< Esther 2 >

1 After these things, when the wrath of King Ahasuerus was appeased, he remembered Vashti, and what she had done, and what was decreed against her.
Pambuyo pake mtima wa Ahasiwero utatsika, Ahasiwero anakumbukira Vasiti ndi zimene anachita Vasitiyo. Anakumbukiranso lamulo lomukhudza limene anasindikiza.
2 Then said the young men of the king, who waited upon him, —Let them seek out for the king young virgins, of pleasing appearance;
Tsono anyamata a mfumu amene ankamutumikira anati, “Mfumu, akufunireni anamwali okongola.
3 and let the king appoint officers throughout all the provinces of his kingdom, and let them gather together every young virgin of pleasing appearance unto Shusan the palace, unto the house of the women, into the custody of Hegai eunuch of the king, keeper of the women, and let there be given the things needed for their purification;
Mfumu isankhe oyangʼanira pa chigawo chilichonse cha ufumu wake kuti abwere nawo pamodzi anamwali onse okongola ku nyumba yosungira akazi ku Susa. Hegai, mdindo wofulidwa wa mfumu, amene amayangʼanira amayi, akhale wosamalira anamwaliwa ndipo aziwapatsa mafuta odzola.
4 and, the maiden that is pleasing in the eyes of the king, let her be queen instead of Vashti. And the thing seemed good in the eyes of the king, and he did so.
Ndipo namwali amene mfumu yakondwera naye akhale mfumukazi mʼmalo mwa Vasiti.” Mfumu inakondwera ndi uphunguwu, ndipo inachita momwemo.
5 A certain Jew, there was, in Shusan the palace, —whose, name, was Mordecai, son of Jair, son of Shimei, son of Kish, a man of Benjamin;
Myuda wina wa fuko la Benjamini, dzina lake Mordekai, mwana wa Yairi, mwana wa Simei, mwana wa Kisi, anali mu mzinda wa Susa.
6 who had been exiled from Jerusalem, with the exiles who were carried away with Jeconiah king of Judah, —whom, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, exiled.
Iyeyu anali mmodzi mwa anthu amene anatengedwa ukapolo ndi Nebukadinezara mfumu ya ku Babuloni kuchokera ku Yerusalemu pamodzi ndi Yekoniya mfumu ya Yuda.
7 And it came to pass, that he was bringing up Hadassah, the same, was Esther, his uncle’s daughter, for she had neither father nor mother, —and, the maiden, was of beautiful form and pleasing appearance, and when her father and mother died, Mordecai took her for his own daughter.
Mordekai nʼkuti atalera Hadasa, amene ankatchedwanso Estere, mwana wamkazi wa amalume ake chifukwa analibe abambo kapena amayi. Mtsikanayu anali wokongola ndi wooneka bwino ndipo Mordekai ankamutenga ngati mwana wake weniweni pamene abambo ndi amayi ake anamwalira.
8 So it came to pass, when the king’s command and decree was heard, and there had been gathered together many maidens unto Shusan the palace, unto the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken into the house of the king, unto the custody of Hegai, keeper of the women;
Lamulo la mfumu atalilengeza ndi kubwera nawo pamodzi anamwali ambiri ku mzinda wa Susa kuti akasamalidwe ndi Hegai, Estere nayenso anatengedwa kupita naye ku nyumba ya mfumu kuti akasamalidwe ndi Hegai woyangʼanira nyumba yosungiramo akazi uja.
9 and the maiden was pleasing in his eyes, and she received lovingkindness before him, and he hastened to give her, the things needed for her purification, and things apportioned her, and to give her, seven select maidens, out of the house of the king, —and he removed her and her maidens to the best place in the house of the women.
Hegai anasangalatsidwa naye namwaliyo ndipo anamukomera mtima. Mosataya nthawi anamupatsa mafuta ake odzola ndi chakudya chapadera. Anamusankhiranso anamwali asanu ndi awiri a ku nyumba ya mfumu kuti azimutumikira, ndipo iye pamodzi ndi anamwali omutumikira aja anawapatsa malo abwino koposa mʼnyumba yosungira akazi.
10 Esther had not told of her people, nor of her kindred, —for, Mordecai, had laid charge upon her, that she should not tell.
Estere sanawulule mtundu wake ndi abale ake chifukwa Mordekai anamuletsa kutero.
11 And, throughout every day, Mordecai, used to walk to and fro, before the court of the house of the women, —to get to know the welfare of Esther, and what would be done with her.
Tsiku ndi tsiku Mordekai ankayendayenda pafupi ndi bwalo la nyumba yosungiramo akazi ija kuti adziwe za moyo wa Estere ndi kuti zinthu zikumuyendera bwanji.
12 Now, when the turn of each maiden came, to go in unto King Ahasuerus, after it had been done to her according to the law of the women for twelve months, for, so, were filled the days of their purification, —six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes, and with things for the purification of the women,
Tsono nthawi inkafika kuti namwali aliyense akaonekere kwa mfumu Ahasiwero, pakutha pa miyezi khumi ndi iwiri yomwe inakhazikitsidwa kuti amayi azidzikongoletsa. Pa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi ankadzola mafuta a mure ndipo pa miyezi isanu ndi umodzi inayo ankadzola zonunkhira ndi zokongoletsa.
13 then, indeed, the maiden came in unto the king, —whatsoever she might mention, was given her, to go with her, out of the house of the women up to the house of the king:
Ndipo namwali ankapita kwa mfumu motere: Ankaloledwa kutenga chilichonse angafune mʼnyumba yosungiramo akazi kupita nacho ku nyumba ya mfumu.
14 in the evening, she went in, and, in the morning, she returned—unto the second house of the women, unto the custody of Shaashgaz the king’s eunuch, who kept the concubines, —she went not in again unto the king, except the king delighted in her, and she were called by name.
Ankalowa madzulo kwa mfumu ndi kutuluka mmawa kupita ku nyumba ina yosungira akazi yomwe ankayangʼanira ndi Saasigazi, mdindo wofulidwa wa mfumu amene amayangʼanira akazi a mfumu. Namwali sankabwerera kwa mfumu pokhapokha amukomere mtima ndi kumuyitana potchula dzina lake.
15 But, when the turn came for Esther daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai—who had taken her as his own daughter—to go in unto the king, she requested nothing, save what Hegai the king’s eunuch who kept the women might direct, —but so it was, that Esther obtained favour in the eyes of all who beheld her.
Tsono inafika nthawi kuti Estere, mwana wamkazi wa Abihaili amenenso analeredwa ndi Mordekai amalume ake, alowe kwa mfumu. Iye sanapemphe kanthu kalikonse, koma anatenga zokhazo zimene ananena Hegai mdindo wofulidwa wa mfumu woyangʼanira nyumba yosungiramo akazi. Ndipo aliyense amene anamuona Estere, anasangalatsidwa naye.
16 So then Esther was taken unto King Ahasuerus, into his royal house, in the tenth month, the same, was the month Tebeth, —in the seventh year of his reign.
Anapita naye kwa mfumu Ahasiwero ku nyumba ya ufumu pa mwezi wa khumi, mwezi wa Tebete, chaka cha chisanu ndi chiwiri cha ufumu wake.
17 And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained favour and lovingkindness before him, above all the virgins, —so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen, instead of Vashti.
Ndipo mfumu inamukonda Estere koposa wina aliyense wa akazi aja, kotero inamukonda ndi kumukomera mtima koposa wina aliyense wa anamwali aja. Choncho anamumveka chipewa chaufumu pa mutu pake nakhala mfumukazi mʼmalo mwa Vasiti.
18 Then the king made a great banquet, for all his rulers and his servants, the banquet of Esther, —and, a remission, for all the provinces, made he, and gave a present, according to the bounty of a king.
Ndipo mfumu inakonza phwando lalikulu, phwando la Estere, kukonzera anthu olemekezeka ndi nduna zake zonse. Analamuliranso kuti anthu mʼzigawo zonse asapereke msonkho ndipo anapereka mphatso monga mwakukoma mtima kwa mfumu.
19 Now, when virgins were gathered together second time, then, Mordecai, was sitting in the gate of the king.
Anamwali atasonkhanitsidwa pamodzi, Mordekai anakhala pansi pa chipata cha mfumu.
20 Esther had not told of her kindred, nor her people, as, Mordecai, had laid charge upon her, —and, the command of Mordecai, Esther performed, like as when she was being brought up with him.
Koma Estere anali asanawululebe za mtundu wake ndi anthu a pa banja lake monga momwe analamulira Mordekai, chifukwa anapitirira kutsata malangizo a Mordekai monga ankachitira pamene ankamulera.
21 In those days, when, Mordecai, was sitting in the gate of the king, Bigthan and Teresh, two of the eunuchs of the king who guarded the threshold, were wroth, and sought to thrust a hand upon King Ahasuerus;
Pa nthawi imene Mordekai ankalondera pa chipata cha mfumu, Bigitana ndi Teresi, awiri mwa adindo ofulidwa amfumu, olondera pa khomo la nyumba yake, anayipidwa mtima ndipo anakonza chiwembu chofuna kupha mfumu Ahasiwero.
22 but the thing became known to Mordecai, who told it unto Esther the queen, —and Esther told it unto the king, in the name of Mordecai.
Koma Mordekai atazindikira za chiwembuchi anawuza mfumukazi Estere ndipo iye anakawuza mfumu mʼmalo mwa Mordekai.
23 And, when the thing was searched into and found [true], then were they two hanged upon the gallows, and it was written, in the book of the chronicles, before the king.
Ndipo pamene anafufuza za chiwembuchi kuti zinali zoona, adindo awiriwa anaphedwa monyongedwa. Zinthu izi zinalembedwa mʼbuku la Mbiri ndi kusungidwa ndi Mfumu.

< Esther 2 >