, au chochote kilichopotea mtu anacho sema, “Hichi ni changu,” malalamiko ya pande zote lazima zije kwa waamuzi. Mwanaume ambaye waamuzi wanamkuta na hatia ata lipa mara mbili kwa jirani yake.
10 When a man delivereth unto his neighbour, an ass, or an ox or a sheep, or any beast, to keep, —and it dieth or is fractured, or is driven away, no one beholding,
Kama mwanaume akimpa jirani yake punda, ng'ombe, kondoo, au mnyama yeyote kumuhifadhia, na kama akifa au kuumia au akibebwa pasipo mtu kumuona,
11 the oath of Yahweh, shall come between them both, That he hath not laid his hand on the property of his neighbour, —then shall the owner thereof accept it and he shall not make restitution.
kiapo kwa Yahweh lazima wafanye wote wawili, kama ndio au hapana mtu ameeka mkono wake kwenye mali ya jirani yake. Mmiliki lazima akubali hili, na mwengine hatafanya malipo.
12 But, if it be verily stolen, from him, he shall make restitution to the owner thereof.
Lakini kama iliibwa kwake, mwengine lazima afanye malipo kwa mmiliki kwa ajili yake.
13 If it be, verily torn in pieces, he shall bring it in as a witness—for that which was torn, he shall not make restitution.
Kama mnyama alikatwa vipande, acha mwanaume mwengine alete huyo mnyama kama ushahidi. Hatalipa kwa ajili ya vile vipande.
14 And when a man asketh aught of his neighbour, and it is fractured or dieth, its owner, not being with it, he shall, surely make restitution.
Kama mwanaume akiazima mnyama kutoka kwa jirani yake na mnyama akajeruhia au akafa pasipo mmiliki kuwa naye, mwanaume mwengine lazima afanya malipo.
15 If, its owner, was with it, he shall not make restitution, —if it is, hired, it cometh into its hire.
Lakini kama mmiliki alikuwa nae, mwanaume mwengine haitaji kulipa; kama mnyama aliazimwa, atalipwa kwa gharama ya kuazima.
16 And, when a man enticeth a virgin who is not betrothed, and lieth with her, he shall, surely pay a purchase-price, that she may be his wife.
Kama mwanaume akimtongoza bikra ambaye hana mchumba, na kama akilala naye, lazima amfanye kuwa mke wake kwa kulipa gharama za bibi arusi zinazo stahili.
17 If her father utterly refuse, to give her to him, silver, shall he weigh out, according to the purchase-price of virgins.
Kama baba yake akikataa kabisa kumpatia, lazima alipe hela inayo lingana na gharama za bibi arusi bikra.
18 A sorceress, shalt thou not suffer to live.
Hautamwacha mchawi kuishi.
19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.
Yeyote atakaye lala na mnyama lazima auawe.
20 He that sacrificeth to the gods shall be devoted to destruction, —except [he sacrificeth] to Yahweh alone.
Yeyote atakaye toa dhabihu kwa mungu mwengine isipo kuwa Yahweh lazima auawe.
21 And, a sojourner, shalt thou not tread down neither shalt thou drive him away, —for sojourners, ye became in the land of Egypt.
Hauta mkosea mgeni au kumnyanyasa, kwa kuwa ninyi mlikuwa wageni katika nchi ya Misri.
22 Neither widow nor fatherless, shalt thou humiliate:
Hauruhusiwi kumtendea vibaya mjane au mtoto asiye kuwa na baba.
23 if thou, do humiliate, him, when he in anywise crieth out unto me, I will, surely hear, his outcry:
Ukiwadhuru ata kidogo, na kama wakiniita mimi, hakika nitasikia sauti yao.
24 so shall kindle mine anger, and I will slay you with the sword, —and your wives, shall become widows, and your, sons fatherless.
Hasira yangu itawaka, na nitakuua kwa upanga; wake zenu watakuwa wajane, na watoto wenu pasipo baba.
25 If, silver, thou wilt lend unto my people—unto the humbled one by thee, thou shalt not be to him like one that lendeth on interest, —thou shalt not lay upon him interest.
Ukiazima hela kwa watu wangu walio maskini, haupaswi kuwa kama anaye kopesha hela kwake au kutoza faida.
26 If thou, do take in pledge, the mantle of thy neighbour, by the going in of the sun, shalt thou restore it to him;
Ukichukuwa vazi la jirani yako kwa deni, lazima umrudishie kabla jua kuzama,
27 for that is his only covering, that, is his mantle, for his skin, —wherein shall he sleep? and it shall come to pass when he maketh outcry unto me, then will I hear because, gracious, I am.
kwa kuwa hilo ndilo funiko lake, ni vazi la mwili wake. Nini tena ambacho anaweza kulalia? Atakapo niita mimi, nitasikia, kwa kuwa mimi ni mwenye huruma.
28 God, shalt thou not revile, —and a prince among thy people, shalt thou not curse.
Usinikufuru mimi, Mungu, wala kumtukana mtawala wa watu wako.
29 Thy fulness and thine outflow, shalt thou not delay, —the firstborn of thy sons, shalt thou give to me.
Husizuie sadaka kutoka kwenye mavuno yako au kwenye hifadhi ya mvinyo wako. Lazima unipe mzaliwa wa kwanza wa wana wako.
30 Thus, shalt thou do with thine ox with thy sheep, —seven days, shall it be with its dam, on the eighth day, shalt thou give it to me.
Lazima ufanye hivyo hivyo kwa ng'ombe na kondoo wako. Kwa siku saba lazima wabaki na mama zao, lakini siku ya nane lazima unipe mimi.
31 Holy men, therefore shall ye truly become to me, —and flesh in the field torn to pieces, shall ye not eat, to the dogs, shall ye cast it.
Mtakuwa watu walio tengwa kwa ajili yangu. Hivyo hamtakula nyama iliyo uliwa na wanyama porini. Badala yake, uwatupie mbwa.

< Exodus 22 >