< Exodus 13 >

1 And Yahweh spake unto Moses, saying:
Perwerdigar Musagha:
2 Hallow to me every firstborn, that which any female first beareth among the sons of Israel, among men and among beasts, —mine! it is.
— Israillar arisida baliyatquning barliq tunji erkek méwisini, meyli u insanning yaki haywanning bolsun, Manga atap muqeddes qilghin; u Manga mensuptur, dégenidi.
3 And Moses said unto the people—[Ye are] to remember this day, on which ye came forth out of Egypt out of the house of slaves, that with strength of hand, did Yahweh bring you forth from hence, —there shall not, therefore be eaten anything leavened.
Musa xelqke mundaq dédi: — Siler Misirdin ibaret «qulluq makani»din chiqqan bu künni yad étinglar; chünki Perwerdigar silerni bu yerdin qudretlik qoli bilen chiqardi. Buning üchün héch boldurulghan nerse yéyilmisun.
4 To-day, are, ye, coming forth, —in the month Abib.
Abib éyining bügünki küni yolgha chiqqan kün.
5 And it shall be, when Yahweh shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite, and the Hivite and the Jebusite, which he sware to thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, then shalt thou serve with this service, in this month.
Emdi Perwerdigar sanga bérishke ata-bowiliringgha qesem qilghan, süt bilen hesel éqip turidighan zémin’gha, yeni Qanaaniy, Hittiy, Amoriy, Hiwiy we Yebusiylarning zéminigha séni élip barghinida mushu [Abib] éyida shu ibadetni tutqin.
6 Seven days, shalt thou eat unleavened cakes, —and on the seventh day, [shall be] a festival to Yahweh.
Yette kün’giche pétir nan yenglar; yettinchi künide Perwerdigargha alahide atighan héyt ötküzülsun.
7 Unleavened cakes, shall be eaten for the seven days, —neither shall there be seen with thee anything leavened, nor shall there be seen with thee leaven, within any of thy bounds,
Yette kün ichide pétir nan yéyilsun; silerning aranglarda héchqandaq boldurulghan nan tépilmisun we ya chégriliring ichide héch xémirturuchmu körünmisun.
8 And thou shalt tell thy son, on that day, saying, —[This is] because, of that which Yahweh did for me, when he brought me forth out of Egypt.
Shu küni sen öz oghlunggha: «Misirdin chiqqinimda Perwerdigarning manga körsetken iltipatini yad qilip teshekkur bildürüsh üchün, bu [héytni] ötküzimen», dep chüshendürgin.
9 And it shall be to thee for a sign upon thy hand and for a memorial between thine eyes, in order that the law of Yahweh may be in thy mouth, —for with a strong hand, did Yahweh bring thee forth out of Egypt.
Perwerdigarning qanun-telimining hemishe aghzingdin chüshmesliki üchün, bu belgilimini qolunggha belge qilip séliwal, péshanengge qashqidek esletme qilip ornitiwal; chünki Perwerdigar séni qudretlik qoli bilen Misirdin chiqardi.
10 So shalt thou observe this statute in its appointed time, —from year to year.
Emdi bu belgilimini yilmu-yil békitilgen waqtida tutqin.
11 And it shall be when Yahweh shall bring thee into the land of the Canaanite, as he sware to thee and to thy fathers, —and shalt give it thee,
Perwerdigar sen bilen ata-bowiliringgha qilghan qesimi boyiche séni Qanaaniylarning zéminigha élip bérip, uni sanga teqdim qilghandin kéyin, shundaq qilishing kérek: —
12 that thou shalt set apart whatsoever is born first, to Yahweh; and, of all firstlings of beasts which thou shalt have, the males, shall pertain to Yahweh.
barliq baliyatquning tunji méwisini Perwerdigargha atap sunisen; shundaqla charpay mélingning hemme tunji erkeklirimu Perwerdigargha mensup bolsun.
13 But every firstling of an ass, shalt thou redeem with a lamb or if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break its neck, —but every firstborn of men among thy sons, shalt thou redeem.
Emma ésheklerning hemme tunjilirining ornigha birdin qoza bergin. Eger uning ornigha birnerse bermiseng, uning boynini sunduruwetkin. Oghulliringlar arisida barliq tunjilirining ornigha hörlük bedili tölüshüng kérek.
14 And it shall be when thy son shall ask thee in time to come, saying, What is this? Then shalt thou say unto him: With strength of hand, did Yahweh bring us forth out of Egypt out of the house of slaves.
Kéyinki künlerde oghlung sendin: «buning menisi némidur», dep sorisa, sen uninggha jawab bérip: «Perwerdigar qudretlik qoli bilen bizni Misirdin chiqirip, «qulluq makani»din azad qildi.
15 And it came to pass when Pharaoh had shown himself too hardened to let us go, then did Yahweh slay every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of men even unto the firstborn of beasts. For this cause, am, I, sacrificing to Yahweh whatsoever is born first, of the males, and every firstborn of my sons, must I redeem.
Shundaq boldiki, Pirewn boyni qattiqliq qilip bizni qoyup bérishni ret qilghinida, Perwerdigar Misir zéminidiki barliq tunji tughulghanlarni, insanning bolsun, malning bolsun, hemmisini urup öltürdi; buning üchün men malning baliyatqusining tunji méwisini, yeni hemme tunji tughulghan erkeklirini Perwerdigargha atap qurbanliq qilip sunimen we oghullirimning herbir tunjiliri üchün hörlük bedili tölep bérimen», dep éytqin.
16 And it shall be for a sign upon thy hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes, —that, with strength of hand, did Yahweh bring us forth out of Egypt.
Bu belgilimini qolunggha [esletme-]belge qilip séliwal, péshanengge qashqidek esletme qilip ornitiwal, chünki Perwerdigar qudretlik qoli bilen bizni Misirdin chiqardi» — dégin.
17 And it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead by the land-way of the Philistines, although it was near, —for God said—Lest the people be dismayed when they see war and turn back to Egypt.
Emma Pirewn xelqni kétishke qoyghandin kéyin, Filistiylerning zéminidiki yol yéqin bolsimu, Xuda ularni shu yol bilen bashlimidi; chünki u: «xelqim jengge uchrap qalsa, qorqup pushayman qilip, Misirgha yénip kétishi mumkin» dep oylighanidi.
18 So God took the people round the desert-way of the Red Sea, —and the sons of Israel went up armed, out of the land of Egypt.
Shu sewebtin Xuda xelqni aylandurup, Qizil Déngiz tereptiki chölning yoli bilen bashlap mangdi. Shundaq qilip Israillar Misirdin chiqqinida, qorallinip jengge teyyar bolup tertip bilen mangdi.
19 And Moses took the bones of Joseph, with him, —for he had, taken an oath, of the sons of Israel saying, God will, surely visit, you, so then ye shall carry up my bones from hence with you.
Musa Yüsüpning söngeklirinimu bille éliwaldi; chünki Yüsüp eslide Israilning oghulliri bolghan [qérindashlirini]: «Xuda choqum silerni yoqlap halinglardin xewer alidu; shu chaghda siler méning söngeklirimni mushu yerdin bille élip kétinglar» dep qesem qildurghanidi.
20 And they brake up from Succoth, —and encamped in Etham, at the edge of the desert.
Andin ular Sukkottin chiqip, chölning chétidiki Étam dégen yerde chédirlirini tikti.
21 Now, Yahweh, was going before them—by day, in a pillar of cloud to lead them the way, and by night, in a pillar of fire to give them light, —that they might journey day and night:
Emdi Perwerdigar ulargha yol körsitishke kündüzi bir bulut tüwrükide, kéchisi yoruqluq bérishke ot tüwrükide bolup ularning aldida yüretti. Shuning bilen ular kéche-kündüz yol yüreleytti.
22 the pillar of cloud by day ceased not, nor the pillar of fire by night, —from before the people.
Bulut tüwrüki kündüzi, ot tüwrüki kéchisi xelqtin ayrilmay, aldida yüretti.

< Exodus 13 >