< Esther 1 >

1 And it came to pass, in the days of Ahasuerus, —the same, Ahasuerus that reigned from India even unto Ethiopia, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces:
Kwasekusithi ngensuku zikaAhasuwerusi, uAhasuwerusi lo owabusa kusukela eIndiya kuze kube seEthiyophiya, izabelo ezilikhulu lamatshumi amabili lesikhombisa,
2 in those days, —when King Ahasuerus was sitting on the throne of his kingdom, which was in Shusan the palace;
ngalezonsuku lapho inkosi uAhasuwerusi wahlala esihlalweni sobukhosi sombuso wakhe esasiseShushani isigodlo,
3 in the third year of his reign, he made a banquet unto all his rulers, and his servants, —the power of Persia and Media, the nobles and the rulers being before him;
ngomnyaka wesithathu wokubusa kwakhe wenzela iziphathamandla zakhe lenceku zakhe zonke idili. Amandla ePerisiya leMede, izinduna lababusi bezabelo babephambi kwakhe,
4 when he showed the riches of the glory of his kingdom, and the splendour of his excellent majesty, many days, a hundred and eighty days;
lapho etshengisa inotho yenkazimulo yombuso wakhe lobugugu bobuhle bobukhulu bakhe insuku ezinengi, insuku ezilikhulu lamatshumi ayisificaminwembili.
5 that, when these days were fulfilled, the king made—for all the people that were present in Shusan the palace, both for great and small—a banquet, seven days, —in the court of the garden of the palace of the king:
Kwathi lezonsuku sezigcwalisekile, inkosi yenzela bonke abantu abatholakala eShushani isigodlo idili, kusukela komkhulu kusiya komncinyane, insuku eziyisikhombisa, egumeni lesivande sesigodlo senkosi.
6 white stuff, cotton and blue, being held fast with cords of fine linen and purple, upon rods of silver, and pillars of white marble, —the couches being of gold and silver, upon a pavement of alabaster and white marble, and pearl and black marble.
Kwakulamalembu amhlophe, amalembu acolekileyo, laluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, ebotshelwe ngentambo zelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu leziyibubende emasongweni esiliva lezinsikeni zelitshe le-alibasta. Imibheda yayingeyegolide lesiliva phezu kwendawo egandelwe ngamatshe abomvu, le-alibasta, lamapharele, lamnyama.
7 And they gave them drink in vessels of gold, vessels, from vessels, being diverse, —even the wine of the kingdom in abundance, by the bounty of the king.
Basebenathisa ngezitsha zegolide, lezitsha zaziyizitsha ezehlukeneyo, lewayini lesikhosini laba linengi njengokwesandla senkosi.
8 And, the drinking, was according to the law, no one compelling, —for, so, had the king appointed unto every chief of his household, that every man, should do according to his pleasure.
Lokunatha kwakungokomthetho, kungekho obamba ngamandla; ngoba ngokunjalo inkosi yayilayile kwabakhulu bonke bendlu yayo ukuthi benze njengokufisa komuntu lomuntu.
9 Also Vashti the queen, made a banquet for the women, —in the royal house which belonged to King Ahasuerus.
UVashiti indlovukazi laye wenzela abesifazana idili endlini yesikhosini inkosi uAhasuwerusi ayelayo.
10 On the seventh day, when merry was the heart of the king with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar and Carcas, the seven eunuchs who were waiting before King Ahasuerus, —
Ngosuku lwesikhombisa, inhliziyo yenkosi isithokozile ngewayini, yathi kuboMehumani, uBhizitha, uHaribona, uBhigitha, loAbhagitha, uZethari, loKarikasi, abathenwa abayisikhombisa ababesebenza phambi kwenkosi uAhasuwerusi,
11 to bring in Vashti the queen, with the royal crown, —to show the peoples and the rulers her beauty, for, of pleasing appearance, was she.
ukuthi balethe uVashiti indlovukazi phambi kwenkosi elomqhele wesikhosini, ukutshengisa abantu leziphathamandla ubuhle bakhe, ngoba wayekhangeleka kuhle.
12 But Queen Vashti refused to come in at the command of the king, which was given through the eunuchs, —and the king was exceeding wroth, and, his anger, burned within him.
Kodwa indlovukazi uVashiti yala ukubuya ngelizwi lenkosi elalingesandla sabathenwa. Ngakho inkosi yathukuthela kakhulu, lolaka lwayo lwavutha phakathi kwayo.
13 Then said the king unto the wise men having knowledge of the times, —for, so, was the manner of the king before all having knowledge of law and judgment;
Inkosi yasisithi kwabahlakaniphileyo ababesazi izikhathi (ngoba lalinjalo ilizwi lenkosi phambi kwabo bonke abaziyo umthetho lesahlulelo,
14 and, near unto him, were Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, Memucan, —the seven rulers of Persia and Media, who used to behold the face of the king, who sat first, in the kingdom—
lalabo ababeseduze layo babengoKarishena, uShethari, uAdimatha, uTarshishi, uMeresi, uMarisena, uMemukani, iziphathamandla eziyisikhombisa zePerisiya leMede, ezazibona ubuso benkosi, ezazihlala phambili embusweni):
15 According to law, what ought to be done, with Queen Vashti, —for that she hath not performed the command of King Ahasuerus, through the eunuchs?
Ngokomthetho kungenziwani ngendlovukazi uVashiti ngenxa yokuthi kayenzanga ilizwi lenkosi uAhasuwerusi ngesandla sabathenwa?
16 Then said Memucan before the king and the rulers, Not against the king alone, hath Vashti the queen acted perversely, —but against all the rulers, and against all the peoples, who are in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus.
UMemukani wasesithi phambi kwenkosi leziphathamandla: UVashiti indlovukazi wonile kungeyisikho enkosini kuphela, kodwa lakuziphathamandla zonke lebantwini bonke abasezabelweni zonke zenkosi uAhasuwerusi.
17 For the report of the queen, will go forth, unto all women, so putting contempt upon their lords, in their eyes, —when it is reported to them, King Ahasuerus, commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.
Ngoba isenzo sendlovukazi sizaphumela kubo bonke abesifazana, kuze kuthi badelele omkabo emehlweni abo, nxa besithi: Inkosi uAhasuwerusi watshela ukuthi kulethwe uVashiti indlovukazi phambi kwayo, kodwa kayizanga.
18 And, this day, shall the ladies of Persia and Media, who have heard the report of the queen, tell it, unto all the lords of the king, —with enough of contempt and wrath.
Yebo mhlalokho amakhosikazi ePerisiya leMede ezwe isenzo sendlovukazi azakuthi kuzo zonke iziphathamandla zenkosi, kube khona ukudelela lokuthukuthela okwedlulisayo.
19 If, unto the king, it seem good, let there go forth a royal declaration from before him, and let it be written among the laws of Persia and Media, so that it shall not pass away, —That Vashti, is not to come in, before King Ahasuerus, and, her royal estate, let the king give unto her neighbour, who is better than she.
Uba kulungile enkosini kakuphume umthetho wesikhosini kuyo, kakubhalwe emithethweni yamaPerisiya lamaMede, ongeguqulwe, ukuthi uVashiti kayikungena phambi kwenkosi uAhasuwerusi; inkosi inike-ke ubukhosikazi bakhe komunye onjengaye ongcono kulaye.
20 When the edict of the king which he shall make, is published throughout all his kingdom, for, great, it is, then, all wives, will give honour unto their lords, both great and small.
Usuzwakele umthetho wenkosi ezawenza embusweni wayo wonke (ngoba mkhulu) bonke abesifazana bazanika inhlonipho kubomkabo, kusukela komkhulu kusiya komncinyane.
21 And the thing seemed good in the eyes of the king, and the rulers, —and the king did according to the word of Memucan.
Njalo indaba yayilungile emehlweni enkosi leziphathamandla; inkosi yasisenza njengokwelizwi likaMemukani.
22 So he sent letters, into all the provinces of the king, into every province according to she writing thereof, and unto every people according to their tongue, —That every man should he ruler in his own house, and issue his commands, according to the tongue of his people.
Yasithumela izincwadi kuzo zonke izabelo zenkosi, kusabelo lesabelo njengombhalo waso, lakubo abantu labantu njengokolimi lwabo, ukuthi ileyo laleyondoda ibe ngumbusi endlini yayo, ikhulume njengokolimi lwabantu bakibo.

< Esther 1 >